Vylmira's Wrath

- Intent: To create roster for the Knights Obsidian Octarchy Covenant
- Image Credit: HERE
- Canon: N/A
- Permissions: N/A
- Links: N/A
- Organization Name: Octarchy Covenant
- Classification: Covenant
- Affiliation: Knights Obsidian, Confederacy of Independent Systems
- Organization Symbol: See Above
- Description: The Octarchy Covenant is one of many such groups founded within the Knights Obsidian. It is a gathering of Eight Knights that strive to be the stalwart defenders of peace and freedom everywhere in the galaxy. While their primary area of influence is the Confederacy, they are willing to help any members of galactic society in need of aid. The Octarchy operate under the creed that they are the last line of defense, and will gladly give their lives to defend the planets under their protection. First in, last out. They draw the line in the sand, and hold it in a vice grip.
- Headquarters: Geonosis
- Domain: The Octarchy Covenant operates across the entirety of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. They are seen as staunch protectors, and are known to have the best interest of the Confederacy at heart. To those that care about such details, the Octarchy Covenant are the best and the brightest the Knights Obsidian have to offer.
- Notable Assets: N/A
- Hierarchy: The Octarchy is a small team, operating effectively under a single Leader. If the team is required to divide and conquer, the Leader will select a Second on a case by case basis.
- Membership: As the name suggests, the Octarchy Covenant only hosts eight members. Entry is by invitation only. The Leader of the Octarchy Covenant is the only individual that can officially extend invites, though the other members are welcome to nominate potential candidates. In the event the Covenant is at capacity, no further members can join until a seat is vacant.
- Climate: The Octarchy Covenant is a tight-knit team of Knights, who implicitly trust each other, and would go through hell to save their brothers and sisters. Though tensions may run high at times, the Knights of the Octarchy value each other above all else.
- Reputation: The Octarchy Covenant is considered one of, if not THE top Echelon of the Knights Obsidian. They exemplify the Order in their entire being and conduct, and are steadfast defenders of the Public. It is widely known that if danger is present, the Octarchy will without a doubt be the first to run towards the danger, while everyone else may flee.
- Curios:
- Rules: The Octarchy follow all rules set forth by their parent organization, The Knights Obsidian, as well as those of the Confederacy.
- Goals: The Octarchy Covenant are defenders of the people. They fight to protect those that cannot protect themselves, and they shall continue to fight until the need for war is a thing of the past. Until that day comes, they shall be leading the charge, or covering the retreat. No matter the circumstances, the Octarchy stand tall.
- Leader: Lord Commander Voph
- Second: Lunara Azure
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The Octarchy Covenant was originally founded during the Cold War between the Sith Empire and the Republic as the Octarchy Council. A gathering of eight Sith Lords that aided the Empire by promoting peace and cooperation within the Empire. They did not draw attention to themselves, content to operate from the shadows, whether people thanked them for their deeds or not. They always maintained a list of candidates to assume seats on the council as they emptied, but adamantly remained with only Eight Lords. The Octarchy began to rise to prominence after the efforts of one Lord Verros during the Revanite Crisis, who was soon promoted to Darth and granted a seat on the Council.
Under the newly appointed Darth Voph's guidance, the Octarchy Navy became the foremost defense group, rivaling even Darth Marr's personal fleet. During the Zakuul Invasion, the Octarchy was the first to ignore nations, and work alongside both Sith and Republic forces to defend the galaxy, though the fleet was destroyed in its entirety over Commenor. This left Voph as the only surviving member, who proceeded to wage a Guerrilla war against the Zakuul invaders until the war's conclusion some five years later.
After the war, Voph rebuild the Octarchy, re-branding them to the Octarchy Covenant. The Covenant grew to an impressive fleet, operating galaxy wide as a rapid response defense force that would ensure a second Zakuul War could never happen. For if it did, the galaxy might not survive. After Voph's death in 3630 BBY, the Octarchy waned and nearly collapsed. Though it persisted through the years, if only as a single person working to do good in the galaxy. Members of the Covenant were present for every major battle in galactic history in some capacity, seeking the peace and prosperity of all, and the overthrow of tyranny and oppression.
In 852 ABY, Voph was returned to the land of the living, and after some years acclimating to the Galaxy, he began to gather the Covenant once more. Though it never grew to the same power it had under his command previously, the Octarchy were still staunch defenders of peace and freedom across the galaxy. Today, the Octarchy exist as a mere team of Knights Obsidian, working with the Confederacy to pursue the same goals they always have: The end of all wars, and to usher in an era of freedom and prosperity for all.
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