Lysle of the Hydian Way
Silent and Violent
Lysle checked his Nas-Tech Wrist Mounted Datapad. Local time dictated it was only 10:07pm, but it felt far later than that. Neon lights strafed across the night sky, blurring the vision of those that dare look into their powerful radiance. In a small restaurant above the streets of a suburb known as Little Coruscant, was where he sat. He knew that out the back was a warehouse with a wide swath of room for shipments. Sometimes it was also host to illegal shockboxing matches, a favourite on the world of Antecedent. The citizens here had never seen its like before. Lysle was waiting on a contact from a company that was offering to sell him equipment for his PMC. Gentle music nursed and soothed his senses as he waited.
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