Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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O-O why am i leaving?

Aerin Kath

Sentinel of the Outback.
Hey all, it's Aerin's writer. Few of you guys may have noticed I'm getting a bit burnt out in the side bar, and I'm going to state it here too.

Not happy to leave, not leaving sad or mad, just kinda losing my starwarsy mojo at the moment. Going to step down as mod in TKO and step away from the site a bit. Hope the best for you all in my absence, however long or short it is, from the site.

Oh, and all my stuff goes towards the TKO including my shop.

Seth Huze

Wolfboy Extraordinaire Tresure Hunter
Have a good time while you are away, it's good to step away and take breaks, I do it all the time, but I always find my way back.

Have a great time off bud.
[member="Aerin Kath"]
[member="Aerin Kath"]

All good man, get your starwarsy type feeling back and come back ready to have some fun and write some stories that you help compose with the help of the old writers and the new ones to come. We'll miss you here on the TKO staff but you have other things to attend to. When your ready, come back better then ever.
[member="Aerin Kath"]

Never got to write with you, but if [Member=Akio Diachi] is eager for your return, then so am I!

But on the subject of departure, taking a break is soothing for the muse, and for the soul. Take your time, and your return will be that much sweeter.

Catch you on the flip-side my good man.
[member="Aerin Kath"]

We all hit that role playing slump at some point with our series. For me reading Star Wars books and getting into them really helped to stimulate my muse. We'll be here for when you recharge man!

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