Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Oancah Shag

NAME: Oancah Shag

FACTION: Hutt Space Consortium

RANK: "Enforcer", Slave

SPECIES: Twi'lek

AGE: 25.

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 5'8.


EYES: Gold

HAIR: None

SKIN: Purple


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum)

Strong Willed: From being snatched away from her family at a young age, to enduring the hellish city of Nar Shadda, Oanach developed a strong sense of will and ability to deal with hardship.

Cunning: Living in the brutal cut-throat city of Nar Shadda has taught Oanach that she needs to survive. If it is by undermining other slaves to further her own goals, or how to best please her masters to avoid punishment.

Slave: She is still a slave. As ambitious as she might be, as cunning and ruthless as she is, she is still just property.

Weak- Oanach is not built for battle. Most of her time is spent entertaining her Hutt masters or handling tedious Admin for one of Big Piska's casinos, not training for battle.

Onach carries with her the characteristic beauty of her people, one that is both a blessing and more often than not a curse. With bright golden eyes and a purple complexation, she isn't that untypical of any Twi'lek.

She has a tattoo branded under her wrist, denoting her as property of Hutt Space Consortium. She also wears a golden necklace that is disguised as a shock collar.

Onach isn't her name. She can't remember her name, like so many other things about her past. Stripped away from her by a lifetime of slavery

Shipped off from one master to the next until reaching the depraved city of Nar Shadda. It didn't get much better there. She was used as a servant and a dancer to entertain others.

However, while others of her kind might've succumbed to despair and defeat, Oanach desperately sought to claim some hidden autonomy. It could vary from outright disobedience, or to internal monologues of self-control. Few of her captors thought this entertaining and she was punished severely for her outbursts.

However, one Hutt saw potential in Onanach, by the name of "Big Piska". While others had passively accepted their fate as slaves, Onanach resisted, endured and desired to be free. Rather than break Oancah, the Hutt utilized her.

She started being used to keeping the other slaves in line, then she became part of sentient trafficking, and then she was helping Big Auntie run her casinos. At first, she resisted but the temptation to be higher than her station even if it meant causing others to suffer became too hard to resist.

Oanach has adapted well to the conditions of Nar Shadda as well as under the tutelage of Big Auntie. She has become ruthless and manipulative. While she can be cruel to anyone she perceives to be under her, she can almost jarringly switch her personality when in the presence of her superiors. Quick to praise and please. Although she harbours a great deal of resentment and hatred towards the Hutts for her slavery. Her ambition is hidden behind a presentation of servitude.

Her ambitions aren't to nobly defeat the oppressive system that causes so many to suffer but to instead be the exploiter rather than the exploited.

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