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Skirmish Ode to Joy | [FO] vs [EE] Spy Games

Resurgent Narrative


Intelligence operatives of the First Order have landed on Kalidan and now seek to uncover information about the Eternal Empire. Past activities, current relationships, and the treatment of its citizens. Anything that would reveal the nature of an otherwise elusive empire. Spies operating on behalf of the Eternal Empire are pressed to identify, locate, and stop the First Order’s agents before they’re able to uncover the Eternal Empire’s secret and leave Kalidan.
[OOC: This is intended as a 3 v 3 minimum, 5 v 5 maximum intelligence operation for both factions. Writers for both factions should speak with their faction staff for further instructions/clarifications.]




Isobel Nakano

Isobel had to wonder what in the fresh hell they were doing on Kalidan-Lysenia.

Not literally, of course. She knew what they were supposed to be doing. The mission brief was to uncover evidence of malfeasance on the part of the Eternal Empire with regard to the First Order's former worlds and citizens. But why Kalidan-Lysenia? If Isobel had had her druthers, they would have gone to a former First Order stronghold. Bakura was a prime contender as a former First Order world, site of the Order's last stand against the Ssi-Ruuk Imperium, and ancestral home of one half of former Grand Moff Natasi Fortan's family. The bonds of blood and religion, as Bakura was a stronghold of the Cosmic Balance, a faith that had taken hold in the First Order as well, might have smoothed their path, given them a population that might, just might be willing to talk. Instead, she was checking into a hotel on Kalidan-Lysenia, the capital of the Eternal Empire, a loyalist stronghold.

It would be like walking onto Dosuun and expecting to find incriminating evidence lying around.

Still, she thought grimly, the powers that be must have known what they were about.

Despite her mood she smiled broadly at the hotel receptionist. "Good afternoon," she said. "Checking in -- Mr. and Mrs. Cavendish." She pressed her credit chit and passport across the desk. Her documentation, set up by the masterful First Order's quartermaster branch, identified her as Aida Cavendish (née Cavendish), an obscenely wealthy Atrisian businesswoman in an up-and-coming pharmaceutical concern looking to establish relations with corporations doing business in the Eternal Empire. Built into her backstory was a family tradition of the kind of fascism that "There should also be a room for our staff."

To complete the fiction, she reached over to Mr. Cavendish -- Aurelian Dash, as he was known to friends -- and straightened his lapel before turning her attention back to the receptionist. She took the pen offered and signed the agreement before returning it back to her. She collected her identification and the keys, passing one envelope to The Major The Major and Dresden Verbrennung Dresden Verbrennung .

"You're on the 74th floor," the receptionist explained. "Suite 7451 and a room across the hall for your staff -- two beds, as per your request. Please do let us know if there's anything further you require. The turbolifts are just around the corner there."

Isobel thanked the receptionist and led the way to the turbolifts. Twenty minutes later, when their bags had been delivered to their rooms and the staff handsomely tipped, the rooms swept for listening devices and any other irregularities, the team gathered in the sitting area of Suite 7451. Isobel set a small jamming device on the table, designed to generate a white noise to mask conversation from any bugs they might have missed, and switched it on. Only then did she finally relax.

Agent Nightshade -- her new codename following the events on Karra that had finally blown codename Lotus -- sank onto one of the sofas and kicked off her shoes. "So," she said conversationally to the others. "Thoughts?"

Aurelian Dash

Aurelian tapped his toe lightly from where he stood, leaned up against a polished credenza. "I think I'm going to take a look in here." he said in almost a singsong voice. Reaching down, the agent popped open the refrigeration unit and looked through the bottles and containers stored there. "Well, it's Arkanian Aquavit for me, anyone else?" he turned, bottle in hand and a raised eyebrow. "I'll make any of you a cocktail to remember, I promise you that." He chuckled to himself. It was fortunate that the suits upstairs were always giving him roles he could fill, identities that in all actuality weren't that far off from his own - a common theme: an appreciation for strong drinks.

Pausing a moment for any requests, he closed the refrigeration unit and stepped over to a small cart where glasses, ice, and a few other cocktail essentials were laid out. Getting to work, he spoke albeit over his shoulder. "Can't say I have much in way of a plan here. Best bet? Probably hit up a few of the local dives, see if we can find anyone with a loose tongue. Your best guess as to which'd have a looser one, the general population or the uniforms. You do know how soldiers love to brag." A quiet smirk directed towards their newest joinee.

The cocktails were simple. Using the jagged spike he cracked free several cubes, the ice clattering gently in the crystal. Add a couple ounces and a half of the Arkanian with another four ounces of what amounted to grapefruit juice - a sprig of rosemary to garnish it was ready to consume. Simple, refreshing, and enough ABV to take the edge off.

"Gonna have to pass on the liquor," Dresden said, a mournful note to his voice. "My liver is under 21."

As it turned out, regrowing organs from stem cell samples stored over a decade ago wasn't an exact science, despite being about the most sciencey thing the agent could think of. His liver enzymes were still out of whack, among other things. For at least the next year or so, it was clean living all the way, lest he wanted to spend yet more time under the knife. Alcohol consumption was right out. Likewise with caffeine, nicotine, and most of the other chemicals a soldier came to rely on. On top of that, his kidneys were prone to stone production, so he had to watch his intake of vitamins and minerals. Too much of any one thing, and he was likely to be pissing blood for a week.

