Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Obsidian Butterfly

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Location: Una-Hana

The world was not as impressive as some of the others but it had its charms as Matsu was working on the computer screens. They were setting up all of their stuff for advancing and improving the operations within the company and their mining operations had found plenty of the good stuff. Mostly several aurodium mines throughout the galaxy they could fund things with and advancements within their converters were always a good thing for generating new technology. ONe of the things they were working on was improving the sigils as she sat looking at the readout of crystals and metal within the ice regions of the planet away from the geothermal vents keeping some areas warm. "Do you believe there will be enough crystals here to solve some of the problems?"
It had been awhile since she had really gotten out of the temples and not needing to be around meditating as the miraluka jedi knight stood there. Face towards the planet and viewport. "Yes it is not the most impressive but seeing it in the force, the veins of crystal and energy are like a beating heart throughout. You will do well to preserve it with Ilum not as is was and cut off from the jedi." She was moving now and heading towards the center of the ship. "Are you certain this beast will be able to make it into the atmosphere of the planet master?" A careful question, she had known some pilots to do crazy things in the name of well exploration and this was a massive Harlequin class ship it wasn't some little thing made for it."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu gave a nod of her head and grin on her face. "Oh it can do it, we have worked nicely to ensure that it is able to land on planets." She was proud of that and the ship was able to work quite well on a few of the things before more attention went to what she had now. Feeling the crystals and adding to the sigil as she was working on it, the different crystals they were working with as she used the jal shey techniques they had been taught to improve and press the force within it. She knew how to bind force powers to artifacts and with the new work they had going into some of the things. "We will be able to thanks to you find what we need to improve the crystals we were able to create for ourselves. I can use the planet to improve it."
Sarianna felt the sigils and if they could upgrade them it would be a welcomed thing as the ship was heading down to the planet. She could feel the crystals as they were getting closer and with the environmental shield and breathing equipment she led the way towards the way down onto the planet. She didn't want to waste time and here she could maybe work with the others to build a secluded temple for meditation. it wouldn't be as impressive but in the jungles they could get some nice things working. Also she was looking at the sigil on her neck as a way to work things over and feel the force energies it generated.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sarianna Misarr"]

Matsu looked at her and nodded heading out, their had their equipment and going into the snow as she held one of the spare sigils. They could work on it and with the small upgrades to the crystals and metals it all was made to look pretty hopeful. She could even with the doors opening and her boots crunching the snow feel the force crystals within the world underneath it. Like a pulse of life that only those worlds untouched by progress and industrialization could have. Primitive and ancient with more while she was pointing and thankful for the improvements to protect them from the chill of it all. "We can set up over there, harvesting the ice and checking it to ship possibly for water on ships while digging down to the crystals."
Sarianna was looking at her while she stepped out onto the planet and could feel the force under her feet and the snow. As she moved following them they were going towards the area to make the main camp and start mining as she heard the sounds of the droids. Digging deep and cutting into the snow and ice while more were assembling the main building for them to be in and bracing it so they could carve down deeper and deeper. She knew they were getting sonic emitters and a designated landing area while she marked with small beacons the strongest sources of the crystals for them to collect and harvest. "I have several area's marked and know where we can start working on the sigil, there seems to be a strong force presence under the surface of the world."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The hours passed as they waited, well not waiting just sitting around as Matsu was kneeling and focusing on the sigil to slowly work on the crystals. The old ones gave a stronger connection to the force and made you able to feel the force on the world and pulled at it to channel into the sigil and the small containment chamber as she filled it with ground kyber dust. THe crystal shards to branch the crystals within it while she poured the force within to make a stronger item. The force and power as they got closer and closer to the crystals of the planet with the droids cutting through the ice down into the planet. THeir reinforces walls and barriers to hold it back as they made their building better and more secured. "It is working, the crystal dust will allow the new crystals to connect and the techniques of the Jal Shey and Jensaari will allow for empowering it with the force."
Sarianna sat there while she was looking over the sigil and aided in infusing it. The jedi knight sitting down as she focused and knelt with the energies coming to her. Battle meditation to strengthen her friend and increase Matsu's potency and focus, she might not be fighting in the traditional sense but wrestling with the force in a battle to create an improvement to the sigil they could mirror and have the others benefit from. Her major thoughts went to the cooling sensation while her force energies extended out to reach Matsu and caress her mind and body to empower her and increase the coordination of her thoughts and reflexes. "The power of the crystals below is getting stronger as we get closer. I can channel it into you with all the droids around makes it easier."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sarianna Misarr"]

Matsu could feel it now, the tendrils of the force in her mind and body as it empowered her and added to the power of the sigil allowing her to pour more force energy into the sigil as the crystals glowed in response to her hard work. The danger and thoughts going before she breathed deeply inhaling the air to fill her body with the force before she reached out to Sarianna and was pushing the energy into her to create a loop they could conduct and increase it upon each other. This was adding to the energy they were pulling out of the planet with some of the force energy and droids had built the main mines. Cracking down into the earth and the deep rich veins of crystal and rock. The sensors giving them veins of aurodium down below them to add to what they additional funding could be generated from an untapped vein of aurodium.
Sarianna could feel it now, they had broken through the ice and snow deep into the crystal and rock of the world. Able to harvest it while she was using the calmness it created within the force to augment herself and the abilities with thoughts of everything going forward. "I can feel it and this should aid you in the completion of it." Sarianna was pushing force energy into Matsu and more power as she felt the jedi masters work on the sigil. THe droids would continue to function without their directions while they were building into the ice sections of the base and mine that could be used but more importantly she could feel the force and the sigil as it resonated with the forces energy calling to her to touch it and become stronger within. All the jedi masters work with things like the eye of the sun, fell star and heart of the universe proving far more beneficial thing they had known. "Impressive master Ike, the sigil should be empowered with more force energy and much like the artifacts you found serve a great purpose."

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