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Faction Odacer-Faustin Hive of Activity


High Orbit:
4 Impetum Heavy Cruiser
1 Cynosure Nidus

Tags: Drenn Drenn | Open to other ETOL that want to visit

High above the planet sits five warships unloading workers and cargo to the surface. Else where in the system the majority of his fleet keeps watch for Sith & check trade as a trade & city station nears its delivery date to the systems gas giant.

The terrain of Odacer-Faustin was always cold, the world has always been in a state of ice age. But that didn't stop the Sith in ancient days from using it as a productive world with a training temple. But this is today and the world lacks much of anything minus the three settlements of Darth Rasnuhl's Zabraks over the last decade. But recently fortunes have turned for the world... it now falls under Empire of the Lost jurisdiction. With that Warlord Darth Rasnuhl, Moff Rasnuhl now has jurisdiction & out of the two areas he controls this will be his personal capitol.

The new settlement of Oodroxa is a flurry of activity. Not far away is an archeological dig site into the ancient Sith temple. The new spaceport has a handful of landing pads, all big enough for cargo with a few smaller shuttle ones. Currently hosting two Impetum Cruisers unloading cargo and preparing to act as training vessels for the students. The north side of town ends in Darth Rasnuhl's New Pyramid of a government building & temple to the force mostly completed. Outside of it lie the completed procession to it, training fields and the accompanying training buildings. They are partly filled with trainees in various forms of drills. The bones of Oodroxa lie partly etched out and under various stages of construction with Zabrak, Humans, hybrids of the two, and a handful of other races seen doing daily activities.

Here Darth Rasnuhl stands near the archaeological dig site in his dress down uniform taking in what the planet calls summer temps. Before him two dozen archeologists continue unearthing the crumbled foundations of the long gone Sith academy & whatever secrets it may hold. One thing was for certain, it was going to be a good day.
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Tags: Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl


Drenn's arrival to Odacer-Faustin felt like a sudden jolt of electricity, awakening him to a whole new world. He couldn't help but feel driven since arriving earlier in the day. The settlement of Oodroxa carried a certain allure, one that seemed to call out to him and beckon him closer. As he strolled through the bustling streets, he couldn't help but be entranced by the unfamiliar sights that surrounded him. However, amidst the beauty of it all, a heavy sense of responsibility and determination also began to weigh down on him. For the Knight, this was not just a new chapter—it was a chance to hone his skills, to unlock his full potential, and to embrace the challenges that awaited him on his journey towards mastery.

Despite the numbing cold that surrounded him, the man remained unfazed, his body protected by a sturdy cloak and a layer of clothing under it. The harsh winds were often capable of rattling other humans from his experience, yet he stood tall and unfazed; it was a reflection of his spirit and determination no matter the circumstances. As each passing moment brought him closer to his target, a sense of anticipation and determination coursed through his veins. He had been given instructions that the one he was looking for was near the site of a long-abandoned Sith academy.

Once more of it came into view, he slowed his pace and simply savored the present moment. Inhaling a deep breath, he took in the sight before him--it was as though the place held secrets and power beyond anything he could imagine. Standing amidst the large crowd of workers, Darth Rasnuhl was unmistakable in his current attire. While others were busy digging and trying to unravel the secrets of the site, his imposing figure and unique outfit set him apart; it seemed clear that he was not one to be trifled with. It was clear that he was the one orchestrating all of the activity.

It would have been a simpler path to just enroll in the academy training. And although he had no doubt that it would have still been beneficial even for someone of his caliber, he couldn't help but yearn for a more structured and refined approach from the zabrak’s talent and expertise. Taking a step forward, he closed the distance between himself and the warlord. With grace, he performed a deep bow. "I have been advised to seek your guidance," he stated, his words carefully chosen, as if practiced many times. "For it is said that your teachings could be the key to success in the position bestowed upon me by the Crusaders." He paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts before continuing. "I am Drenn Calgemerr," he said at last, his tone sincere. Though he disliked the formality of such interactions, he understood the importance of proper etiquette.
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Tags: Drenn Drenn |

Darth Rasnuhl sensed the person walking up, it wasn't hard to pick out the different feeling the person gave off vs his people. Quickly followed by comm chatter in his ear <<Sir this is Gamma three, Is the approaching person a threat?>> it only took a moment for Darth Rasnuhl to reply <<No>> was what Gamma three & the rest of the comm got in return. So he turned toward the new comer as he bowed.
"I have been advised to seek your guidance," he stated, his words carefully chosen, as if practiced many times. "For it is said that your teachings could be the key to success in the position bestowed upon me by the Crusaders." He paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts before continuing. "I am Drenn Calgemerr," he said at last, his tone sincere.

