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To further flesh out Theselon Squadron


Fleet NameObsidian Skirmish Line
ClassificationSkirmish Line
Affiliation Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn
Galactic Alliance
Hapes Consortium

Fleet Symbol

The Obsidian Skirmish Line was a naval formation of the Galactic Alliance comprised predominately of Hapan Vessels that served as a detachment to the larger Theselon Squadron. Following the onset of the Caldera Crisis, The Obsidian Skirmish Line was led by the Hapan Nova Cruiser, Opal Star, which was accompanied by additional Nova Cruisers and at least one Battle Dragon for additional support. It was only recently seen outside of the Hapes Consortium due to the Relephon Campaign winding down.



The Obsidian Skirmish Line was originally deployed outside of the Hapes Consortium following the Relephon Campaign and served as a Frontier Patrol along the fringes of the Galactic Alliance. The formation was recalled and attached to the larger Theselon Squadron and was present during the Invasion of the Tython System where it assisted in defending the system; eventually assisting in evacuating Civilians and Jedi from the region.

The Obsidian Skirmish Line established itself as a core supporter of the Hapan Royal Family during the Relephon Campaign and was well known along the fringes of the Galactic Alliance during its minor stint in patrolling those border regions. Though not as well known as the Theselon Squadron, that it finds itself attached to, the Skirmish Line is still establishing and developing its reputation within the Galactic Alliance.


Fleet SizeSmall
Lead ShipANS Opal Star - Nova Cruiser




  • Captain Kaimari AlGray - Commander of Obsidian Skirmish Line
    • Kaimari AlGray was a member of the Hapan House AlGray and served as a Captain in the House AlGray Naval Forces. When the Hapes Consortium joined the Galactic Alliance and the Relephon Campaign began, she pledged her fealty to the Hapan Queen Mother and was given command of the ANS Opal Star; the command vessel of the Obsidian Skirmish Line.

  • Subcaptain Brea Tarazet - Captain of the ANS Fate
    • Brea Tarazet was a member of a little-known Hapan Family and served in the Hapan Royal Navy as an adjutant before the Hapes Consortium joined the Galactic Alliance. A lifelong friend, and rumored lover, of Captain Kaimari AlGray, she was more than willing to follow her friend into the ranks of the Galactic Alliance. For her continued loyalty, Brea Tarazet was promoted to Subcaptain and given command of the ANS Fate; the Hapan Battle Dragon that acted as the formation's primary Starfighter Carrier.

  • Lieutenant Graf Drayson - Lieutenant of the ANS Aetherstone
    • Graf Drayson was a member of the little-known Drayson Family and hailed from a fringe planet of the Hapes Consortium. Though he served in the Hapan Royal Navy, he was a vocal supporter of the goals of the Se'n Dorrin Movement, though was also vocal in his stance against the activities and violence often used by the movement. Graf Drayson was promoted to Lieutenant and given command of the ANS Aetherstone as a means to hide his role as an Intelligence Officer who had been funneling Se'n Dorrin Secrets to the Royal Family.

  • Flight Lieutenant San'el Thanas - Flight Commander of all Starfighter Squadrons
    • San'el Thanas was one of the few non-Hapans, let alone non-Humans, who served in the Obsidian Skirmish Line. San'el Thanas was saved from a life of servitude by a member of the Hapan Thanas Family who had saved the young Twi'lek from a slave trading vessel that had strayed into the Transitory Mists. After being adopted into the family, San'el would go on to join the Hapan Royal Navy and established a reputation as a skilled Starfighter Pilot. When the Hapes Consortium joined the Galactic Alliance and the Obsidian Skirmish Line was formed, then Lieutenant San'el Thanas was promoted to Flight Lieutenant and given command of all Starfighter and Bomber squadrons attached to the formation.

The Obsidian Skirmish Line was established during the Relephon Campaign in the Hapes Consortium and was formed around the Hapan Nova Cruiser, The ANS Opal Star. With the Se'n Dorinn Movement attempting to overthrow the Hapan Royal Family, the Obsidian Skirmish Line quickly gained a reputation as a staunch supporter of the Hapan Queen Mother Kha'la Daaray Kha'la Daaray . As the Relephon Campaign began to come to a relative conclusion, the Obsidian Skirmish Line was deployed as a patrol element along the fringes of the Galactic Alliance and often ventured into neighboring systems in the region. Shortly before the resurgent Brotherhood of the Maw - now known as 'The Dark Empire' - struck at the Galactic Alliance, the formation was recalled and attached to the Theselon Squadron and was deployed into the Tython System to assist in repelling the Invasion; the formation eventually assisted in the evacuation of civilians and Jedi from the region.

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