Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Obligatory Vote to Have Our Name Changed

Hello, me again! ^_^

So the recent rules update states all future and pending requests to have major faction names changed on the map must go through a voting session. While in our case this is a bit redundant by now since, you know, we've already changed it, we still need to hold a vote to show Staff. :p

Only one vote per unique writer, i.e. no stacking votes using additional accounts who happen to be members of the faction.

In hindsight I now realise we should've probably held a vote to begin with, but we felt confident enough that you guys wouldn't mind the change in name. :)

Anyways, vote away!
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] I'm voting 'no'. I realise people think that a new (or old!) direction means a new (or old!) name, but the Sanctum fit us well enough for a long time, and it's frankly more inviting than Order of the Silver Jedi, which frankly makes it sound (on the surface) as another cookie-cutter Jedi faction - and we've all seen more than enough of those to know they tend not to last long, and lack the solid foundation that the Sanctum has long established.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it, yes? I think we were better off as the SSC, and I'm sticking with that.
[member="Coci Heavenshield"] It really wasn't. The problems revolved around activity, and the lack of Faction-based stuff to do. You guys were looking at making a change, and figured that a change is as good as a rest. That's perfectly fair, but I certainly wouldn't conclude that the Faction itself was broken. It's an argument we lost before it started, and that's fine by me, but the SSC was, and continues to be, one of the better factions on the board.

Changing the name, to my mind, would do the same as if Coke changed their brand name to Fizzy Stuff. The drink would remain the same, but less people would buy it. Name recognition counts for a lot around here.

Connor Harrison

I voted yes because I'm sentimental and don't like change and SJ was what I knew from the start of my time here. :)
[member="Coci Heavenshield"] I'd agree with you if members of the Levantine Sanctum weren't still here. True, the participation of their group has been rendered irrelevant (and not by any of us!), but many of the members still remain. In that respect, we're still a coalition.
I voted yes, despite understanding both sides of the argument. The Levantine presence is gone, some of the members may remain but the driving force and ideals has diminished. As Coci states, a Coalition is not a Coalition if it's missing half of itself.
As one of the Levantine crew (Sor-Jan and Boo), who was also a pure SJO member (Zak and BB-4001A), I voted yes.

I get both sides of the argument, but the Levantine aspect of the Coalition stopped being relevant some time ago. We've been calling ourselves a Coalition, but the activity and player-generated stories have all been based on those PC's who comprise the Order of the Silver Jedi.

Even my Knight of Ren has more connections with the Jedi than with any part of the Coalition.

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