Arrived to seek guidance, that hasn't happened in a while with outsiders. The wind was light, but with the 10.55°c(51°F) temp it felt colder, but there Darth Rasnuhl stood helmet less with a military tank top, wrist gauntlets, pants, two light sabers, greaves, and military boots. Having the weather feel cool but not freezing. "Nice to make your acquaintance Drenn Calgemerr. You say appointment to the crusaders?" There is a slight pause before he continued "Most misinterpret the Sith mantra. For the force to set one free, one must embrace all of it... or be chained to one side. The crusaders understand this more or less, with no emphasis on dogma nor code. I see it as a missed opportunity for empowerment." It was the truth that the dark aligned Sith would never embrace, and the Jedi would never touch the dark side willingly for fear of being all consumed. "I digress. So this begs an important question, what do you already know?" It was as direct of a question as there needed to be. Behind him excavation continued at the same quick clip it was going before Drenn arrived.

Tags: Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl
Drenn's sharp, calculating eyes roamed over the zabrak's features, absorbing each word that escaped his mouth. The Knight's mind worked at a frenzied pace, analyzing the words and crafting a response with precision. Even though the question was straightforward, he found himself grappling for the perfect words to convey his thoughts, as if there was an intricate complexity to his answer, despite having no hidden intentions.

"I have been tasked with protecting an individual of high status," he began, sweeping his hands in a graceful motion before him. Despite a desire to trust him, a lingering reluctance prevented him from revealing the individual's name. “From all the information I have gathered, I have no doubt that my skills would significantly improve under your expert guidance, if you would provide me with the opportunity,” he added.

"I am aware of the significance of training and discipline when it comes to mastering the Force. I am also aware of the weight of responsibility that comes with wielding such great power," he stated, his voice steady. Taking a moment to collect himself, he delved into the depths of his being in search of the best words to express his thoughts; however, uncertainty held him back. "In my view, the Force represents a duality; it requires both exceptional abilities and a strong moral compass to resist the temptations it presents. For some, it embodies traits of selflessness and inner peace, while for others, it may manifest as aggression, fear, and selfishness.” He thought his answer would come across as rather standard, but hoped it would be passable for the time being.

Despite his burning curiosity, he held himself back from inquiring about the teachings of Darth Rasnuhl. Instead, he chose to bide his time and wait for a more fitting moment. As he stood in the midst of the unforgiving landscape of the planet, he couldn't suppress his thought that it would be a perfect setting for honing one's skills and abilities.
Tags: Drenn Drenn

Darth Rasnuhl stood in the light breeze and listened to the Drenn's response.
"I have been tasked with protecting an individual of high status,"
From all the information I have gathered, I have no doubt that my skills would significantly improve under your expert guidance, if you would provide me with the opportunity,”

That was unsurprising, Drenn seemed confident enough to find his own way. And the fact he sought different ways of doing things spoke to his dedication to whatever path he chose. Rasnuhl mulled over the words thus far.

"I am aware of the significance of training and discipline when it comes to mastering the Force. I am also aware of the weight of responsibility that comes with wielding such great power,"

"In my view, the Force represents a duality; it requires both exceptional abilities and a strong moral compass to resist the temptations it presents. For some, it embodies traits of selflessness and inner peace, while for others, it may manifest as aggression, fear, and selfishness.”

