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Approved NPC Oberon and Tigris

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Azulas Shag


  • Intent: To sub the beast companions for Azulas Shag. I figured since they're both practically identical except size that it'd be easier to sub them both in one go.
  • ​Image Credit: JadeMerien
  • Role: Hunting/War Beast
  • Links: N/A
  • Age: Oberon (6) Tigris (2)
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
  • Species: Agol'Prudii
  • Appearance:

    Oberon: Oberon is the older and larger of the two, standing at 3.7 meters in height and 1.2 meters long. Oberon is covered in battle scars, almost appearing like a new variation of the stripe pattern running down his flanks, the most prominent of which runs across the entirety of his snout as if it had been severed and stuck back on again. He is incredibly well groomed, seeming to take great pride in the whiteness of his mane and softness of his fur which he cares to frequently.

    Tigris: Tigris is a little smaller, only at 3.3 meters in height and 1 meter long. He has far less scars, tending to be the least confident of the two and taking a more cautious approach. He could care less about his physical appearance, rolling about in the mud frequently and other such activities. This of course means he is cleaned often by Azulas and even Oberon to keep up appearances even if he throws a fit every time. Tigris' tail is also a solid cyan color, as if all the stripes had grown dramatically to blend into one solid color.
  • Name: Oberon and Tigris
  • Loyalties: Loyal to Azulas Shag
  • Notable Possessions: N/A
  • Personality:

    Oberon: Oberon is aloof, tends to only interact socially with others on his own terms, independent, solitary.

    Tigris: Tigris is far more cuddly, sociable, playful, almost like a dog. Tigris is also the less trained of the two, tending to act out and bumble commands.

  • Training: Oberon and Tigris have been specially trained as "hunting" animals. Given a scent or line of sight combined with a verbal command or physical motion they will hunt the target religiously. They follow a rather normal procedure, find the target, stalk them, wait for them to relax (sleep, sit down to eat, etc), activate their force nullification ability, and wait for an attack command from Azulas or if Azulas gave them a specific command they will pounce on their own accord. They tend to go for the neck and legs, trying to either kill the individual quickly or seriously injure them enough to prevent them from running away. Azulas can customize the commands given to them, almost having developed a dictionary of commands, able to be strung together to form step by step instructions on how they should proceed. This has only been accomplished after years of intense training and programming by Azulas.
  • Combat Function: Oberon and Tigris attempt to skirt combat as much as possible, relying mostly on ambush tactics, to surprise their foe and overwhelm them as quickly as possible. However, should they be caught in direct combat they try to surround their foe and pounce when they enemy is distracted.

Magic of the Ysalamir: The Agol'Prudii have a special organ synthesized from Ysalamir DNA that allows them to produce a force suppressing bubble of 10 meters.

Strength of the Wookiee: Their muscles are fused with Wookiee and even Rancor DNA, giving them incredible strength. And given their sharp claws and teeth, both adopted from the Wookiees and Rancors, this has only made them incredibly dangerous.

Abyssin Regeneration: Every cell is infused with Abyssin DNA, meaning that they can regenerate from nearly every wound and even regrow limbs. It usually only takes them around 5 minutes to regenerate from a simple blaster shot. However, should an organ be decimated so that it stops working, or is entirely incinerated, it takes about a week to fully heal. Heavily damaged limbs (shredded, many broken bones, half cut off) tend to take around a week, while fully regrowing a limb tends to take 2 weeks. However, these times can be cut in half if they take the time to gorge themselves. (Simple wounds can be solved by a quick meal, a missing limb means 3-4 meals a day for a week straight). The healing factor however is not perfect, should too much damage be done to the heart or brain, and there being no equipment to keep their systems functioning, they will die. They can regenerate heart and brain matter should they be hooked up to equipment to keep their systems running in the mean time.

Stealth of the Hssiss: Agol'Prudii are able to naturally cloak themselves. Although this invisibility is not as effective as modern technology, it certainly can hide them very well.

