Crazy Never Looked this Good
Even as she made her way to Nar Shadda Jenna Templar still had to wonder why she was here to begin with. She knew why just not WHY. As confusing as it sounded it was just as so to her. All of it started as a simple invitation from an apparent "new player" known as Momma the Hutt. Word had it she was looking for "the right kind of girls" for something or other. Jenna had not given too much thought into it to be honest. If anything she thought it was just more attempts at someone trying to hire the right kind of muscle while trying to weasel their way into having more power. Jenna already had enough as it was by working with the Red Ravnes.
Yet, as un-luck would have it, Momma was a good friend of the Ravens. Apparently someone had dropped her name to the Hutt and now she was basically being dragged into meeting with her. She had a feeling she was going to regret it but, at the same time, knew better than to say 'no' to a Hutt's invitation; not if she didn't want to end up with her pieces being mailed to different planets. So reluctantly she'd come to Nar Shadda, arriving at the spot where she was to meet with Momma the hutt. She was dressed in her usual turtleneck-dress with her thigh-high boots and the blaster holsters around her chest and arms. She had a very annoyed look as she exited the shuttle she'd taken from the spaceport in order to get here, only await to be announced or whatever by Momma.
[member="Momma the Hutt"]