Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Well-Known Member
[member="Jaxton Ravos"] it is being used on me, and my fellow rper [member="The Gray Assassin"] never used it before, so trying to get effects right on me.

I have used it, but I no longer update my thread tracker so I wouldn't be able to recall or find which thread I used it in :p

But picture the ability like this: nothing happens until the tendrils touch you. So when I cast the dome, nothing happens. When it encloses and the tendrils begin to wrap around you, that's when your movement is impaired and your force is severed.


[member="The Gray Assassin"]

The spell has no effect unless it wraps around you. Meaning you have time to escape if you wish. If you get wrapped up in it, from the Wiki itself your Force connection would be instantly severed, and your strength would begin to be drained. Strength wouldn't be instant, but overtime.

This is the opinion of a dude who just quickly read over it.
From someone whom frequented this spell in PvP:

Not an auto hit. Period. But also, it is not a singularly stable point, the tendrils move, so even if you flee, it can chase. Remember that. Lastly, it does sever your connection, and also saps strength. The last bit is fluff, and up to the writer being attacked to choose how much per post.

I have had some take little to no strength gone, but others have flat out fell unconscious as their strength was sapped instantly.

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