Seki Otara
For those whose home worlds were no more than a birthplace, whose lives were spent on one ship or another, nighttime was less of a time and more of a daily task to be completed alongside meals and exercise. Sleep was a necessity for most living creatures, and Seki was no different in that regard, despite her personal misgivings about her surroundings. Perhaps the company could have been better, the captain could have been be more trustworthy, the ship could have been more reliable. Her roommate was the Jedi Master, D'Kai. A foolish man, whimsical and silly, but of all the people on the ship, he was the least likely to stab her in her sleep, and her own powers were no match for his. This was the safest combination by far.
Even with the strangely optimistic fellow as her roommate for the time being, Seki was not prepared to trust him entirely. She planned on keeping watch the entire night if she had to. Surely they couldn't be that far from Coruscant, so hopefully a single night would be the only one she would have to spend with the Jedi. Nevertheless, uneasy as it was, sleep eventually took her upon its wings and spirited her into the inky black void between the stars. Curled up in a laughably tiny ball in the center of her bunk — the one furthest from the door, in case someone should get any ideas during the night — the young Sith was unconscious within minutes.
For some time there was silence, only the sound of her measured breathing, and there was a calmness in her that could rival that of a Jedi master, though such a thing was impossible when her mind was awake. When that changed, it changed quickly.
Some time during the night, there was an abrupt and violent disturbance in the Force, originating with the orange girl in the bunk in the corner. Serenity became tension, calmness turned to fear, and the quiet girl slumbering on her bunk had rolled from one end to the other and back again. Gripping her sheets with both hands and releasing an unnerving sound as her teeth began to grind on one another, a dark ripple in the Force extending from its point of origin: Seki. Her wide brow was pulled tightly inward, furrowed in a deep frown that followed the curve of her chin whenever another dark ripple spread through the Force.
Even with the strangely optimistic fellow as her roommate for the time being, Seki was not prepared to trust him entirely. She planned on keeping watch the entire night if she had to. Surely they couldn't be that far from Coruscant, so hopefully a single night would be the only one she would have to spend with the Jedi. Nevertheless, uneasy as it was, sleep eventually took her upon its wings and spirited her into the inky black void between the stars. Curled up in a laughably tiny ball in the center of her bunk — the one furthest from the door, in case someone should get any ideas during the night — the young Sith was unconscious within minutes.
For some time there was silence, only the sound of her measured breathing, and there was a calmness in her that could rival that of a Jedi master, though such a thing was impossible when her mind was awake. When that changed, it changed quickly.
Some time during the night, there was an abrupt and violent disturbance in the Force, originating with the orange girl in the bunk in the corner. Serenity became tension, calmness turned to fear, and the quiet girl slumbering on her bunk had rolled from one end to the other and back again. Gripping her sheets with both hands and releasing an unnerving sound as her teeth began to grind on one another, a dark ripple in the Force extending from its point of origin: Seki. Her wide brow was pulled tightly inward, furrowed in a deep frown that followed the curve of her chin whenever another dark ripple spread through the Force.