Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Obvious LOA is Obvious {Ven Gets Busy}

It's the holidays, I turn 15 in two days, there's last-minute shopping to do, and migraines are stupid. Not really much else to say. Might be able to get a few posts in here and there. Probably not. Insert a casual shrug here.

Not sure when I'll be back full-time.
Secondary casual shrug here.

Happy holidays you dorks<3
[member="Silara Vantai"]

Unfortunately, yes. Sometimes I forget that. Most days I feel more like... five. Maybe six. But oh, how time flies, I am already a teenager. Just one more blink and I'll be an adult... Or at least that's how it feels.
[member="Silara Vantai"]
Time generally goes quite slow for me. Likely due to the illnesses and long nights (which are usually due to the illnesses). However, my memory is notoriously shotty. Which makes it feel like I've only been alive for half a dozen or so years, that I went through elementary school in only a year, and that Chrismas isn't due for another eight or so months.
Of course, humans tend not to remember much from their early childhood anyway. I simply lack memories of later stages along with a partial inability to recognize the passage of time. The fact that I do online school (which means not leaving the house much) only worsens this. Without school I only have a few reminders of what day it is, what month, what year, and what time. The days pretty much just blend together.

Not sure what tempted me to type such a large, semi-personal response to a most-likely casual comment.
Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that I am a teenager?
Teenagers are weird.
[member="Silara Vantai"]
Most interesting. Of course... I do remember some. My brain simply doesn't know which things are important and which are not. Typically I remember the more traumatic things in horrific detail along with useless bits of information, but I have difficulty remembering most of the past Presidents, historical figures, and the names of my close relatives. Amongst other things. Though that, of course, is a given.
The QFC near my house was open from 8AM to 4PM on Christmas day (December 25th, of course) in 2010. My family went there to get some eggnog and dinner ingredients last-minute. They were out of eggnog.
In seventh grade my first crush had a solo in choir class. The day after the concert I tapped her on her right shoulder to talk to her while she was entering our first period classroom (the bell had rung perhaps a minute earlier). After I complimented her on her performance she mentioned that she was surprised about how many people showed up. The conversation lasted roughly thirty seconds before she went to sit down by the center whiteboard, facing the the center of the front of the room. While my heart decided to attempt to jump out of my chest I sat down myself, pretty much directly across from her.
My first post on this site was in a topic about SW:TOR. I mentioned having played it for an obnoxious amount of time (I believe 5 hours already that day, and at least 15 earlier in the week). Tefka, back when he RPed a hutt, responded, pointing out the 'first-world-problem' sense it had to it. I haven't forgiven myself for it yet.
When I was a wee-little-child (1st grade) my class was coming in from recess on a snowy day when I saw a wet glove on the tile floor. Curious, I picked up the icy, pink and purple glove to feel it. The sensation was shocking and so I threw it back out of instinct. One of the office staff people (Ms. Wallace, back when her hair wasn't so grey) came down to investigate. And though I didn't get in trouble, I felt very, very horrified. I hid in the bathroom afterwards and cried for about ten minutes. Fun times... fun times...
Also in Elementary school (not sure what grade, probably 3rd) my class had a thing for slippers. I misunderstood the concept and thought that there were slippers for everyone to share (we were actually supposed to bring our own). I saw some great Finding Nemo (which was my favorite movie as a kid, partially because I got a copy of the movie for my sixth or seventh birthday) slippers and put them on. As it turns out they were my classmate Libby's. She was saddened and started to cry. I was confused and gave them back before apologizing profusely. I haven't forgiven myself for that one either.

So I remember plenty, I guess. Just not what I need (or want) to. It is now more apparent that my understanding of the passage of time is what is actually lacking.
[member="Ire'Rain Sekairo"]
Have a heartfelt good christmas and happy birthday. I don't want to sound like a typical adult, but you're just a kid and as you get older things will get better, even if they seem worse. Hopefully next year will be a better one for you. ^_^

I wish I could be fifteen again. I miss those days.
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
Still love you

[member="Silara Vantai"]
This is the part where I'm supposed to get out the Simple Plan gifs, right?... Not sure how this whole 'teenager/kid' thing works. I'm pretty sure you're doing that one 'adult' thing right though. A++
Happy holidays to you as well. I'd make a toast to the coming year, but I currently lack a glass of wine... and the ability to drink such beverages legally.
Perhaps in a few years.
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
Check out Project X-2. He's fairly Shaper-ish. Ire'Rain is also interested in elemental studies, though almost solely on the flame aspect of it.

[member="Silara Vantai"]
I always preferred Perfect and Welcome to My Life. Of course, that was some time ago (but really only a few years). I haven't listened to them in awhile... I'm Just a Kid never failed to please me though.
Ah, memories... some of which I had forgotten I still had...
It's good to know that some things don't fade so easily.

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