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Off Day Dueling [Prequel]

Shamira Karuto

Burn the past - Heal the future
Location: Ashira’s Light Civilian Station
- Trading and pleasure district floor

Finally, an off day. Throughout her time with the Order of Fire, between flying missions and training, there wasn’t much downtime for Shamira to take to just walk around Ashira’s Light. She lived on the station for goodness sake, and still hadn’t explored the entirety of the massive trading post.
But finally, after getting back from another grueling mission with her mistress, they had both agreed to take the day fully off. No dueling, no force training, no learning text reading, no anything. Taking the day off to revive their minds and bodies before getting back on the horse the next day. So Shamira decided to enjoy her day frequenting the shops, pleasure hubs, and cantinas for the day. She had plenty of credits, anyway.
A simple black cloak, with flecks of red and yellow sprinkled throughout the fabric, was what she adorned for the day’s exploration and enjoyment. While she may not have had time to fully take advantage of all that the station held, she did know of a wonderful diner on this floor that would have hot Jawa Juice calling her name.
She pushed her way through the throngs of people and into the diner, greeted by a little jingle as the door opened. The Togruta immediately made her way to the bar while flagging over the Rodian waitress. “I’ll have cup of Jawa Juice, please.” Flashing a smile towards the woman, she watched her scurry off before taking a seat, and shrugging off her cloak. Nothing extravagant laid under the cloak, just her off duty armor with her lightsaber attached to her belt. Tempest had allowed her to wear this armor on her off days, knowing how the longer, more formal robes were as uncomfortable for her to wear as everyone else.
Her eyes scanned the small dining area of the diner, happy to find it practically filled to the brim. Yet there was no one else seated at the bar, save for a woman sporting white hair. Her looks focused on the woman, and was about to introduce herself when her juice arrived, prompting Shamira to turn back her attention to the Rodian.
|[member="Yusana Fenni"]|
"Pretty impressive."

The Echani was seated on a table at the far end of the dinner, opposite an Iridonian who was still dressed in his armor. In her one hand was a datapad which she was a datapad she was reading; in the other, a pint of Corellian ale. "You understand our ways, Yusana. I always deliver." 250 zhabokas. Yusana's bulk purchase today was headed straight for Corellia, where exotic weapons such as these fetched a high price among both weapons collectors and actual users alike. Admittedly the Echani received no satisfaction from transactions such as this one, save for the fact that it served to fund her Echani lifestyle - always in search of the next big brawl, the next worthy opponent to face.

With a small sip of her ale, Yusana set the datapad down. In contrast to her business partner as of the moment, she probably seemed under-dressed. The standard Iridonian armor covered the whole of the person, but looks were deceiving. The Echani always walked around in her Echani Protector Armor, and carried her full loadout with her at all times. She'd yet to look around yet, choosing to focus on the Iridonian as she concluded the little meeting.

"So, how much was it? 900 a blade?"

"Yes, but that's for smaller orders. For a bulk like this, I can drop that to 700."

Yusana smiled, and with a simple nod dismissed her contact. "We can begin loading. I'll meet you on the launch pad. Payment there." Likewise contented, the latter stood up and briskly departed, leaving the Echani to herself as she laid back into her seat and scanned the area around her. There didn't seem to be any other regulars or spacers passing through, but she did catch notice of what seemed to be a Togruta seated a few tables away. A quick scan with her keen senses revealed it to be a Je'dai - at least from the trappings she saw immediately. Force Wielders tended to carry themselves around in a certain fashion - a giveaway perhaps, but a useful marketing tactic.

That's right, Yusana thought to herself, this station is run by some order. What was their name again? The Echani shrugged it off as she drank the pint of ale to its bottom, gently setting the mug down and wiping her mouth by brushing her forearms against it.

[member="Shamira Karuto"]

Shamira Karuto

Burn the past - Heal the future
Shamira wasn’t sure what caught her attention between the conversation between the white haired woman and the other mercenary. Frankly, there wasn’t much special about it. Firemane did produce weapons after all, so hearing various trade deals going on wasn’t anything new. Frankly, on her way over to the diner, she had heard at least three other deals going on for some form of weapon exchange.
If anything, it probably had to do with the woman. Something about her was different. Shamira stole sidelong glances to try and figure out what that secret was that made her stand out throughout her time drinking her juice. The revelation hit her like a bag of durosteel, her eyes widening in realization. ‘She’s an Echani…why is she here..’
Shamira continued to steal sidelong glances. The conversation seemed to be wrapping up, and now a choice presented itself. Tail the pair and see where it leads her, or let it go and go about her free day. It only took a moment to decide. Pleasure cantina’s would always be standing the next day, and Shamira was sure the Zeltron she was thinking of wouldn’t be going anywhere.
Sipping on her Jawa juice idelly, the initiate awaited the woman to get up and leave. When she did, well, the Togruta’s day might get a bit more interesting.
​|[member="Yusana Fenni"]|
Yusana left a few credits on the table as she then stood up, pausing for a few seconds to give the curious Togruta a cold, hard stare with her pulsing green eyes beneath her hood. Much of her face was hidden beneath the fiber-weave fabric, but there was no mistake - a young Echani with a discernable gash across her face. Slung across her back was a zhaboka of her own, an ancient Zabrak weapon. It was more or less a double-bladed brand, but its blades were significantly shorter. A quick analysis of the weapon would also reveal that the Echani'd customized it by installing a high-intensity vibrator cell - a modification that would allow her to heat the two tip-blades of the weapon. It was the mark of an Echani Firedancer. Another melee weapon, no doubt a secondary, was a Baragwin Assault Blade that also crossed the long of her back. That was all that was immediately apparent, but who knew what else lay concealed under her robe and her kama.