Smell of the Noghri: Noghri DNA was also used in the Agol'Prudii, giving them almost supernatural smell.

Night Vision: The baseline DNA of the Agol'Prudii was many diverse cat species, this has resulted in them having incredible night vision.


Sickness of a Clone: Due to the cloning process used to create them being less than modern, the Agol'Prudii have a weak immune system meaning any kind of engineered disease will easily take them out.

Instability of a Clone: The DNA of the Agol'Prudii is fragile, easily destroyed and distorted by radiation meaning they are easily infected with radiation sickness.

​Susceptible to the Force: Agol'Prudii are ambush predators, designed to sneak up on force users, hamper their force powers, and ambush. They are effectively built as a glass canon, supposed to do damage against the force but not taking punishment from it. Should a force user find a way around the nullification, or simply be outside of it, they can easily manipulate the Agol'Prudii.

Delicate Springs: The problem with bio-engineering a perfect specimen, is that certain things are missed by a sapient that mother nature would never allow. One of these flaws has wormed its way within the Agol'Prudii. The Agol'Prudii actually damage themselves whenever they exert themselves in combat. Usually this is easily remedied by their healing factor but prolonged combat slowly wears down their muscles and tendons until they effectively become too damaged to operate effectively and even break their own bones from too much effort.

Poison Weakness: Poison gas and venom are incredibly effective.


Oberon was the first, a tiny kit when he came into the world from the cold scientific womb of a lab. Azulas picked up his purchase, cradling him in his arms as he boarded his ship and headed home. It wasn't even certain that Oberon would make it, a sickly animal all through his young months. It wasn't until he was a full adult that his training could even begin. It was arduous to say the least, he had grown some what independent from Azulas constantly leaving on missions for The Gallows and was resistant to his training. Yet over two years he slowly became the fighting machine Azulas needed.

Tigris, was not the second. Between him and his older brother Oberon was a second. A second that died in a fire of slugs and blaster rounds. Azulas would not make the same mistake. Stealing the cub away from that same cold steel womb, his training would begin. Aided by the older Oberon who had adopted an almost parental roll with this new cub, Tigris' training would proceed far faster than Azulas had assumed. He still isn't completely obedient, constantly challenging his older brother as siblings often do. Yet his training has kept him alive where the middle brother died.
[member="Azulas Shag"]

I've loved the idea of the Agol'Prudii ever since I saw the submission go up and I'm glad you're fleshing out Azulas' companions with their own history.

I just have a few points I'd like to bring up to your attention before we move on with this submission.

Azulas Shag said:
Appearance: Oberon is the older and larger of the two, standing at 3.7 meters in height and 1.2 meters long. Tigris is a little smaller, only at 3.3 meters in height and 1 meter long.
While you have set out the differences between Oberon and Tigrus here, I would reccomend adding a little more detail to your submission in this catagory. Are tehre any other distinguishing marks between them apart from their size? A scar, a tuff of hair or even a difference in eye colour. While this would serve to further distinguish them and flesh out hte submission it will also make it easier for your future writing partners to describe both Oberon and Tigris and so they can differentiate between them.

I would also like to bring the strengths and weaknesses to your attention. In this submission you have simply copied the strengths and weaknesses from the species submission, while it is important to aknowledge the strengths and weaknesses of a species, this sub is also dealing with the two companions of Azulas. To then end I would suggest adding a few more strengths and weaknesses to account for Oberon and Tigris' personalities and individual strengths and flaws.

These points are simply suggestions, and if you would like I can approve the current submission as it stands. Please tag me back once you're read through my recommendations and let me know what you would like to do.

Azulas Shag

[member="John Locke"]

Went ahead and edited their descriptions.

I just don't really think there'd be anything to add to the strengths and weaknesses seeing as they're effectively clones with near identical training, any differences in combat approach would me small cosmetic differences at most.
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