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Odhran Schwarz [WIP]

Odhran Schwarz

Name: Odhran Schwarz

Faction: The Sith Empire

Rank: N/A

Species: Shistavanen

Age: By Human standers, he's 29

Sex: Male

Height: 2.2

Weight: 200 pounds

Eyes: Red

Hair: Black with dark gray and white fur mix in

Skin: Pale

Force Sensitive: Yes



+ Enhanced senses. Being a Shistavanen, he possessed a keen sense of hearing and smell which helps him when he hunting or possibly keep him slightly aware of his soundings.

+ Night vision. Do to his species eyesight Odhran, able to see in the dark. Which is perfect for hunting at night or stalking his pray in the dark.

+ Strength. The Shistavanen species are naturally strong.

+ Fighter. Ever since he was young Odhran enjoy starting or getting into them.


- Anger. Odhran, not the friendliest creature alive he can be quickly angered when provoked.

- Berserker. While in a fight Odhran, can go into a blind furry when he attacks his target but possibly those around him.

- Loosing his mind. It's unknown when his mind begins to deteriorate to this condition. He is slowly loosing his grip on reality seeing and talking to things that are not there.


Odhran, is a taller than average Shistavanen. He wears a hooded assassin with black boots out fit that varies in different colors, he is most often seen wearing a black and red. Odhran fur is black mix with some dark gray and white, while his eyes are red.

Weapons: One single bladed lightsaber


Not much is known about Odhran when he was young except for he was born on Uvena Prime and that he witnesses the death of his parents. At the age of 15, he begins running around on Corellia with a local gang, causing trouble and stealing things. He seems to enjoy the excitement of the heist and the thrill of any kind of fight against authority or anyone who would try to stop them, but like everything in the galaxy nothing last forever. For about five years the gang continued there little rampage making a name for themselves, one night during an attempted heist the gang was arrested by the local authority. After spending a week in jail Odhran had a visit from a known criminal who took notice of the unusual height of the Shistavanen, wanting the 20ish year old to help his organization by collecting debt and possibly in intimidating few authority figures who refuse to be bought out.

Odhran first year with the group worked out well he enjoys ruffing up people who needed to pay their debt, it was quickly clear to his employer that Odhran was extremely aggressive with some if not most of there clients along with rumors of his unstable mentality. Through the years Odhran works for the organization he was sent to help with bigger and better jobs namely robbing people or getting ride of someone, during one of his jobs him and a co-worker found themselves at the wrong end of the law. This wasn't new to them while authority tries to arrest them Odhran let out a growl manage to knock the officer down without touching them, they manage to escape. Odhran realized that there's something more to him then what he thought there was, wanting to explore this new power he resigns at the age of 29 and joins The Sith Empire.



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