Too much activity. The slender metal fingers of the dull looking droid pulled at the hood of its cloak, an old imperial battle standard wrapped about its shoulders like a cloak, seemingly for no other reason than to keep prying eyes and the weather off his chasis. Walking with a slow and deliberate pace, keeping his sensors on the crowds around him, the droid walked through the crowded marketplace in the bustling village that he found himself in. The outer rim was no place for most organics, but he preferred the cold reaches of space, far from the fighting and hostility of the inner worlds. Chaos and strife always made the droid more than a little uncomfortable, preferring not engage in conflict at all when it was possible to do so. Seemingly the droid bore no weapons, unless one looked closely at the machines back, where the long handle of a simple sword could be seen sticking up from the side of his cloak. A threat at close range, but posing none as he browsed the many stalls for their wares and supplies.
It was rare to see a droid on its own, even more so one with autonomy to just do as it wished without following its Master or taking care of the orders it was given in the first place. A particular junk vendor captivated the droids attention for a long moment as he looked over the salvage that he had on hand. Much of his armor plating had been removed over the past few years, replaced with hand hammered and forge heated plates from everything he could manage. A speeder bike fuel tank made up his current chest plate, both his shoulder guards had come from the landing sub frame of a large cargo vessel. His leg plates almost looked like they belonged on a much heavier and more industrial working droid, but all in all, he passed on the star ship grade steel, knowing he had no way to truly pay for the parts.
After his fruitless venture through the markets, the droid turned onto a side path that lead away from the bustle of the star ports loose economy and down towards what his sensors told him was a quiet place with more greenery in it. He did not find himself disappointed when he came across a hanging garden in the back of what he could only describe as a place of worship. Far from the electrical hum and buzz of the machinery and other droids in the village center. There were standing pools of water, plants hanging from baskets all along the perimeter of the circular garden, all focused on a central tree. A large leafy canopy spreading out overhead with benches all along the foot of the great plant. Taking a seat between the benches themselves, so as not to crush them under his weight, he crossed his legs in a manner that most would associate with meditation and leaned back against the bark of the great tree.
With all sensors slowly shutting off one by one, the only way the droid could even be seen to be active, was a dull blue glow coming from within its chest cavity beneath the plates. Hands on his knee's the droid sat there and tried once more, as he did every day, to commune with the force, searching for his old master. The effort was always fruitless, and did little to ease the Droids mind as usual. Though he did not anticipate that his attempts to commune with the force would betray his ability to do so, and the secret that this droid was not as it appeared, atleast to those who understood the great force that bound the universe together. So he sat, meditated and enjoyed the truly peaceful quiet.
It was rare to see a droid on its own, even more so one with autonomy to just do as it wished without following its Master or taking care of the orders it was given in the first place. A particular junk vendor captivated the droids attention for a long moment as he looked over the salvage that he had on hand. Much of his armor plating had been removed over the past few years, replaced with hand hammered and forge heated plates from everything he could manage. A speeder bike fuel tank made up his current chest plate, both his shoulder guards had come from the landing sub frame of a large cargo vessel. His leg plates almost looked like they belonged on a much heavier and more industrial working droid, but all in all, he passed on the star ship grade steel, knowing he had no way to truly pay for the parts.
After his fruitless venture through the markets, the droid turned onto a side path that lead away from the bustle of the star ports loose economy and down towards what his sensors told him was a quiet place with more greenery in it. He did not find himself disappointed when he came across a hanging garden in the back of what he could only describe as a place of worship. Far from the electrical hum and buzz of the machinery and other droids in the village center. There were standing pools of water, plants hanging from baskets all along the perimeter of the circular garden, all focused on a central tree. A large leafy canopy spreading out overhead with benches all along the foot of the great plant. Taking a seat between the benches themselves, so as not to crush them under his weight, he crossed his legs in a manner that most would associate with meditation and leaned back against the bark of the great tree.
With all sensors slowly shutting off one by one, the only way the droid could even be seen to be active, was a dull blue glow coming from within its chest cavity beneath the plates. Hands on his knee's the droid sat there and tried once more, as he did every day, to commune with the force, searching for his old master. The effort was always fruitless, and did little to ease the Droids mind as usual. Though he did not anticipate that his attempts to commune with the force would betray his ability to do so, and the secret that this droid was not as it appeared, atleast to those who understood the great force that bound the universe together. So he sat, meditated and enjoyed the truly peaceful quiet.