"Good, training and responsibility are the most important part. And I see you have read up on the two largest force traditions." Truth be told Darth Rasnuhl believed that only the whole force could set oneself free. Drenn would watch as Darth Rasnuhl brought his wrist up and typed into the holoboard. A few moments later a soldier with blue pauldron markings arrives "Yes Lord Rasnuhl, what do you bid?" the man stood off to the side. "Thank you Dovro. Would you be so kind as to give Drenn his first test?" Turing towards Drenn "Are you up to using your lightsaber? If so try and disarm him of his stun baton. He will try and disarm you of your lightsaber. The ancient sparring ring not far away is free and the archeologists are done recording it." As he motions not far away. "Its a mark of how skilled a person is. My own people learn to be able to hold their own whether or not they, or their enemy is force trained." That was a point of pride amongst the people he leads, the ability to hold ones own in almost any situation. Darth Rasnuhl prepares to acrobatically leap down just for effect if Drenn agrees.

Tags: Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl

The Crusader's eyes were fixed intently on the Lord, every muscle in his body tense with anticipation. He hung on every word that Lord Darth Rasnuhl spoke, fully engrossed in the conversation at hand. Inhaling deeply, he remained stoic, his gaze never leaving the Warlord's face, even as a soldier approached both of them. He waited calmly.

"I am," he stated in a calm voice, his head nodding in acknowledgment. He slowly turned his head to meet the other figure. Drenn's years of rigorous training had prepared him for any challenge but being on the ancient training grounds of the Sith seemed to add a level of tension to it all. Either way, he was prepared to prove himself regardless of the circumstances.

He certainly hadn't anticipated taking on a challenge so soon, but in some strange way, it felt right. Anything was better than another day in anticipation. As he stood there, he at last took in the training ground in the distance; it was a reminder of the hard work and dedication that was necessary to succeed.
Tags: Drenn Drenn

That was great to hear. Darth Rasnuhl nod's "Great to hear!" followed by an acrobatic backflip down onto the ancient field behind and below. He is followed by Dovro using a small jump pack to jump and safely land in the area. Upon the ancient floor are multiple circles, quite a few small ones that clearly only made sense in the context of hand to hand fighting.

Darth Rasnuhl walked to the edge of the big circle as Dovro walked into it and to the far side before turning around. His hand grabs the stun baton and extends it into a defensive position. Dovro composes his thoughts. Okay, so try maneuver three. Then switch to either four or seven depending on how he counters.

The duo reveled in the fact that their training regimes would be put through the paces against someone taught in such a different manner. And not far away three instructors walk slowly over with their camera droids making it to observe the ring first. This would truly be a learning experience & perhaps a good study tool for soldiers and force users currently in training.
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Tags: Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl

Drenn's orbs scanned the distance between his current elevated position and the ancient field below. Quick to follow the Warlord with agile movements, he swiftly descended and landed with a gentle thud. His body quickly rose back up to stand tall.

With a quick glance to the other figure, the Crusader braced himself and casually walked forward. He was quick to make his way inside of the large circle. As he entered, a sense of calm washed over him, his hand instinctively moving towards the hilt of his lightsaber. With a flick of his wrist, the blade ignited in a yellow hue, which casted a warm glow on his youthful features.

As he observed the movements of his opponent's body and the positioning of his weapon, he quickly realized that he would have to take the first offensive move. Despite the approaching figures in the corner of his eye, he paid them no mind. Beginning to separate the short distance between them, he placed his other hand on his lightsaber and held it close to his body, exuding a sense of calm even with what would soon take place. Then, with a swift and calculated movement, he lunged forward, his lightsaber cutting through the air in a wide, circular motion, an attempt to disarm rather than inflict any real damage.
Tag(s): Drenn Drenn

Darth Rasnuhl was impressed with what he saw so far from the man. The Surprises continued with the ignition of a yellow lightsaber before making the first move. This will be a real delight. Darth Rasnuhl thought, giving a quick glance to the video droids and then the three trainers that finally arrived. "Took you long enough. Watch, learn, record for the academy."

Dovro watched Drenn's artful display ending in the yellow hue of a light saber. It's go time. Drenn moved quickly, maneuver seven it is! In a heartbeat the stun baton had moved from right hand to left in a reverse grip just like all the training sessions. Catching the saber just before it would hit him. Wasting no time dropping the rest of himself low with a sweep towards Drenn's legs, trying to open an easy path to disarming him with as little pain as possible to the guest. Dovro's muscle memory took over as the rest of the surroundings lost focus.
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Tags: Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl

Drenn was accustomed to wielding a handful of close-range weapons and engaging in hand to hand combat; facing an opponent armed with a stun baton was slightly outside his expertise.

