Zahori Denko

Name: Odin DazhAge: 22
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Faction: First Order
Rank: Ensign
Lone Wolf
Odin was born on Coruscant. His parents were drug addicts who eventually died because of their addictions, which left Odin an orphan. For a few years, he wandered the streets on his own. He eventually joined a street gnag known as the Gold Baggers. Not long after joining the gang, Odin had a run in with the police who then put him in a foster home. His foster dad was a Keshiri named Hyrko Dazh, a retired naval officer in the Galactic Empire, and his mother was a Hapan woman named Tulia Fenn, a retired medical officer from the First Order.
Under the eye of his parents, Odin learned discipline and class. At 19, Odin joined the First Order as a medical officer, like his mother once was.