Coci Heavenshield
Dawnguard Grand Master
Nar Shaddaa
Padawan [member="Hawk Solo"] | Master [member="Leori Sheltrak"]
A true test. One Hawk must face without his Master there for protection or guidance.
However, he would not be completely alone. A mission into the underworld of Nar Shaddaa. A report had reached Iella's chambers of a ring of bounty hunters kidnapping young Jedi and handing them over to the enemy with the highest bid. Little is know of what becomes of the Jedi other then they are transported to Nar Shaddaa and then simply disappear. Jedi Padawan Hawk Solo and Master Leori Sheltrak are to go undercover to the last known location of the ring, infiltrate and discover the location of the missing Jedi, if they are still alive. They are to arrest the bounty hunters responsible and bring them back to Voss for questioning. More to this there is, and Iella wants to know who the bounty hunters are working for.
This will be a test for both Hawk and Leori, but one Iella is confident they will complete with success. They are given as much information available to Iella and the mean to complete the mission. An unmarked ship provided for transport and credits to use were needed. It is a dangerous mission, one not to be taken lightly, much danger ever present in this lawless place, one can never tell who to trust.
May the Force be with them...