Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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O, Jedi Where Art Thou? (Heavenshield)


[member="Mark Sage"] hadn't been lying. The Silver Jedi were real.

It was kind of amazing, in a way. And confusing to. A Jedi was a Jedi... but, as he started to get a little older, it was beginning to dawn on the young Nautolan that what wasn't so clear was an even more basic question.

What was a Jedi? What was it that made a Jedi... a Jedi?

It wasn't a lightsaber. The Sith used those. And the Tapani even dueled with lightfoils, and some of them weren't even able to use the Force.

There were Jedi Guardians, who were different from Sentinels, or Shadows, or Consulars. Even in those groupings, a Jedi Guardian was distinct from a Jedi Weaponmaster, or a Jedi Consular from a Jedi Healer. There was even the Jedi Service Corps for people who wanted to serve the Jedi, but not as Jedi Knights.

So just what was a Jedi?

The answer, it seemed, was blowing in the wind. Some answered with the Jedi Code, but that didn't really answer the question. Or maybe it did. Maybe the answer was that there wasn't an answer. And so people couldn't agree, because it wasn't so simple.

One of Zak's teachers said that a Jedi master had once said, 'Only the Sith deal in absolutes'. Zak hadn't passed that history test, but he thought the Jedi in question was Qui-Gon Kenobi. Or was it Ben Jinn? Or was this Yogurt, and Ben Jinn was the guy who said, 'Don't trust your eyes, they de-sleeve you'?

What did sleeves have to do with eyes?

Did that make any sense? No?

And adults wondered why history confused him.

Anyway, the young Nautolan had come to the Outer Rim planet Voss. Home to a group known as the Order of the Silver Jedi. It was a firsts of many for the young amphibian. Having been raised from infancy at the Academy on Ossus, the boy had merely heard stories of worlds beyond the borders of the Galactic Republic. Having been indoctrinated into the ways of Jedi by Grand Master [member="Corvus Raaf"]'s Order, when he thought of Jedi, he thought also of the Republic.

In many ways, the two concepts were inseparable for him. The Jedi were in the Republic and the Republic in the Jedi.

But this was different.

These people were different, and yet... these people were Jedi.

Zak didn't really understand it. And maybe he wasn't supposed to just yet. It simply was.

As part of his service in the exchange program, the Nautolan youngling was assisting with the toddlers in the nursery. One of the Jedi had described as learning humility, or service, or selfiessness. Which, Zak was often told he needed to learn selflessness, particularly when he got into fights because he wouldn't share his fete candy.

Bros before hoes, but candy was candy. He'd cut anyone who tried to get between him and chocolate.

...or he would if Master [member="Nefertari Sovint"] didn't keep the boy's training shoto locked down on low-power mode.

Which, when they say 'youngling-proof' on the cover of these modern training sabers? They're serious.

With a sigh, the Nautolan boy looked at the armful of blankets and squeeky toys in his arms.

When he thought of being a Jedi, he thought of racing starfighters... or dueling Darth Buckethead... or rescuing the princess of some far-flung planet of the Outer Rim.

Helping to change diapers?

Not so much, no.

[member="[URL=""]Théodred Heavenshield[/URL]"] @SJO​
[member="Zak Dymo"]​
This whole scenario was wrong. After Théo's escape from his parent's quarters here in the Temple of Voss, Théo had been incarcerated, in day care, by his father [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] .. of all people! He longed for the day to come where he would try to escape again, those big double doors leading to the outside world from the Silver Temple, beckoned to him, a call that would never be refused and one day, one day he will make it.

Now he sits among others, all manner children he cared little for. He looked over to a small group of girls, giggling and playing with dolls or something banal as that which just made his day more the worse. Babies crying, which was starting to give him a headache and even some boys around his age, doing their own thing.

Good, keep away. While he sat brooding, his sapphire blue eyes scanned the room, looking for some hope, anything to grab hold of for sanity sake, there simply had to be a way out of here.

While he was not looking at his toy, a small figure of a creature he did not know, but father had mentioned something about a place called Midvinter, one of the other captives, bored probably, grabbed it and claimed it as his own. Generally speaking Théo is not a cry baby, unless he feels pain, he more a doer .. a go getter, a thinker ...