Despite successfully parrying the slash, his sharp eyes picked up on the figure's sudden shift in movement. He quickly sidestepped, executing an effortless, but often highly effective maneuver. With a quick hop, he lifted his legs just enough to evade the sweeping attack. He hoped that his opponent would be taken aback by his quick reflexes, leaving an opening for a countermove.

The Crusader, in a display of agility and grace, instantly closed the gap between himself and his opponent. His enhanced physical abilities would allow him to channel more power into his movements. With a thrust forward, he extended his lightsaber, its blade aimed directly at the baton.
Tag(s): Drenn Drenn

Darth Rasnuhl watched the two begin their dance, he was certain Drenn would end up besting Dovro. But It would be interesting to see how, and how fast the fight goes for.

Dovro wasn't surprised by Drenn's sidestepping. It was the speed at which he did it. Only muscle memory from his low position would prolong the fight. Drenn was far too close, too fast when Drovo rolled to Drenn's non saber side. His stun baton getting a scorch mark across the armored haft. That was close! Another hit like than and the baton was done, and so would the match.

Half way through the roll Drovo swiped the baton at Drenn's legs. Not out of want to trip him up but simply because it was the only part he could conceivably hit. All of it was bad, he was in close quarters but also Drenn possessed considerable speed. Speed that he hadn't faced in years, Maybe I need to go back into the sparring arena with the new force users. He mused bringing his baton back to a guard position as he ended the roll low on his feet.

Tags: Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl
As he gazed upon the burn mark etched onto the surface of the baton, a surge of cockiness and inexperience flooded his mind. In his eyes, it was evidence that seemed to further his belief that victory was already within his grasp.

His mind was so clouded that he almost didn't notice the next assault aimed at his legs. He had to quickly shift his weight and push off with his backfoot, barely evading the attack in the nick of time. The extra weight on his back foot made the maneuver more difficult, but his instincts and reflexes kicked in just in time. Drenn knew he should have been more focused and less easily distracted, especially after all the lessons he had learned from the Crusaders.

He began to think that holding back even the slightest may have not been the right thing to do. As he began to analyze the man's posture, he knew that an attack from above would’ve been too easy to block. Instead of charging forward, as much as he would’ve liked to, he instead took a small step back, as if feigning a retreat.

Then, with a subtle pivot, he would try to seize the moment. His feet propelled him forward with determination as his own body dropped low, skillfully sweeping in. Drenn’s lightsaber was a streak of yellow as it cut through the air with intent. It’s target: the wrist of his opponent, hoping to affect the grip on their weapon. It was more of a strategic move, rather than a direct attack on the stun baton itself.
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Tag(s): Drenn Drenn

Dovro wasn't less surprised when his opponent dodged his quickly put together attack. But then Drenn dropped back, Dovro decided to press the moment. Drenn would see the baton split into two smaller ones, one for each hand. Drenn's lightsaber attack angle was unexpected for Dovro.

The speed of the yellow blur fo a lightsaber caught his wrist armor in a satisfying spray of sparks as his half a baton dropped. Instead of writhing for the loss of the baton Dovro swung back with the other half errantly towards whatever part of Drenn was closest as he rolled after the other half of the weapon. How could I be so stupid to fall for that move. He had been on the defensive and tried to change that... taking damage to his armor & dropping half of his weapon.

As soon as his hand hit the half baton & ground Dovro did a half cartwheel back to standing back up. This guy is good!
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Tags: Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl

Drenn had anticipated the target to have one baton, but as he saw it split into two, a sense of unease crept into his mind. Had he made a crucial mistake? At that moment, he completely forgot about his recent successful strike to the man's wrist. Instinct kicked in; he sidestepped just as the baton went past his shoulder, nearly grazing him.

As he retreated backwards with a half cartwheel, it would allow the Crusader a brief moment to recover and strategize.

