Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Ode to the gods

Anakin / Aiden had searched and searched for the planet Mortis. The world where Anakin, Ahsoka, and Kenobi had met the Mortis gods. He followed Force crumbs, echoes so old few might have known them. The Jedi.. was he a Jedi? The Councuk had seen fir to knight him, and yet he wielded the powers of the Shadow. His god was fallen and he wanted to learn how.. and why. The expedition on Mortis had no data, only the accounts of Anakin, Ahsoka, and General Kenobi, and their reports were.. redacted.. none of them gave a clear picture of what transpired, or who these beings they has met really were.

What mattered was Anakin had been there. Any place he had tread was a pilgrimage site for Aiden where he drew greater resolve in his devotions and felt vergances. He had tried to contact The Chosen One numerous times, knowing that his Force Ghost from time to time crossed the chasm of the Netherworld to the galaxy far.

Perhaps it was his unworthiness that prevented a communion with The Chosen One or that he had not fully become like The Master in every way. This devotion.. fanaticism.. made him scour the stars for Mortis. And it so happened one of his many treks on uncharted hyperlanes he came upon a world in the Wild of Space…

Mortis was by now a legend, a fable of bygone age. To Anakin it was the holy world waiting for a worthy acolyte of the Chosen One. Below him as he descended was trees glowing, brimming with pulse of the Life Giving Force, and terrain that shifted as if the world itself was moving. To set down his fighter woukd be perilious, so he set the ship to autopilot and said to his Astromech,
R2, take the ship back to orbit, and I will hail you when I am done.”
The droid beeped and booped, it had over the real designation taped R2.

He opened the glass cockpit and looked down, bolts of lightning streaking the sky with clouds that moved as if a blackhole drew them away like curtains. Closing his eyes he said,
Show me the way..

He opened his eyes and saw sqaure pool of water and he leapt, free falling towards the planet, the wind chipped at him and he swayed in midair as he fell. The rush of this descent was intoxicating to him as he began to laugh uncontrollably and then at impact her reached out in The Force, calling the water up, like upside down water fall towards him, it wrapping him as he then plunged into pool of water with great splash that shot a great geyser of water from great rings that rippled and then the water went still.

A black glove hand broke the still surface of water and rising out was the curly haired head of the Disciple, he gasped as he drew in the life breath denied below and swam to edge and grabbed it. For a moment he restsed his head on the dark rock, and then hoisted himself up, his robes soaked, driping great drops and mini faucets of the fluid on the dry ground. He began to laugh again, uncontrollably, at first it was deep and sounded like “huh ha huh huh,” but then as his eyes burned with the fire of coals, it turned more “unnatural,” and sounded like something a creature from Korriban or some dark world would make…
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Cordelia’s ship was traveling in the Wild of Space, she was meditating, levitating over her chair, searching for disturbances in the Force. When she felt it, a strong surge of energy, and her eyes popped open and she commanded the Star Map to change course.

She saw a Jedi class fighter, a rather old model in orbit and she decided to scan it for lifecorms. Nothing came on the screen, whoever the pilot was had already gone to the surface. She piloted the craft through a thick fog and saw what appeared to be a temple of stone that rose as a precipice in the landscape and so Cord made for there and landed.

Stepping pit she pulled her black cloak around her and walked up some steps, when she heard a cadence, heavy breathing in pitches that made her spine tingle and she heard a woman scream.
“This is your Destiny!”

Cord paused as she felt echoes of something that started to overwhe her, when then she saw a toering figure walking ahead of her, his dark brown cape dragging in the stone steps.
Wait! Stop!

She began to sprint up and the Shadow paused, and turned when she heard those breaths again, eyes aflame looking at her. She was tempted to reach for his saber hilt, but his gaze had her petrified, and as he drew near his face began to expose in some of light that broke through the clouds.

Cordelia began to step back as she felt the darkness that rose from him as if steam. She tripped and fell one a knee, scratching her exposed skin when he offered a hand. Cord blinked as she could now see him better, his features handsome and his hair in curls of blond tempered by brown. Cordeli reached out with her naked hand…

Anakin Starwalker Anakin Starwalker
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Anakin saw a great structure in the distance, a tower of stone that was colossal. He made his eay to it, his robes heavy from the wet as he came to a valley that swirled with clouds, he made his way through, he could hear the whispers of the Whills, the Force chattering throigh the creaking of oaks and the wind howling displeasure. He came to steps hewn from stone and began to ascend into what was cliffs and came to plateau where monastery rose like a mountain ahead. With each step he heard voices from this nexus,

“You are the Chosen One! You will bring balance to The Force.”