And the chase was on, that boy was about to cop it.
The young Nautolan set the stack of blankets down, kneeling as the green-skinned amphibian began to distribute some recently cleaned toys back out to the toddlers. One in particular stood out to the boy. It was a Master Meiloorunhead.

He'd had a Master Meiloorunhead growing up on Ossus.

It was a simplistic toy. A roughly fruit shaped body that could be dressed up in a variety of attachments. Arms, legs, lightsaber. There was even a beard for Master Meiloorun, because for some reason everyone thought that a Jedi Master needed a beard. Even though not many Jedi Masters could really pull it off.

There was Master [member="Mak Manto"]'s beard, which was awesome. But he was Thisspiasian. He'd probably just look like a snake without his beard.

Master Corvus Raaf in particular would look rather strange with a beard, though now that he thought about it... the Nautolan tried to imagine himself with one. Jedi Master Zak Dymo. A rugged Guardian of the Republic, who wielded the mighty and legendary lightsaber Sithkicker! His enemies falling at his feet before his awesome mastery of awesome, and the majesty of his epic beard...

Then again, there was the minor inconvenience of the fact that Zak couldn't grow hair. He was aquatic, not arboreal. Even though it had been awhile since Zak had gotten to spend much time beneath the water. Maybe Voss had some oceans he could go explore.

For purely Jedi research.

The boy took a final look at the Meiloorun toy, before setting it down in the toy box for one of the toddler's to take. It was strange to look back now and recall that there was a time when Zak had loved that toy. And, yet, now when he thought about it he realized that he'd forgotten it. He'd just stopped thinking about it one day. Something that had been important to him had simply... ceased to be important.

Was that just the nature of growing up?

Picking up the blankets, the Nautolan stood back up and prepared to put those away next when a toddler suddenly collided with his leg, apparently on the run. Slammed into like a pin hit by a thirteen kilo bowling ball. The blankets went up, while Zak went down.

And the blankets?

They went everywhere.

[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]​
[member="Zak Dymo"]​
Hot pursuit! Théo was gaining on the felon that stole his wooden toy, so single minded he did not see a larger boy about to cross his path. Yes he is gaining and fast, soon he would tackle the felon and bring him to justice.

Suddenly, he hit a wall, or rather legs. Crunch! and Théo fell backward to the floor, looking up at the ceiling he is bewildered not understanding what had happened, only to see the ceiling darken as what he would discover to be blankets descending from the air which blanketed him entirely. Darkness, and Théo eyes widened in horror at the happening. He sat up still shrouded in blankets, his bottom lip began to quiver, wanting to cry out for his mum and dad, but not really sure what to do.

Instead Théo decided to fight his way out and so he began to crawl only to entangle further in the blankets. "Out!", he demanded to anyone that would listen to his plea. Getting no response, "Théo want out!", came a louder yell. Yet he struggled onward, getting nowhere fast.
Someone get the license plate on that star destroyer...

The young Nautolan's head came up, as a muffled sound reached his tendrils. Well, all sound was kind of muffled for him really. For starters, Zak didn't have ears. Second of all, sound traveled slower in air than in water and Nautolan's auditory senses were designed with liquid environments in mind.

"Théo want out!"

Okay, that sound wasn't really all that muffled.

Pushing himself up so that he was standing on his knees, the young amphibian looked around until he saw a blanket that appeared to now be moving on its own. Like the creature of the black lagoon, it undulated as though attempting to spawn form arms or legs. Reaching over, the boy scooted closer as he began the task of disentangling the blanket from the toddler that was viciously assaulting it.

And, lo and behold, there was a two year old.

A human or very near human creature, whose pale skin, dark hair, and vibrant eyes were reflected within the coal black eyes of the Nautolan. "Hi!" Zak offered the small youngling warmly.

[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]​
[member="Zak Dymo"]​
Help now appeared! or was it help? Maybe it was the thug of a boy that had stolen his toy come to 'clean up the loose ends'. But whoever it was did not do anything to harm him moreover it helped and before long, Théo saw the light of day once more. The light of the artificial light of his prison. As the last blanket pulled over his head to reveal his longish curly black hair, now messed up and sticking out in all manner of directions, Théo found the face of his savior.

