Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Darth Odium



NAME: Ket Vista, aka. Darth Odium
RANK: Sith Lord
SPECIES: Nautolan
AGE: 68
SEX: Male
1.9 meters (6' 2")
WEIGHT: 95 kg (209lbs)
EYES: Black
HAIR: Green Head Tresses
SKIN: Green

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

++Lightsaber combatant: Odium is quite good with a Double-Bladed Lightsaber as well as a single lightsaber.

+ Can fuel himself using the emotions of others as well as himself.


-Is mute and can only communicate via telepathy or when immersed in water.

-Can Not use Force Lightning ever

-Claustrophobic: no tight spaces or panic happens

-Desires Companionship




Force Powers:
Force Drain
Force Walk
Bind Spirits

Lightsaber Forms:

Shii-Cho: Primary
Djem So: Secondary

Items of Interest:

Darth Nihilus Holocron - (Given to Darth Isolda)
Darth Nox Holocron - (Given to Jared Ovmar)
Shadow Armor
Massasai Ceremonial Blade - (Lost to D-man)
Blade of Ieldis

Necklace of Odium
Kallig's scorching lightsaber: - (Stolen by D-Man)

Odium is tall with broad shoulders and physically fit appearance. He often wears a suit of durasteel torso armor with bone ridges with durasteel shoulder guards and gauntlets. He also wears a typical black all-weather cloak and black trousers with armored boots. His natural black eyes and green skin are typical of he species, but he has at any one time several scars cuts or bruises from cutting or beating himself.

Ket started life as a typical member of his race. He was born to on his home world, Glee Anselm, to a force priestess and her Darkside adept husband. His mother had a vision during labor involving the Infant Ket and demanded the child be sent away or killed. The father, who trusted his wife's visions, tossed the child into the local swamps to die. The Galaxy however had a different plan and Ket was found by a travelling Sith, who recognized the infant's force sensitivity and took him to be raised as a Sith.

Many years went by and many years of being reminded he was the garbage throw away child of weak useless parents, Ket struck out to find his biological parents. He was a thing in his own mind and from a young age was unable to speak. Ket searched for a familiar presence on his home world and eventually found the swamp where he was left for dead. A local Nautolan worker recognized the family resemblance and lead Ket to his aging priestess mother and her darkside adept husband. They instantly recognized the young Ket and attacked. The fight was quick and brutal but Ket was the victor. His parents and guide dead Ket returned to his Master. He was so filled with the hate his parents had for him and his hate for them his Master christened him "Odium" meaning "eternal hatred".

He was later taken as an Apprentice by [member="Darth Isolda"] and he began training. His training began as being used as a test dummy for other acolytes that were practicing using mind effecting powers and as a result Odium is more resistant than many to mentalist abilities. Later on a Mission to Contruum Odium stole the Nihilus Holocron and incited a Jedi Padawan to steal another holocron and lead a group on a chase before the Padawan was murdered by three assailants. Odium was then caught trying to escape with two holocrons and several other items including the Sword of Ieldis and Kalligs scorching saber. His pursuer, Maya Whitelight sent her pet after Odium as he boarded his ship. Odium fought and killed the Vine Cat before escaping the scene.

Later Odium was once again plotting and this time it was on a grand scale. Using knowledge of the Jedi temple he had acquired via first hand exploration of the temple and it's catacombs Odium entered the temple during the invasion of Coruscant and after a long trek through the sewers and catacombs planted a thermal bomb beneath the temple and detonated it after escaping out the opposite side. With that Odium achieved the destruction of the Jedi temple before even being raised to Knighthood. The Jedi Darron Wraith made an attempt to save face and used a highly powered form of shatter point on the temple as it crumbled which increased the destruction but the damage had already been irreversible.

Following the successful attack on the Jedi temple and gaining the title of temple breaker from some Odium began plotting for his next attack. For that he gathered a large crystal as a focus and went to the war torn world of Contruum once more. Odium had noticed the greed of many in the galaxy who would gasp at items of power like vultures and used that fact to set up a mock auction. He used several fake items of power and counted on the gathered greedy ones to resort to force use to get what they wanted. Odium was far from disappointed when many dark siders came to get their hands on the artifacts. The spirits of the planet that had not gone into the nether were drawn by the power and force use and gathered in the area. Odium, now a Sith knight, was aided by Darth Isolda his master and the Dark Lord of the Sith himself as he drew in and bound several hundred spirits including 250 slaves one of the dark siders had used as payment for one of the fake items. The ritual was nearly flawless until The Master Mentalist and falanassi heretic Je'gan used his power to get Odium to begin executing his planes to use the power of the bound spirits to create a thought bomb. Darth Isolda stopped Odium but the power was already in motion and Odium created an amplified Death Field that killed Hion the Herglic and Rasho the Hutt in the process. Odium bound the Spirit of Rasho the Hutt to his necklace while the spirit of Hion was bound by one Rave Merrill.