“You must take my place.. my children will murder one another.”

Anakin came to steps that would ascend inside when he heard a voice cry out, imploring him to halt. He turned to see a young women who was heavy with an air of urgency, her gate was uneasy and her face betrayed a weariness of soul he knew all too well. When she came close to him, he descended and that made her withdrawal and fall. She was on bended knee as he reached down with his leather gloved hand, she taking hold as she helped her to her feet.

His flaming eyes swirled with fresh fire as he examined her, she had long raven black hair and pale akin with rather unusual eyes that looked fire magenta.

He spoke softly,
Are you alright?”

There was a tenderness to his tone as the flames in his eyes subsided for the time, and his composure was less mechanical and as a warrior ready to tilt. This transformation was nothing new to him, the two sides liver on harmony, and how quickly the harsher.. darker side could snap back in place was a matter of snapping one’s fingers…

Cordelia Dimitte Cordelia Dimitte
Cordelia saw it, some shift in him upon taking her hamd and helping her to her feet. His eyes.. the blaze was buried to reveal blue as the ocean and his demeanor was transformed, he spoke softly and showed no signs of hostility. When he asked about her well being she replied,

A scrape.. nothing some Becta or Kolto cannot mend.

Despite his new found gentleness, she still was on her guard. She had been led here by the Force, and last time she had killed a Sith..

This world is strange with The Force.. it is as if everything is moving..”

Aftee a pause she turned back to him,
My apologies, I have not introduced myself.. I am Cordelia Demitte.

She gave a slight bow, which was odd because she had no idea his affilation in the Force. One minute he read Darksider, the next Light, which was puzzling.

What is your name?
She made the inquiry with a bat her eyes, which reminded her of a time when she did that before with Balun Vale Balun Vale in what seemed now a life time ago, though in actuality was not so far in the past. She was up to her old tricks, using her wiles to gather information, though she sensed who stood before her was not one easily cracked, he was an enigma to her. And so she tried to assert some control with the weapojs she knew best. And yet he did not seem to stir at her attempts to flirt or so it seemed. She would have to wait patiently for his response.
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The Dark Pilgrim crossing his arms as he listened to her muse about her medical status and then this world. She revealing her name, not one he had evercheard of, though she did not have the appearance of one that walked in the circles he had.
When she asked for his name, he hesitated, since he had adopted a namesake that was not his given name. A process of emulating his Master by even losing his identity in Him.

My name is Anakin.. Anakin Starwalker.”

He turned to look at the entrance of the Monastery, he was eager to explore it and find any traces of The Chosen One still there. There was little that could shake the newly christened Jedi Knight from his quest. Nothing, not even s dazzling dame would shake his resolve. He gestured with his hand towards the great arched entrance and said,

Shall we?

He offered his arm to help her ascend, her leg wounded and thus tender. This act of chivalry was deeply rooted in this part of his personality, he was Knight and she as dar as he was concerned a Lady. What purpose she held was a mystery, then again no one was entirely clear in there intentions. He sensed no hostility in her, and the curiosity about this world and him was clearly taking precedence in her feelings, he could sense her attraction to him and she probably could tell he found her pleasing to the eye. Though his mind was more occupied by his hope of finding any relics or echoes of His god.

She took his arm and they began walking inside, where they came to a great court of stone, and up on dais was thrones. Turning to her he said,
This world is Mortis, and once was ruled by Force gods.. those are their thrones..

He stopped abruptly as he felt it, the traces of Skywalker’s steps,
We are on holy ground where the Chosen One walked!
Cordelia Dimitte Cordelia Dimitte
He helped her steady herself and gave her some answers,
Anakin.. that name is familiar.”

He then began to escort her into the Temple, taking her arm which made her blush slightly, though it was clear it came from an intent to assist her. He had no reached for his lightsaber, nor used His power in any way. He seemed like a Jedi, a genuine Keeper of the Peace, which was a strange juxtaposition with how he appeared earlier, witj eyes as flame.

They entered the great structure and she saw the thrones, which he explained belonged to gods.

Gods? Huh.. I have never heard of this place, nor Force gods. And Chosen One? Who is that..”

She saw him suddenly prostrate himself, laying with his robes stretched out. She raised at brown at this veneration. Cordelia had not seen any Force User behave thus, showing a kind of worship. She got on her knees besides him and said,
Uh.. so are you part of a religious sect or something?

She wanted to say cult, but errored on being more delicate with her words, which showed some growth. She had come to a strange world and now was witnesssing even stranger behavior.

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