But all he would see immediately was himself! two if him in fact as large as life in the boy's eyes. Théo widened his eyes as if to match him, not on purpose but more natural reaction, it took several moments before his eyes explored the rest of the boy's face, he had never in his life, as short as it is, seen anything like it and he did not know what he was looking at. There is no hiding the internal emotions of a child, they project them with honesty and Théo's face would be an open book.

He found the danglely things on the back of his head, he had seen similar things on one of the Jedi Knights, [member="Nima Tann"] it thought it to be, here in the temple although they looked more like she had legs growing out of her head, but she was Twi'lek and purple, but this guy had more of them .. coooool!

"Hi", finally came the return reply. Having possession of no manners at all, Théo failed to excuse his collision or inquire if the kid had been hurt. Instead he pointed to the felon. "My toy!".
They were fighting over a toy?

Welp. That seemed childish.

The Nautolan just blinked as it donned on him, this was a two year old. Plus, Zak had kinda been fighting with his best friend on Ossus just last week on ownership of a water blaster. But, that was totally different. For starters, the toy this kid was upset about was just a wooden... something. Zak and Gorti had been fighting for possession of a AquaTech 9000 repeating water blaster with super soaker detonator launch action. That was entirely different something, and something totally worth fighting for.

What did that have to do with this two year old?

Nothing! Let's get to the issue at hand...

Rather, this looked like a job for Super Secret Ultra Jedi Technique number 947. Or was it 974? Whatever. Sleight of hand, go!

The Master Meiloorun toy that the Nautolan had been admiring earlier levitated up into the air, hovering over near the green-skinned child in mid-air. At the same time, the wooden toy lifted from out of the other boy's hand, drifting across the room to orbit the fruit-shaped toy. The the two toys circled each other in the air, the Master Meiloorun came apart as the Nautolan telekinetically assembled, disassembled, and reassembled the toy through a series of orbits.

As he did, he held one hand behind his back. Amid a cloud of parts during a disassembly, the wooden toy float around behind the Nautolan to hide in the cup of his hand. Finally, the green-skinned amphibian reached up one hand to hold aloft the completed Master Meiloorun. "Ta-da!" he chirped in a sing-song voice.

Passing the Master Meiloorun to the small felon, the Nautolan allowed the toddler time in which to scurry off with his new prize before he slipped the wooden toy over to the dark haired boy. "Here you go," the Nautolan offered simply.

[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]​
[member="Zak Dymo"]

Theo felt hopeless, the felon had gotten away with the goods. But to his surprise all was not lost, although strange to his young eyes, as toys began floating in the air. He had seen things float in the air before this, he had seen objects float toward his mother and father as if they had called them. His mother had even made him float whenever he was about to fall in her presence but he lacked the understand how it was done, which is not reallly a surprise considering his age, but regardless it is a cool thing to be able to do. Spooky! but cool.

The felon clearly did not have much intelligence, duped into accepting some silly fruit thingy with parts to pull and push, what is the point of that! But no matter as Theo was handed his toy back, and he smiled up into the face of the young boy? Theo not sure what the boy was or even if he was a boy.

"Tanks", Theo said with gratitude as he inspected his treasure for damage which was a good thing or else!

Theo pocketed his prized possesion making sure no one would 'lift it' again. "Play?", he asked in hope that something anything would distract him from his hard done by situation and he wondered what the young boy had done to be here in prison as well. Must have been something bad considering the boy is older than he.
Super Secret Jedi Technique number nine hundred thirty.... something... Whatever.


The Nautolan beamed, smugly satisfied with himself for the results. The one toddler was waddling away with the Master Meiloorunhead, while the other toddler was thanking the young Jedi for his part in the re-capture of the treasured toy.

"No need to thank me, youngling," the green-skinned amphibian chirped brightly. Which, it wasn't every day that Zak got to call someone 'youngling'. He was usually the youngest Jedi around. "Being awesome is its own reward."

Yeah. He was humble like that.

Scooting forward on his knees, the young padawan began to gather up the blankets that had scattered about the room when he'd taken his tumble. As he gathered the articles back into his arms, he heard the smaller child say something about 'play'. Loosely folding the now rumpled cloths, the Nautolan set those back down on the floor as he looked back at the black-haired boy.

"Sure, I'll play."

After all, that was part of why he was here, wasn't it? At least, he hoped that was the case. If it was just for diaper changes, he was jumping out the window now and going straight to the One Sith. Not passing go. Not collecting 200 credits.

