Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Of Bone and Sinew [Character Sheet]



NAME: Gorge
FACTION: The Hrosha-Gul (One Sith)
RANK: Executor (Intendant Caste)
SPECIES: Vongformed Graug
AGE: 31 Standard Years
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'1"
WEIGHT: 205lbs
EYES: Yellow
HAIR: Dark
SKIN: Grey-Tan


  • [ + ] Graug Heritage: Gorge's Graug genetics make him nearly doubly powerful than your average Yuuzhan Vong warrior. His experiences on the battlefield and superior strength make him a formidable foe in close combat and at ranged scenarios.
  • [ + ] Fearless: His fighting spirit is immortal. There is nothing anyone can ever do or say that will make him fear. Gorge has done everything that would break the souls of mere mortals and has feasted upon the cadavers of 'Gods' themselves. Though that may be the case, his arrogance is something an irritation.
  • [ - ] Hunger: During his days as a Graug warlord, he had began a trend of feasting upon his foes after their defeat. It soon became a life-long habit and was something that would be needed to sustain the being into the better half of his life. He'll go out of his way to satiate his hunger; be it friend or foe.
  • [ - ] Inferior Blood: He is not a true Yuuzhan Vong. He may fight, talk, and act like one, but he will never be one in physical standards or culturally. He is a Graug and always will be and his Intendant counterparts use that as an advantage to toy with his power.

His entire existence is an algorithm of hatred and bloodlust. Gorge's appearance reflects that statement to the very letter. He has a wretched form that is the nightmare fuel of children and those of weak will. A gaping maw is where his mouth used to be, filled with needle-like teeth begging for the savory flesh and blood of his fallen foes while his talons are perfect for hacking through bone and sinew.

Vonduun Crab armor is his typical attire although he's known to wear long, draping robes when handling administrative affairs or the like.

There is little known of the Graug that somehow stumbled upon the Yuuzhan Vong territory. Records that date back far enough on Gratos tell of a sadistic and fanatical warlord that forced the blood and entrails of his enemies into the mouths of his soldiers in an attempt to begin a new crusade that would plunge the galaxy into darkness and despair. The Vong took him in and made him perfect.

Their shapers and their biotechnology turned a once pitiful creature into something worthy of the ascent to Godhood. Instantly he was indoctrinated into their society and zealously folloed Yun-Yammka and Yun-Harla's teaching while working his way up the ladder with cutthroat methods. He didn't desire to be a warrior anymore, no, he craved for the ultimate power that lay within the hands of politicians and overlords. He wanted slaves, wealth, power, everything that his eye saw knew his greed.

Most of all, he wanted pain.

Coming Soon.

[Insert your name here.]





[member="Darth Vornskr"]

Dark? That's racial profiling, mate.
Just kidding. Give me your legions, bby.

[member="Viktor Romanov"]

I don't like mechanical things. Because, y'know, I'm Vong.

[member="Dom Vizsla"]

HoloBook says I have too many of those.

[member="Faye Terrik"]

Me, you, date? I'll make sure you're home before your bedtime.



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