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Approved Droid NZ ZMDIII WB/1

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Manufacturer: N&Z EnSol
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Height: Small
Weight: Light
Size: Small

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Permissions: HPI [X], FAE [X]


  • Capable of aerial and space flight: These WB/1 drones are capable of maneuvring in both space and atmospheric conditions, making them both a versatile and efficient tool for several situations, be it defense of key land positions or as a deterrent in space combat.
  • Modular: Having several armament load outs make these drones quite versatile, with only the frame itself remaining the same, these different load outs do have distinction between themselves.
  • Remote control: These drones can either be remote controlled seperately by the user or in tandem via a computer or Control unit. Though they can operate purely individually or in group, they need to be assigned basic commands for longterm functionality.
  • Easily repaired and replaced: As these are drones, the WB series can individually all be replaced without it having much impact on the client's bottomline.
  • Compact: These drones are compact and light, allowing for easy transport and stowage.
  • Versatile: The WB drones can either be manually controlled, function automatically on basic commands or be coupled to a control unit. This versatility makes the WB useful in a whole range of situations and locations.
  • Practically non-existent defenses: Besides a standard shield system for immediate defense, the WB drones do not have the ability to withstand longterm sustained fire of any kind nor are they particularily well equipped to deal with damage from the majority of weapons.
  • Exposed hydraulic locking mechanism: the location where the drones stow and retract their weapons from, has its mechanism exposed, which can cause issues in extreme temperatures or when under heavy fire.
The N&Z has had a long history of strong, reliable droids. However, in recent years it appeared that with the rapid growth of other companies in the sector, not to mention the stagnating sales of droids and the aversion towards fielding large numbers of combat droids, the company had to strategise a new approach within this section of the military market.

N&Z EnSol conducted a large scale study and came to the conclusion that while the droid models of the N&Z were in fact in the upper echelons of the market, they also came with the added costs and increased maintainance fees and hours which made people turn away from the company's powerful line up of combat and security droids. As such, the EnSol division of the N&Z Umbrella Corporation concluded that perhaps a line up of smaller, simpler and more disposable droids was necessary.

The first part of this change in production and design came with the introduction of the ZMDIII QB/1 control unit model, but to fully capitalise on this new creation, the company also needed a range of small, compact droids with minimal autonomic function and with both the size and weight to make them easily transportable and deployable from any location. Affectionately called Drones, the newest design; the ZMDIII WB/1 would function as a subservient droid to the QB control unit, or as standalone security droids that could function in practically the same capacity as most standard issue combat droids, but with greater maneuvrability and lower cost.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: to create a small, drone-type droid
Permissions: N&Z Umbrella Corporation, FAE

Technical Information

Affiliation: N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Model: ZMDIII WB/1
Modular: Yes
Material: ersteel 145, carbonite, plasteel, tunqstoid, coldoan copper, electrum
Movement: Repulsorlift
Armaments: WB/1RB: NZ RF-600 Rotary Blaster Canon x1, frontal load out
WB/1PB: NZ-PBR.445 Plasma Blaster Rifle x2, carrier load out
WB/1SP: NZ LC-2A Laser Canon x1, frontal load out
FAE/S-06 Reactive Targeting Matrix
FAE/S-09 Active Harmonizing System
FAE/S-08 Small Arms Optical System
Droid Classification: Fourth Degree
Miscellaneous Equipment:

Proton Mk I Droid Brain
NZ T.o.P. 1 Tactical Order Package
NZ SSTC Type-II [Soft Slicer Technology Coupler]
NZ RAS-1 Missile Propulsion system
FAE/U-02 "Eleleth" Ultralight Propulsion System
Repulsor Lift
NZ MAM MkII Jet Maneuvring Gear
Datalink Receiver
FAE/S-05 ECM Array
Carbonite coated, ersteel 145 casing with plasteel moldings and tungstoid reinforcements
Hydraulic locking mechanism for weapon attachments
Remote control device.
Phase III "Force Avenger" Energy Shield
Coldoan copper wiring with electrum plating

Defense Rating: Average
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: Average
Sonic Resist: Low
Thermal Resist: Average
Radiation Resist: Average
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