"As much fun as it would be to get one of the lasses dolled up and send them to a hole in the wall off post, I'm not entirely sure that anything they dig up would be considered actionable," he said, turning his mind to the mission to keep it off his burning desire for a drink. "Dumbass privates will say just about anything to get laid. Besides, if their boss happens to hear someone asking the wrong questions, there could be trouble."


Aurelian Dash

An amused smirk stretched across Aurelian's lips as he chuckled. "The more's for me then." With a wink and a quick down the hatch movement, he saved time. "Well, since there seems to be skepticism as towards my methods.." he looked towards Dresden. "What to do?" Setting the glassware down from whence he'd retrieved it, the agent sauntered over to the window and looked out at the city. It was quite the sight, the city life - in some ways not that much different than First Order worlds. Something in the architecture maybe, the way the city was laid out. That sort of meandering thought however was well above Aurelian's pay grade. He was a grunt at heart, down in the mud. Or at least, slinking around near the mud. Strapping on armor and toting a blaster never were his intent, leave that to the troopers.

As if to answer his question, a chirp sounded - a new commo from... "Aww Hell."

He waited a moment, eyes quickly reading the direct communique. As he finished, a scowl had lit upon his face. "Oh yes, if you could infiltrate a right fortress with limited - read as no - support and uh, find some ambiguous datacards containing balance knows what.. That'd be great." He rolled his eyes. Taking a deep breath and composing himself he continued. "Get a lot of these eggheads, I tell ya. No understanding of what ops actually look like on the ground. So is this what we're doing then?" Aurelian's finger tapped on the screen of his comm unit.

The Major had been deathly silent both on the trip here and once this entourage of intelligence personnel entered the hotel room. One might think she was battling an unknown illness, with how sullen her look was and how she perpetually kept her self at some distance from what once were friends. Truth be told, the events on Hoth had changed the texture of everything - and most especially in regards to her position within the First Order. Because of this, the woman's mind was currently arrayed like a lockbox, actively suppressing intent and thought so that she could not be pierced. Strange.

As the other agents made themselves a bit more comfortable and bantered lightly the Revenant Agent moved to the window and peered down upon the vastness of the city. Then the message chirped. Nothing could suppress the scowl that crossed the Fallanassi's face.

"No." She murmured to the glass, turning to face Dash while folding her arms behind the small of her back.

"This reeks of a set up. and I do not intend to rot in a prison." The Major cocked a cold stare at each of her fellows, holding the longest upon Agent Dash.

"Going to take a look around. Suggest you lot spread out in case that last communication was deciphered." Without waiting for a reply, the First Order operator crossed the room to exit.

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Wulfngard, Kalidan
Equipment: The Soulsabers | Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Eternal Empire:: Ladybug Ladybug | Rowena | Ben Craig Ben Craig
First Order: The Major The Major | Aurelian Dash | Dresden Verbrennung Dresden Verbrennung | Isobel Nakano | Resurgent Narrative
Another day at the office in Wulfngard. Most did not understand why the Empress did not move here with Lord Tubrok and why they built a new palace in Vengard. They both preferred that place and used their own material resources to build it rather than their Empire anyway. The distance with modern shuttles was not too long, although Vengard and Wulfngard were about 470km apart.

When their new home is ready, regular meetings and negotiations can be held there as needed. But now back to the present. To this day, she convened a meeting to which she invited only three other persons. One was the director of Blackwatch, the second was the soon-to-be-introduced Scientific Overseer, and the third was an agent on behalf of ZU.

She welcomed the three people at the headquarters of the STRATCOM; the invitations, i.e. the document that they have summoned, had been sent to the right people days earlier. It was well known about Ingrid, the Empress didn’t like the delay and was everywhere there before, and she usually expected that from everyone, so the delay wasn’t practical. Not least because the Empress doesn’t necessarily have time to meet others in person in addition to her many busy schedules.

"Welcome! I know they have not been given any information on what will be the topic of this meeting, but there was a need for discretion. I would be interested in your views on the situation with the Alliance. Especially that we finished the Byss offensive."




Director of Blackwatch ; CEO of N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Location: Wulfngard, Kalidan
Dress: Uniform
EE: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , Rowena , Ladybug Ladybug
The Major The Major , Aurelian Dash , Dresden Verbrennung Dresden Verbrennung , Isobel Nakano , [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=15px]Resurgent Narrative[/SIZE][/FONT]

The Director had just finished compiling the reports for the Byss offensive, sending them to STRATCOM and to the Empress directly. Finishing up, he hurried over to STRATCOM remembering the Empress's distaste for late arrivals. He promptly arrived and nodded to the Empress, "My lord." He bowed before taking a seat at the long conference table.

"It is my understanding that our relationship with the alliance is on a thin line, given our relationship and alliance with the Sith Empire. And with the recent Byss offensive, I believe we may have increased tension with the alliance."


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