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Approved Starship Oboulette Shipyards Murena class stealth fighter Mark I

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Manufacturer: Oboulette Shipyards
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited

  • Intent: Providing a stealth starfighter for the Mecetti Faction
  • Image Source: by Burntstrobe
  • Canon Link: Based on old top secret designs of the Prowler-class reconnaissance vessel of the New Republic
  • Permissions: N/E
    [*]Primary Source: N/E

    • Classification: Stealth Starfighter
    • Length: 38 m
      Width: 12 m
      Height: 9 m
    • Armament::
    • Average
    • Concussion missile launcher 10 missiles
    • chaff, and flares.
    • ]
    • Defenses: Average
    • Squadron Count: | Very Low: 4
    • Maneuverability Rating: High
    • Speed Rating: High
    • Hyperdrive: Yes 1.0 Backup 10
      • all standard features

      • Stealth systems
      • Advanced ECM systems
      • The ship's unique baffled drive system let it move at sublight speeds while leaving minimal trail.
      • In addition, the ferret's primary sublight drive ran on chemical thrust, avoiding detectable ion emissions.
      • long range sensors
      • Stealth systems
      • Advanced ECM systems
      • long range
      • No shields, shields would interfere with the stealth features
      • In stealth mode, the craft could not fly at top speed with ion engines without compromising its position.
    • Lady Vianca Mecetti demands a stealth unit for her special operatives of the Secret Service of House Mecetti.
    • Lady Arsec of Grindera should lead the first squadron.
    • The Oboulette Shipyards, nationalized by the noble house centuries ago, developed a top secret project using centuries old designs of a very successful stealth project by the New Republic. In the Tapani tradition to name their fighters after sea life, the project was called "Murena" after a predator eel known for its camouflage capabilities.
    • Like all Tapani designs, the fighter is versatile in its use.
    • The Murena has a crew of 1–6 and could transport small A-teams of the Secret Service or have surveillance experts for espionage missions on board. Finally, it could be used for devastating stealth torpedo runs against unsuspecting ships with shields down.
    • Cargo capacity: 3 tons
    • Consumables: 5 months, ideal for long missions
    • Costs: around 1 million credits. Very Cheap in comparison to fancy Stygium stealth or Invisiblity shielded crafts.
    • Classified as "stealth fighter", but very large for its class and more like gunship.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Providing a stealth starfighter for the Mecetti Faction
Image Source(s):
Permissions: N/E
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Model: Oboulette Shipyards Murena class stealth fighter Mark I
Modular: Yes
Material: Quadanium hull with Nightshadow anti-sensor coating
Defense Rating: Average
Energy Resist: Average
Kinetic Resist: Average
Radiation Resist: Very High
Other Resistance(s):

Scan resistance

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