Attempting to disarm someone in a duel proved to be more challenging than simply ending their life. Drenn found himself slightly startled, his mind racing quicker than normal as he contemplated the best approach to proceed. A small part of him couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the Dorvo’s armor, shielding his wrist from harm that would have been deemed unnecessary

The thought of the baton breaking into more pieces once again for another surprise seemed unlikely. He was certain that the man was left with only one weapon now. Stepping forward with caution, his body shifted slightly as the lightsaber came before his body, taking on the Makashi form. Instead of a sweeping strike, he lunged forward with his arm extended, his vision set on the baton held by his opponent
Tag(s): Drenn Drenn

Dovro did't know what form the man was using, but knew it was one of the dueling ones. The man thrust the yellow light saber at the same time Dovro was moving forward and down for his other baton. The saber barely missing the baton in motion and grazing the top of his left shoulder pauldron in a burst of sparks. In his HUD a chirp of an alarm went off that damage was received by the shoulder pauldron, 52% integrity remained.

He hit the ground snatching up the other half of the baton before using one to try and engage it to the lightsaber and laving the other one open to a hit to the upper leg.

Off to the side the three trainers and Darth Rasnuhl watched the duel progress. From points Drenn was winning clearly, but it was comforting that Dovro hadn't been disarmed yet. This also shows Darth Rasnuhl that it is time to brush every enlisted man up on combat with a lightsaber wielding opponent. There are far too many enemies deploying force users to ignore this fact.
Tag(s): Drenn Drenn

The match was interrupted before the finale could happen. It was the yelling and shouting of archeologists for Darth Rasnuhl "Come Come Quick!" shouted the clearly Zabrak Human cross with his splotches of orange & black pigment running over. Darth Rasnuhl walked towards the man before speaking "What is it? What did you find?" it was most curious since they hadn't been this excited since they found the ancient Sith Library a month and a half ago. The man slightly winded "Follow, it's best to show." Before the group left in that direction.

Five hundred meters away was a group of building foundations showing out of an excavation pit. One foundation was dug down into what would have been a basement of one of the ancient training academies buildings. They all motion for the group to come over, peering in the left side is ancient duracrete that has turned into stone. On the right side is a doorway with Sith pictographs around it with mechanical lights running on the door mechanism. By the force, is that running technology from nearly five thousand years ago?! The Half Zabrak that had went to find them walks down the stairs talking "Isn't it magnificent? working technology from so long ago."

The group walked over and they got a close glimpse of the door. I was a non corroding metal with a duracrete frame that was inlayed with Sith pictographs. Darth Rasnuhl reads the Sith pictographs out loud in galactic basic "The pictographs describe how this shall be the final resting place of House Okamsiu and how the galaxy shall never hear from them again." Everyone stands for a moment in silence before an engineer pipes up "Well the tech still runs, let's open it." Darth Rasnuhl nods in agreement.

Tags: Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl

The task that was laid upon him had stretched beyond his initial expectations, along with unexpected difficulties with trying to test his mettle before the Warlord. Still, it proved to be a humbling affair, one that would force him to reevaluate his approach and think of different alternatives to unraveling someone’s defense in the future. It proved to be more taxing mentally than it did physically, challenging him to think outside the norms of his usual technique.

As the lesson was interrupted and seemingly came to a halt, Drenn’s gaze shifted to follow the movements of Darth Rasnuhl, his curiosity piqued by whatever caused the archaeologist to come forth in such a manner. It was a considerable distance from where he had been in the recent duel, but he made the journey with ease and didn’t take long to catch up with the others.

What was revealed came as a surprise to the Crusader as he stood amidst the wreckage; his eyes widened with curiosity, as he took it all in, stunned by their discovery, and even more so by the condition in which a great portion of it remained.

Going down the spiraling stairs, his eyes drank in every detail, recognizing the privilege to witness such a discovery. The name mentioned by the Warlord was foreign to him; yet despite his vast knowledge of history, both in the Light and Dark side, there were still many secrets that eluded him. He was already feeling confident that this journey to Odacer-Faustin was going to benefit him in many ways.

