Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Obsession: Part Deux

So I think I've gotten a steadier schedule with work, now that I'm not sick anymore, so I think I can start posting on all those threads I sort of disappeared from. I meant to start again this morning, but I guess sleep takes us all - even if it means it has to make you pass out.

I'll start with [member="Maja Vern"] and [member="Asher Kellan"], I meant to respond to you two right away, and then I'll move on to the rest of them as I slowly close off the threads that are either inactive from prior to my LOA or that I feel are not capable of being posted on without putting too much strain on my time.
[member="Darth Sinna"]

Hope you're feeling better soon. RL is always priority and when that's illness it counts double.

I've been PMing with [member="Judah Lesan Jr."] about working with/working against/killing* him. Let us know how it would fit in with your schedule.

* Just kidding. But remember - just because you're paranoid, it doesn't mean they're not out to get you!
So I got over-scheduled at work this weekend, we anticipated at least 120 people today, so I haven't had the time to post anything. Sorry to anyone I promised to post for, I didn't just stop posting because I wanted to. I'll be free tomorrow night, so I will make sure to find time to post.

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