Varus Shatterstar
Finding Purpose

Nar Shaddaa
10:38 PM - Friday
"We're almost there.", Varus said, not bothering to turn his head as he leaned back and propped his feet up on the controls panel of the cockpit. He crossed his thick arms over his broad chest before leaning his head back into his seat, waiting for the sea of questions he was almost certain would come at any moment as they neared the Nar Shaddaa atmosphere. It was only natural for a young man to go asking questions, but this was different. This young man was almost asking for what was coming to him, though he'd been asked by the Council to help Uri do a little training to help prepare him for what was to be expected in the life of a Jedi. That meant violence and difficult decisions. It meant being scared, but choosing to overcome that fear. It meant forcing yourself to be brave. To be strong, when you weren't sure that you could be.
It was just a shame that they hadn't give him specifics on how to prepare the young man...
Nar Shaddaa, at least to Varus, was pretty from a distance. It was like that woman you couldn't quite make out across the bar who had a body that killed, but the moment you tapped her on the shoulder with hopes of sharing a drink with her you found out the truth. She wasn't at all what you thought, and now you had your ugly mug right in front of hers, as opposed to safely across the bar, and of course she was watching you with excited, expectant eyes. That was Nar Shaddaa. The "Hottie with a body" who'd been unfortunately blessed with the face of an ogre.
The planet was soaking in crime and deception, not to mention scantily clad waitresses and a number of slug-like creatures called Hutts. The Hutts pretty much ran the place, though the young Knight had been hearing of exchanges in power as of late. Whether that meant that the huts were losing control or the heads of the Cartel were being usurped, he wasn't sure. What he was sure of was that this planet was rough, and it was a more than adequate test for a boy who needed to become a man. Especially with someone like Varus pulling the strings.
"Hey!...", he called out, this time glancing over the shoulder of the seat he was in. " hearing me, kid?"
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