Drenn soon found himself positioned to the side of Darth Rasuhl, anxious to see whatever was behind the door.
Tags: Drenn Drenn

Darth Rasnuhl looks at Drenn "Sorry the session was cut short. But we will see what this find brings." Walking over to the door and the engineer admits the archeologists "So how old is this door and tech? Ready for you to open it when you are." The truth of the matter was he hadn't the foggiest of what lay beyond the door... for good or ill.

The engineer with his pale Zabrak skin looks at his lord "My guess from the door scan and what I can see at least 3,000yrs, probably 4,000." The feeling down in the basement ruins grew to one of excitement and anxiety. A female archeologists voice could be heard from behind Rasnuhl's shoulder "I would say from the planets history files, and the construction techniques on the duracrete probably closer to 4,000-5,000yrs old."

During the short exchanges the engineer and his droid cracked the door as it made a groaning hiss and opened revealing a descending set of stairs. Leading the way the Half Zabrak archeologist closely followed by the engineer head in with lights on. The walls are covered with hieroglyphs, the air is stale and much warmer than outside. The cool air flows past everyone legs bringing fresh air as they reach a landing 5.6m down. Then begin to descend another set of stairs that take another 4.6m further to the bottom. On that landing is a second door to the right. Darth Rasnuhl reads the Sith hieroglyphics "Taken and sent to the void. House Okamsiu has paid the Emperors price. Praise Vitate." Hmm... that is a odd one. Rasnuhl mulled to himself. The female voice rang out again "Amazing! that places it closer to 4.5k years ago!!" The engineer shortly after gets the door open with only a hiss of air exchange and a staleness to the air.

Beyond the door is a large room with a bunch of giant tubes with various lights green, blue, and red blinking, staying steady of displaying a pattern. As the light goes around the room it is clear after a moment of focusing on the various areas that the eight tubes are stasis chambers of some sort. In the center of the room is a standing slab. Upon seeing it Darth Rasnuhl turns to one of the guards "Go grab battery packs and portable lights with post haste." He gets closer as they illuminate it, clearing his throat "House Okamsiu is the first to feel the shadowed dagger. The Emperor knows not that we act, but his will must be absolute. The voices farthest from his ideal shall soon be gone." The gravity of the statement hit him like a ton of rock. This is an eternal prison, for those wrongly accused. Much is probably the same fate in the current Sith Order. He feels the raw emotion for a time "Look at all these tubes for any indicator of names, scan them, I want the outlier prepped to open. Get the medical team here stat." A few people run off as around everyone as they were looking at the slab the light were being set up. Darth Rasnuhl speaks the the whole room "We stand in an eternal prison, one made for innocent beings. Let us set about fixing this wrong."

About fifteen minutes goes by before the various instruments point to the tube in the center back as the outlier. With a nod of approval it is another long ten minutes before the now team of engineers say "He we go, disengaging cryo in... 3... 2... 1..." there is a loud hiss before more chimes and sounds happen making a cacophony of sounds before the the front of the cylinder splits open and to the sides revealing Demveath Okamsiu Demveath Okamsiu as she exhales and starts coughing the medics rush in and Darth Rasnuhl gets a closer look asking "Are you a Okamsiu?"
Tags: Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl | Drenn Drenn

4,547yrs ago (3,644BBY)

It was another day, the Sith Empire was in the Cold War with the Republic and her families secret project was done. It was just a matter of time before the massive artificial moon disguised as a real moon mostly covered in water and orbiting a gas giant had its internal shipyards brought online.

In the well decorated room, with the family crest draped down the wall prominently and a few pieces of furniture, along with some bookcases & pedestals for objects. Her son Rhaisar (9) practiced lightsaber training with a tutor away from things. Her daughter Anovae (13) practiced on the other side of the room just into the garden levitating bricks into formation. Ah such a great day. she mused. But she did know what was unfolding, elsewhere her family guards were being killed and company was being taken over, her loyalists managed to keep the moon shipyard secret but only barely.