"What would you like to play?"

[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]​
[member="Zak Dymo"]​
Now these are the questions where one sits and contemplates, the origins of the galaxy could be answered with less thought and in shorter time, but what to play? There was no conceivible way Theo would bring out his treasured toy again, at least not today for fear of those that covert others possessions. No they could use the toys in the prison, germs and all, well there was no way the cleaning of them would get all of them and besides the kids here had already began to paw them with all manner of nasty. Not that Theo cared really, but maybe, just maybe this boy was his ticket out of here.

Theo looked at the door, the one he saw his father [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]'s back walked through a hour ago. Had it only been that long since his incarceration? the bars surrounding the smaller toddlers began to take on a whole new meaning, all they needed was a metal cup and the picture would be complete.

He would talk to his father later.

No the door was too obvious, he had to think and than his eyes found the air vent at floor level. Now that posed a new problem, how to get the grill off without the adults noticing. Surely this boy was here under arrest as well and would want nothing more than escape.

Pointing to the vent, "Hide and seek?". Yes that might work!
Hide and seek?

Sitting back, the young Nautolan rested cross-legged on the floor. One elbow was propped against the inside of his knee, as he rested his chin in the palm of one hand and looked down pensively at the smaller boy in front of him.

The large black eyes captured the toddler's image like a dark mirror. In the inky darkness, gray cloud-like formations swirled in an exotic kind of shadow and shadowplay. The Nautolan peered thoughtfully down at the youngling, then over at where the child seemed to be indicating.

Was he pointing to the wall as a spot from which to count?

No... this baby was up to something.

As the Nautolan's gaze focused on the section of wall, his eyes narrowed as he spied the ventilation grate.

Was he..?

No. He was just a baby... was TOTALLY something Zak would have done if their positions were reversed.​

Skeptically, the Nautolan's head swiveled back to regard the small toddler. "You're planning to escape, aren't you?" the boy noted.

"I'll have to catch you!" the boy exclaimed as he popped up. Rocking forward so that he was now standing on his knees, the larger youngling loomed over the small child as he stretched his arms out as though to grab at the child. "RAWR!"

[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]​
[member="Zak Dymo"]

It was fearsome, the rawr issuing from the boy, his arms spread wide made him look bigger, which is the whole point Théo supposed but one thing was clear to Théo, his boy was not going to aid his escape but was in cahoots! The adults had got to him, yes twisted his mind to do their foul bidding, and none of the children in the day care are safe. Théo knew what he had to do now, as a Jedi Padawan soon to be, he had to save them all!

Yes a ruse, those big eyes of the Nautolan that would melt the heart of any hardened being only a fascade to great evils. Théo would have to think on the run. And so he jumped up and ran. Which he was not all that good at, only recently gaining control of this ability to stand let alone run, still very much a learner. As he ran, looking for a place to hide, he noted several more rooms coming off the main area where the children are pent up. The ones in the barred enclosure lost causes, they looked down trodden, their will broken as they sat there staring off into space or the ceiling, just laying there shells empty of any life.

Then there was the thug, and his group he seemed to have enlisted under his command, plotting no doubt but Théo kept from him. He made for the toy box, and ran behind it to hide.

The rooms, a kitchen and a wash room. Hmmm, they would need further investigation. There simply has to be a way out.
The toddler was wobbly as he jumped up.

The Nautolan's menacing arms adjusted slightly, ready to catch the smaller youngling in case the boy was about to tumble. As shaky as the new walker was, he was off like the races!

That being the case, the sight of the boy waddling side-to-side as he ran brought an instant smile to the amphibian's face. He almost laughed, relaxing back as he watched the little human go. Except he was supposed to be chasing him.

So, he probably ought to start chasing.

Pushing himself up from the floor, the Nautolan bridged the gap between him and the playful toddler, arriving on the heels of the youngling as he ducked behind a toy chest. Creeping on his top-toes, the Nautolan peered over the top of the box, stretching his slender fingers down to tickle the child.

"Mwahahahahaha!" the Nautolan uttered, attempting his best villain laugh. Like from the Holos.

