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Approved Lore Odojinyakaar - Keepers of the Dark Web

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  • Organization Name: Odojinyakaar (Official Ur-Kittat name), Keepers of the Dark Web (Colloquial Basic name)
  • Classification: Religious Inquisition
  • Affiliation: New Sith Order, Church of the Dark Side, Dark Empire
  • Organization Symbol: Tradition Sith Symbol, emblazoned with a watchful eye, with a sword downwards through it
  • Description: While the Church of the Dark Side spreads its influence through the Dark Empire and its occupied territories by way of elaborate ceremonies and propaganda, the Odojinyakaar operate behind the scenes as a boogeyman, suppressing dissidents and removing threats quickly and quietly.
  • Headquarters: Akar Tsis, Tython
  • Domain: The Odojinyakaar do not claim political authority over any domain, operating within the area of influence of the Church of the Dark Side
  • Notable Assets: N/A
  • Hierarchy: The order itself is led by Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze and his apprentice, the former Knight Inquisitor Sorren Moonstrider. Above them, the Odojinyakaar answer to the Sith'ari Darth Solipsis and his Shadow Hand Darth Ptolemis. Below, the order's hierarchy is divided into Inquisitors and Assassins. Due to the Banite rule of two practiced by the New Sith Order, members of the Odojinyakaar cannot be considered Sith apprentices nor are they granted the right to ascend through the New Sith Order, unless it is by the customary practices of the Order which include being chosen by a Sith as an apprentice or by slaying a Sith Lord.
The two subgroups of the Odojinyakaar operate equally, but in different realms. The assassins exist solely to remove obstacles to the spread of the Church of the Dark Side. Targets typically include belligerent rebel leaders, outspoken influential media personalities, preachers of Ashla and Disciples of the Whills. The Inquisitors on the other hand work in the realm of conversion and manipulation. Trained by Darth Vinaze to bend the minds of their enemies, their purpose is to ensure those that could turn will. Seeking out Jedi, non-affiliated FUs, and heretic Sith, the Inquisitors are trained to capture, torture, and if possible eventually create new apostles to become more tools for the Church.​
  • Membership: Membership in the Odojinyakaar order is strict as a result of its ultra-clandestine nature. Members are typically sought out, as the existence of the order is not well known and it is desired that it remain that way. Though recruitment differs slightly between the two primary roles present in the order, the virtues sought after for candidates are stealth, tact, lightsaber combat, and above all else a zealous belief in (or the probability of being programmed for) the Sith Code and the Church of the Dark Side.
The difference between assassins and inquisitors appears in the fact that the order's recruitment of assassins is much more lenient. Force Sensitivity is not an absolute requirement for an assassin of the order so long as they can perform their duties as well as a Force-User can, and the assassins' duties can often have as much need for a well-trained gunman as they do a lightsaber duelist.​
Dark side inquisitors on the other hand, as they have been in all their previous incarnations, are required to be trained Force-Users due to the nature of their work in dealing with other force-sensitives.​
At its inception, the Odojinyakaar drew its members mostly from the ranks of the Imperial Force Corps, disbanded by the Dark Empire's Sith regime. Those unworthy of becoming Dark Side Elite under the command of Ibaris Varanin were reorganized under the Sith. Some accepted the Sith Code and fell to the Dark Side readily, while some were forced into service of the darkness by their comrades or by Sith Lords like Vinaze himself. New membership is extended to fallen Jedi, turncoat Imperial Knights from warlord remnants beyond the Dark Empire, and any skilled person professing belief in the Sith Code.​
  • Climate: Brutal. The conniving and manipulative ways of the Sith are strongly encouraged among the ranks of the Odojinyakaar. Although its members may never be considered true Sith, their devotion to Sith ideology is paramount, and failure to practice the Sith Code and assert ones own power and strength is likely met with death for the weak. Even those who succeed in proving their loyalty and strength to the Sith are at risk of being stabbed in the back by a fellow Keeper. The climate of the Odojinyakaar keeps its members on constant alert and ensures they are always functioning at their strongest, even if it drives some to madness or death. That is simply the way of the Sith. The extreme secretive status of the order is of primary importance as well, and failure to remain hidden on a mission and compromising the order's secrecy are met with extremely prejudiced punishment or re-education, if not death.
  • Reputation: Boogeymen. As a result of their clandestine modus operandi, the Odojinyakaar are regarded by those who have heard of them as hopefully nothing more than a legend. Among the worlds occupied by the Dark Empire, the Church of the Dark Side preaches salvation by Sith ideology over every holochannel and the common folk convert en masse to the religion of their new overlords. But those who do not believe, those who resist, are picked up off the streets and never heard from again. Those who speak out against the injustice of the Sith suffer strange deaths and disappearances, and those who do return are not the same as the people they were. Hushed whispers in the shadows speak of who, or what, could be responsible, and the fear of the Sith spreads like dark tendrils through the streets at night. Terrified of what could happen to them, or who they could become, heretics and non-believers are on the lookout for the specter that haunts everywhere the Church's power grows.
  • Curios: N/A
  • Rules: Strict adherence to the Sith Code is required by members, and respect for the New Sith Order's Banite philosophy is important in keeping assassins and inquisitors in subservience to the Sith, ensuring that their power fantasies can only go so far by the knowledge that their leader is already training an official apprentice to succeed him as a full-fledged Lord of the Sith. Enforcement of these rules is typically encouraged among members as a method of proving their loyalty, but more drastic measures of mind-altering Force powers are sometimes used by supervising Sith Lords in order to dominate unruly acolytes.
  • Goals: The goal of the Odojinyakaar is the suppression of beliefs other than those promoted by the Church of the Dark Side, and by extent the Sith ideology that forms the basis of the Church. As their name suggests, the expansion and ingraining of their secret network among the followers of the dark religion is a priority short term goal for achieving the long term goal of Sith ideological hegemony over the galaxy.
Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze
Sorren Moonstrider
Lúthien Tinúviel

