Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Of Dragons and Steel

Draven Fett

Just the cowboy way
Mandalore, Fett farm stead

Like the breath of ancient beasts of legend the building felt as if it were hell it self. Only twent meters by twenty the small building had anvils, a forge and billows, quench buckets and all matter of strange equipment. This was the workshop of Draven Fett, a mandalorian Beskar smith who had left the Galaxy many years ago in search of a past. The mandalorian mountain towered at a staggering seven foot two, his muscles large and tight. His frame was shirtless and only a leather apron protected his bare chest and belly his arms were victim to the heat. Sweat glistened over his body and soot stained his flesh as he toiled in his work shop.

For far to long Draven had been Dar'manda, trying to escape the turmoil and his responsibility. No longer would he be lost to the darkness, his arms worked in fury on the bellows. Each pump breathing life into the forge, brightening and dulling as he worked. The forge crackled and smoldered as he pumped the last breaths of air into it. The Mandalorian mountain moved toward the face of the forge to look in at the block of metal that now shown cherry red.

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