[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]​
[member="Zak Dymo"]

Théo let out a loud scream, he had been looking the wrong way waiting for the boy whom might be traitor. He turned to look up into the face of the Nautolan as he looked menacing and roared at Théo, his eyes widened at this sudden noise and it had become clear the boy is demented. Not only is he traitor to all things kids, but insane as well. But then Théo supposed it might be a natural trait of his species, who knew?!? Théo knew that is who.

You just can't find good help these days!. But how could Théo turn this big eyed berserker to advantage, he would have to wait, be patient like a Jedi and see if an opening would present itself.

Jumping up onto his feet once more, with all this activity of running quickly Théo found more control and strength in his legs. Being of Valkyri stock, he is much stronger than the average kid, five times their average and would increase as he grew older. So off once more, with a little more speed leaving the nutter behind him for now. Straight for the kitchen this time, some misguided adult had left the door open to Théo delight and he soon found himself running behind a cupboard in the center of the kitchen. Surveying the surroundings, nothing .. absolutely no way out of this wretched.

Crawling along the floor, Théo poked his head out around the cupboard, and waited. This time he hoped to see him coming.
The kitchen was eerily quiet.

The path to the doorway was clear, though there was no one to be seen. The sounds of babies crying or kids playing echoed from the adjacent rooms. Shadows on the wall betrayed the movement of adults, as caregivers gossiped among themselves while the younglings napped or played. It was as though the toddler had entered the Twilight Zone. An empty kitchen, a linoleum wasteland devoid of life.

Then, the sound of munching.

If the toddler scooted back to peer around from the other side of the cupboard, he would see the distinctive yellow container of a popular breakfast cereal. Toastios. Toasted whole grain oats that were small, circular, and extremely popular with young kids.

And older kids.

And Nautolans.

And were absolutely NOT a trademark infringement on the cereal you were thinking of just now.

The container was open. The yellow box teetering as though having been recently disturbed. But there was nothing to disturb it. There were a few Toastios on the floor, one moving as though having recently been dropped. But there was no sign of who ever or whatever would have done the dropping.

Perhaps this kitchen was not so empty after all.

[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]​
[member="Zak Dymo"]

Théo's force senses went on high alert. Although he had not a clue what the feeling was or what to do with them. He just knew he felt .. peculiar. Something or someone is coming to get him. That much was certain, and this young boy, whom he thought ally was a fiend! The sound of crunching filled Théo's ears as well, some ravenous creature chewing on an ill gotten gain. Oh so many being of ill repute here in this prison, which he supposed had to be expected. But not him! How could his father have left him here in this cesspit of degradation or souls of little moral?

Souls of little anything really, their brains void of thought or rather only for their next meal or nap. Théo had made up his mind once more, it was time to leg it out of here and made for that illusive vent. He knew now the bathroom would hold no avenue to freedom, beside what manner of nasty might be lurking in that place. He shuddered to think of it.

He jumped up, immediately saw the Nautolan boy named Zak, yes a friendly name, but what menace lay behind those big dark eyes. Eyes that would suck you in whole if you let them? Théo let out the loudest bellow he body and lungs could muster, in a hope to scare the boy or at least distract his mind while he got away. The roar came as he ran as fast as he could for the only way out, the kitchen door.

He made it! only just but he made it!

The grill on the wall, of so near but of so far away. It grew larger as he ran for it, with each pounding of his foot hope filled his heart, yes he will make it. And he did. His small hands gripped holed of the grill, fingers poking through and he pulled .. nothing. He tried again with all his might but the grill would not budge. But than, a sound that would make him pause just for a moment, a crack. It came from the grill! Théo is a strong child, four to five times the strength of his colleague, probably more stronger than the Nautolan lad, and so he pulled again, another crack and the grill began to move.

Joy and wonder!
I'm probably showing my age with this one...

Five-fourteen there's a three-twenty-seven in progress in sector twelve-nine. Unit One-Three-Seven is in pursuit.

Like the law enforcement of his imagination, the Nautolan saw the toddler make a break for the door.

On the run from the law.

Taking his chances, a boy on a lam.

But the denizens of the galaxy need not fear, for a protector of peace was here! Villains everywhere take flight, or else the Jedi Guardians would bring the fight!

Sprinting across the kitchen, the green-skinned amphibian stooped low as he prepared to pull off a snatch and grab on the waddling walker.

Just one problem: BALANCE.

