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Approved Location Obsidian Redoubt

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  • Military Base Name: [ Obsidian Redoubt]
  • Classification: [Army/Research Base]
  • Location: [ Taspir III ]
  • Affiliation: [ The Diarchy ]
  • Population: [ Choose from: Heavy The base is very large, housing 3,000 military units, 1,000 support/Administration staff, and a handful of scientists/researchers
    [*]Demographics: [75% human 25% other]
    [*]Accessibility: [ Located on a lava river (specifically a lava fall) to take advantage of the geothermal power, it is not readily accessible by citizens, and special authorization is required to be in the base due to the sensitive nature of the projects inside ]
    [*]Description: [ A large base carved out of black obsidian, sitting tall over a lava fall, overlooking the volcanic plain below, split into 4 wings, for research, military housing and training, command centers, and a specialized area for force sensitives ]

[ Central Command Spire - The central location of the base, housing command personnel quarters, and the large command structure where the lords of the Diarchy plan oversee the continuation of the grand plan. This location also houses communication relays, command centers with tactical displays, and meeting rooms for diplomatic envoys.
Military Wing - A multilevel wing housing officers quarters, enlisted barracks, training rooms, and education centers for use in the training of Army and Navy forces. The armory and mechanical workshop for tanks and artillery is located in this area. Mess halls both enlisted and officers are located here as well.
Research Wing - For technological, and medicinal research. 1 floor dedicated to the work of Darth Hemorpheus, another floor dedicated to the work of Darth Nexion, a level dedicated to technological/warfare research and development A scientist mess hall, and living quarters are on the top floor
Force Sensitive Training and Meditation areas - Specialized training areas for dueling and force sensitive training, classroom style areas for advancement of apprentices and education thereof. Dormitory for the rank and file sith and apprentices not part of command staff. A formal dueling arena on the roof of the wing to settle disputes in the old Sith Way.
Landing Pad - A landing pad big enough for 4 shuttles ]

[ Provide a Security Rating (choose from: Maximum) Perimeter sensors and automated turrets, anti air guns, a shield generator, trooper patrols throughout the complex, internal turrets and ray shields ]

[ The Obsidian Redoubt was commission at the behest of the Lords of The Diarchy to establish a permanent presence on the planet Eos, as well as to fulfill a promise Lord Reign made to provide job security and housing for the populace after the factions takeover. Created to establish a more secure base of operations than the mobile star destroyer and a staging point for military and naval training. Recently becoming operational, this base provides a foothold on the planet of Taspir III and by extension the unknown regions]
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