In the wake of Darth Solipsis' return and proclamation of his Dark Empire, the Sith made sweeping changes to the Empire's structure, one of which was the disbanding of the Imperial Force Corps, also known as the Imperial Knights. Though the Knights had served the Emperor faithfully since the declaration of the New Imperial Order, their doctrine of neutrality in the Force stood fundamentally opposed to the New Sith Order's regime. In a cunning victory over a decades long enemy, the forsaken knights were brought to the Dark Side of the Force, either through willing submission to the Sith Code or by corruption against their will.

The best of the Empire's Force users became the Emperor's Dark Jedi, known as the Dark Side Elite, who continue to serve the Empire and the cause of Imperial ideology. Those turned by the Sith however, were inducted into a new organization outside the bounds of the Empire: the Odojinyakaar. Their name is a tongue-in-cheek usage of the ancient Sith incantation that ensnares enemies in a binding Force, and a subtle nod to another order of Keepers once influential in Darth Vinaze's past, the Qotsisajakaar.

The newborn order repurposed the existing Inquisition branch of the Imperial Force Corps, and reorganized the remaining Knights into assassins devoted to the Sith. With their new ideology and a new emperor to swear their lives to, the Knights-turned-Sith adopted a new crusade. The Odojinyakaar began to spread their dark web after the occupation of the Deep Core by the Empire, immediately taking to the task of removing dissidents on heavily populated worlds like Empress Teta where the Church of the Dark Side sought to further their spiritual authority. Tied strongly to the Church by Darth Vinaze's role as the Prophet of Solipsis and by his desire to see the further empowerment of the institution led by Chief Minister Derix Tirall , they operate in the darkest recesses of Imperial space, like spiders spinning the dark web required in the arduous task of spreading Sith ideology to the galactic populace.
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