Jedi typically talked about balance in the sense of there being a light side and a dark side, and the Force binding the universe together. Less common was discussion of how gravity, poise, and proper posture related to balance. All of which was the furthest thing from the Nautolan's mind.

"Gotch.... WHOA!" the boy blurted aloud, as he found his feet suddenly sliding out from under him as he slipped across the linoleum. As the toddler went running out of the kitchen, the Nautolan went sliding straight into the door jam. The boy gave a grunt as he smacked loudly against the molding.

This was why you weren't supposed to run indoors, kids.

Falling backward, the green padawan was laid out on the floor of the kitchen in a daze -- as visions of starfighters danced in his head. An arm shakily came up from the floor, as the boy half-heartedly boasted, " escape!"

[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]​
[member="Zak Dymo"]

He had lost the boy tailing him! Turning around to see if anyone was watching, no adults thank goodness, they are too busy with crying inmates. The only ones with their eye on Théo was the poor demented souls caged in that torturous contraption of a pen. A look in their eyes which told Théo to Go for it! Do it for us! We will cover for you! and as if in unison they all began to scream and cry .. and point? in his direction? Those blaggards!

With renewed angst to get out of here and quick, Théo pulled on the grill with all his might, straining under the process but the grill finally came free of it holdings. He fell back on his back, the wind in his lungs exploded outward but that was never enough to stop him... Never!

He turned on his side, and looked lovingly at this handiwork, but a noise from the kitchen soon had his attention back on the job. Théo scurried forward and into the vent, it is dark and cold, which did not worry him at the moment, and he entered it, with plenty of room to move, even the young Nautolan would be able to, so he had to get a move on if he was to get away from him. He had to wonder where this vent would lead, hopefully NOT to his father's Grand Master [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]'s office.

So sorry this post has taken ages.. :(
The small Nautolan rubbed the back of his head, his head-tails bouncing with the motion, as the child picked himself from off of the floor.

Blinking, the amphibious youngling peered around with his coal black eyes for any signs of the waddling renegade. When there seemed no sign of the toddler, the Nautolan had shifted around so that he was on his hands and knees as he peeked his head out of the kitchen. Had he run down toward the refresher? No.

What about the infant room? No, not there either.

The toy roo...

There was a ventilation grate open. The same grate that the toddler had pointed toward earlier. "Oh, kark," the Nautolan blurted aloud, picking himself up as he jogged from out of the kitchen to the section of wall which was now open and exposed. Dropping back to his knees, the Nautolan peered into the darkness. As sunlight only penetrated so deep into the ocean, Nautolans had excellent low-light vision.

Yep. He was wiggling around in there.

Sticking his upper body into the ventilation shaft, the green skinned kid wiggled his way into the chute to go after the wayward walker.

[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]​
[member="Zak Dymo"]

Looking back over his shoulder, Théo sensed, YES! he SENSED! the hunter behind him. [member="Nima Tann"]'s words had worked, she had described to him how he would sense things through the force so he would never be surprised by another. He smiled at his triumph! But keep up a steady pace along the vent shaft. In pockets of position light streamed into the shaft, from other rooms that are joined to the vent.

He stopped at one of them to test the security of the grill and maybe find a way out into the Temple, but no there was no time to work on it yet, the young boy turned traitor was hot on his tail. Théo turned a corner in the shaft and moved to the next grill. Looking inside, it was possibly the Padawan quarters, there was some girls in there, giggling and talking about some of the boys in the temple, a couple of them seemed to be hot or something as they are all but naked. Théo screwed up his face in disapproval, Silly Girls...

He decided to move onward, the shaft growing dark once more and for some reason there is a film of grim on the surface, which now coated his clothing and hands. Honestly, father needs to concentrate on the up keep of maintenance. This cannot be healthy for the Jedi to breath such poluted air?

But what lay ahead of Théo was nothing short of a long drop. His hand missed the floor, it had vanished and before he could stop himself, he tumbled down the shaft, lucky for him it was only a couple of meters but he hit the next level with a loud bang and a sore bum. Good thing he had some padding, but still his position was clear to anyone near by. Wasting no time Théo began to scurry again, this time the next grill would have to be his escape.

Tiny fingers reached through the holes in the grill and pulled and pulled and pulled. Théo checked the room this time, but it was the office of his father Grand Master [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]. But his father was nowhere to be seen. Phew!

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