Father had never looked happier, now that mother and little Theryn were back on Midvinter. She's even assured them it's for good this time; no more breaking up the family, no matter how honourable the reason. Thrand, of course, was just as happy to have his brother back under his protection, for Theryn had always been a frail child while his elder only grew stronger each passing day. It didn't make Thrand love his brother any less, that he wasn't able to run around and playfight like the other boys. They shared a far deeper connection and understanding, and could without a word uttered between them know what the other was thinking. It was needless to say that he loved him very much.
Today was the Summer Solstice, the height of the Thaw when the climate was at its warmest, as well as a much celebrated holiday where the Valkyri were concerned. All day long the City of Tháinbroek would be filled with festivity and joy, and no doubt his family would enjoy themselves out amongst their people.
But for the eldest child of the High King and his Queen, he felt more at ease on his lonesome on this particular day for reasons unknown even to himself; he had never truly been a fan of large gatherings of crowds, all of them revering him as if the very ground he walked was considered sacred in some fashion. So, having excused himself from the celebrations, he retired to a small woodland glade he'd grown fond of in recent years, situated on the outskirts of the city. It was his sanctuary, away from life's ups and downs.
Having climbed his favourite tree and nestled among its branches, his grandfather's greatsword ever at his side resting against the trunk below his feet, Thrand took to playing a tune on a wooden flute he'd been given by Uncle Thurion for his 13th name day. He'd practised every night before bed ever since, proving to be a fast learner as the most beautiful melodies soon graced the ears of whomsoever happened to be listening.
"This one is for you, grandpapa," he said while peeking through the leafy canopy up at the sun shining bright atop the sky, its rays striking his stark white hair and creating a glowing effect. "Thank you for always being there for us." And so he started playing with naught but the denizens of the forest for an audience, his feet dangling carelessly from the branch upon which he was seated.
[member="Ióunn Wuduælfen"]