The ritual and death field was so powerful that a wound was created in the force at the site and the area was drained of all life and even sound and color were dulled to a faded semblance of what they were outside of the area. Odium in the process was infused with the force that had been drained and grew substantially in his power following the event.

He went into hiding for a brief time and trained further with his Master as he grew used to his new found strength during which time he gifted the Holocron of Darth Nihilus to Isolda and the Holocron of Darth Nox to Jared Ovmar. He also began the search for a new item of power, The Heart of Graush. Odium went on the search for the item only to find it had been found and destroyed by a team of Meta-Jedi of the Silver Order. Undaunted Odium sought and found a suitable crystal and began binding spirits to it. Now in the process of executing his plans he Is roaming the Galaxy with the goal of binding 3000 spirits to the crystal before he will try and make it into a new heart.

He has also met new acquaintances in [member="Nazo"], [member="Duvain"], and [member="Nyarl"], who he has less hate for than he does most.


GR-75 medium transport

Darth Isolda
Darth Orcus
Jared Ovmar

Shaw Mckeller
Aaralyn Rekali
Ember Rekali


[member="Rasho the Hutt"]
Hion the Herglic (Accidental)
[member="Lews Therin"] (Caused not executed)

Portfolio of accomplishments:
-Manipulated Jedi Padawan Lews Therin into leading a group of darksiders on a wild goose chase for Nihilus' Holocron. Lews Therin Deceased.
-Entered the Jedi Temple catacombs and sets a 100lbs thermal bomb in the center of the building and detonated it. Publicly it is believed the Jedi master of shatterpoint is responsible.
-Murdered a public transport full of people and bound to force user spirits to himself.
-Learned Force Drain from Darth Nihilus holocron and receivesa Prophesy of force drain addiction killing him.
-Learns of the Heart of Graush
-Begins plans to Dark Sever the galaxy
-Holds an auction on Contruum killing 250 slaves, Hion the Herglic and Rasho the Hutt.
-40 meter Force wound created on Contruum.
-Trip to Republic owned Korriban to find the Holocron of Graush. Meets Quinn Vos and Ryan Korr. Lost a foot to Korr. Gained Quinn Vos
-Found and captured a Miraluka slave to use as template for a Sithspawn.
-Gives the Holocron of Graush to [member="Valik"]
-Murders a frigate of slavers and slave cargo on Csilia.
-Is attacked and beaten by the force spirits of the Cult of the Terrible Glare. Finds a Soulsnare.
-Learns to shield himself from the Dark Plague of the Dark Lord
-Helps kill a dragon with the Vong.
-Makes the Neverborn sithspawn with Valik's instructions
-Has a brief fight with [member="Ashin Varanin"]. Together they create a deathfield and kill a Mountain leaving a huge wound in the force on Anobis. Sithspawn eacapes.
-Trains Quinn Vos.
-Goes to Coruscant to act as a Priest of Vahl and consecrate the new Temple of Vahl.
-Is asked to help turn Rosa Gunn. Suceeds. Immediately hates her. Taunts her constantly.
-Meets Ordo beyond Shadows
-Finds the Planets Erida. Visits with Quinn begins to assault the world.
-Goes to the Sith Prison and watches Mandos break a fellow Mando free. Manipulates Rosa gun into hating him all the more. Continues to taunt out of Spite.
-Continually to poses as a Jedi Padawan

People Manipulated, twisted or harmed:
Ashin Varanin
Hion the Herglic
Rasho the Hutt
Ryan Korr
Anastasia Rade
Lews Therin
Rosa Gunn
Quinn Vos
Lord Eclipsion
Veus Tal'verda
Jared Ovmar
Kitt Solo
Aran Ordo


Private Auction on Contruum (Holocrons and sith items)
The Sight of Madness
Operation Downfall: Carida [One Sith vs. Republic]
Money [One Sith - Suns Vs. Reps]
The Republic Shall Fall [One Sith Invasion of Coruscant]
Hunger and Hatred (Holocron self training)
Contruum: The Nihilus Holocron
A Meeting
To Tantorus We Go [One Sith Dominon of Tantorus ]

Such Sweet Eternal Sorrow (Invite Only)Memorials
Cor Odium: Korriban Mission (open)
Connections: Roving Market [Open to All]
Through the Gates of Hell (Republic Invasion of Empress T...
Spoils of Murder
Private Auction on Contruum (Holocrons and sith items)
On Prakith, Shadows Clash [One Sith/Ask]
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Kung Seilois

Freelancer Extraordinaire
Hello there sith! Double-sided and single? Do you carry both? Or does your double sided lightsaber have the option to only ignite one side at a time? Much like Maul's?


This looks interesting, and as long that you don't drink Jawa Juice we should roleplay sometime when my character sheet is finished. :)


But remember ONCE I finish my character sheet, that could be tonight, it could be next week, who knows?
But yeah looking forward to seeing you around ;)

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