A guard runs in "We need to leave, now!" that jolted her from her work. "What is it?" a genuine inquiry the male Sith pureblood guard pants "We are under attack." at the end of the words blaster fire can be heard else where in the compound. "Come on Anovae, Rhaisar we have to go." grabbing their hands the group heads for the shuttle bay. Half way to the shuttle bay down a corridor the group comes to an abrupt halt as two guards gun down the other two. Demveath yells at them "What are you doing!?!" the two guards turn the weapons on her and the kids "Well you aren't leaving your way. You are coming with us." It was like a sharp knife to the ribs having such a betrayal, but they continued "As we speak your families holdings will soon be no more." Rage stirred in her as she assessed the angle the two holding her kids were in, realizing that it was a lose lose situation. The guard notices and replies "You guys will be the last of the House Okamsiu." the words stung but she knew they were true.

A shuttle came and landed, the four guards ushered the trio into it. She looked longingly at the compound trying to figure a way out of the situation. It wasn't good being in the shuttle with six guards & pilots along with the two kids. Every plan thought out ended the same, failure... or more importantly the failure to protect her kids. After a time in hyperspace they arrived at a snowy planet as she could see through the window. the time was tense before the shuttle landed. The ushered her and the kids out before taking the Rhaisar away "No don't!" they just laughed and lead her and Anovae to a building then down to the basement. It wasn't done being built, but they separated her away from Anovae. Demveath raged at Tham but they had two face users suppressing her powers. At the bottom there was an open tube in the middle the one guard bumps the stock of his blaster into her back "Go on, get in." She raged more to no avail walking slowly forward she turns her head towards them "You will not get away with this." The guards laugh before the one steps forward slightly "We will, for we already have. Now walk in. And don't breath this stuff in, might really mess you up if they ever find you to thaw you out." The men laugh as the door shuts and a hiss as the world goes black.

Present Day

The light of the world pours in as her eyes open as she falls forward out of the tube as someone catches Demveath as she coughs chokes and sputters. Oh by the force someone saved me, I will have the final laugh. Her thoughts still slow as a medic says to stay calm. Over the light chatter a voice is raised above the others
"Are you a Okamsiu?"
It gave pause. Wait, do they not know? who are these people then? the thoughts pooled for a moment before she spoke for the first time in a long time. "Yes"
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Tags: Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl


Drenn gave a subtle shake of the head as Master Rashnuhl spoke. “It’s not a problem, as I am grateful for any time you are able to afford me.” His voice. There wasn’t any disappointment in his tone, rather, it was overshadowed by respect. He felt as though he still walked away from the short lesson having gained knowledge. The corners of his lips curled in a soft smile. "I appreciate the guidance you have offered thus far. I will look forward to our next meeting," he added.

The Crusader then turned his focus towards the engineer and the droids, feeling the intrigue grow within him as he awaited the discovery. Drenn sensed that whatever was about to be found would thrill him. Reflecting on his time with the Empire, he couldn't help but acknowledge the gifts it had bestowed upon him—countless opportunities for travel across foreign planets, many of which he had once believed were beyond his reach.

Although he was a student of many subjects, the history of the Sith remained one he didn’t delve much in. Like most Force users, he had a basic understanding—enough to recognize their legacies—but he had never ventured deeper into its treacherous waters. The idea of more knowledge tugged at him, yet, each time he considered it, he eventually decided against it, choosing to steer clear of the pull of the dark side.

As the Warlord and his people descended the staircase, he hesitated for a brief moment. Lingering at the top, he took in the craftsmanship around him once more, almost as if whispering secrets of a bygone era. Before much longer, he followed them, noticing an unsettling shift in the air that messed with his senses; there was an eerie feeling that coiled around him, as if unnatural.

Following in the wake of Darth Rasnuhl like a shadow, the Crusader patiently observed the team's movements within the chamber, the passage of time sluggish, as minutes turned to endless moments. Inhaling a deep breath, he prepared himself as the cryo was finally unveiled to reveal an entity that defied all of his expectations, a being of pure Sith descent, something he had only read about in the archives of history. It left him uncertain, and his hand naturally found the hilt of his lightsaber, but hesitated on unclasping it from his belt. Still, his head turned to the Warlord, as if awaiting some kind of command, poised to strike at a moment's notice. However, no one else appeared to feel threatened by it. For now, he would just wait to see how things played out.


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