Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Location: Una-Hana
The world was not as impressive as some of the others but it had its charms as Matsu was working on the computer screens. They were setting up all of their stuff for advancing and improving the operations within the company and their mining operations had found plenty of the good stuff. Mostly several aurodium mines throughout the galaxy they could fund things with and advancements within their converters were always a good thing for generating new technology. ONe of the things they were working on was improving the sigils as she sat looking at the readout of crystals and metal within the ice regions of the planet away from the geothermal vents keeping some areas warm. "Do you believe there will be enough crystals here to solve some of the problems?"
The world was not as impressive as some of the others but it had its charms as Matsu was working on the computer screens. They were setting up all of their stuff for advancing and improving the operations within the company and their mining operations had found plenty of the good stuff. Mostly several aurodium mines throughout the galaxy they could fund things with and advancements within their converters were always a good thing for generating new technology. ONe of the things they were working on was improving the sigils as she sat looking at the readout of crystals and metal within the ice regions of the planet away from the geothermal vents keeping some areas warm. "Do you believe there will be enough crystals here to solve some of the problems?"