She said no more as she turned around, and with a large stride left the dinner, down the hallway and in the direction of this large station's launch pads. Yusana never even looked back to check if anyone was following, typical of her solitary personality and her brooding nature. She traveled and did business alone for the most part - companions tended to have their own agenda, and not all of them as combat proficient as she'd like; she couldn't play babysitter all the time.

The Echani avoided eye contact with people who happened to be headed up the hallway, opposite the direction she was going - not that anyone seemed to recognize her immediately. She was an enigma, and preferred it that way. Hunting, tracking and conducting 'business' were not as simple when you were a celebrity - something she never really understood about most crime lords and bounty hunters. She kept going, maintaining her downward gaze until finally she arrived at the docks, and approached one particular pad where her ship - a dynamic-class freighter- was docked. A few worker droids seemed to be loading crates on board: no doubt the zhabokas. The Iridonian from earlier was also present, overseeing the cargo as he looked into his datapad again.

Just a few more minutes.

[member="Shamira Karuto"]

Shamira Karuto

Burn the past - Heal the future
The cold stare practically made the Togruta shiver all over. Apparently the initiate wasn’t nearly as sneaky with her spying as she had thought she had been. Her attention quickly turned back to her drink, focused on the swirling, now cold, liquid in her mug. Throughout the rest of her time there, Shamira hadn’t glanced over once more in Echani’s direction. The glare had certainly made sure of that.
But that didn’t stop what the Togruta had planned. A simple glance was not enough to make her want to leave the woman and business alone, that was for sure. There was something odd about the white haired, scared woman, and Shamira had no other thought than to get to the bottom of it. Even if the woman was slightly scary.
The bell jingled, alerting Shamira that the woman had left and was now headed to her destination. The togurta quickly tossed a few credits on the diner bar, giving a little wink to the Rodian waitress before grabbing her cloak and heading out the door. Within seconds, the cloak was around her shoulders, and she was following behind the white haired woman, about twenty meters behind the figure she focused on. They were headed to the hanger on the floor, obviously to make the exchange.
It wasn’t as if the woman was doing something illegal. Like Shamira had thought herself before, there were plenty of arms deals that happened on the station. No, the initiate was much more interested in the woman. So much so that when the Eldorai entered the hanger, stopping to observe everything, Shamira walked up to her, standing beside the slightly taller woman.
Her eyes looked up, silver blue eyes meeting striking green, and the younger of the pair gave a little nod. “You’re not in trouble at all. Though I doubt if you really care if you were doing something wrong. Her eyes turned back to the transport, where weapons were being loaded off. “I guess you could just say..I wanted to meet a fellow warrior.”

​|[member="Yusana Fenni"]|​
Yusana didn't flinch, but for a split second her head slightly turned to her side to catch a glimpse of who it was. The Togruta from earlier - why am I not surprised, she thought to herself as her gaze returned to her ship in front of her. A few moments of silenced passed as only the ambient noises of the hangar around them, as well as the occasional clink and clank of the loading bay droids, could be heard. The Echani's breathing was deep and pulled from the diaphragm, but it was also stealthily silent. She didn't really know what to make of the alien, but credit was due to her for tracing her without notice. As the Iridonian approached and handed over the datapad, Yusana simply hit one of the digital buttons, and with that the transaction was complete. Her attention now turned to the Togruta.

"What makes you think I'm a warrior?", she monotonously asked as she gave the young one another quick glance and began walking towards her freighter. The droids had gone now, and what was once a pile of strongboxes, crates and freight cylinders was now gone - all loaded and accounted for in her ship. She then spun around to get a good look at her, only to have her piercing green-to-yellow eyes meet this one's equally silver-blue ones. Sensing no immediate threat or tension however, her hands remained resting on her waist as she leaned on one foot and let out a cocky, but oddly warm smile.

"Was it the dress? My gear? I've met aliens far larger and heavily armed than I stand before you now, Togruta. Yet I would hesitate to call them warriors."

[member="Shamira Karuto"]

Shamira Karuto

Burn the past - Heal the future
Her eyes turned to the man as walked up. His glare was nothing compared to the other woman’s, but he had an intimating aspect about him too. Both of them, they looked and walked like people who had seen things, fought things that the normal personal wouldn’t. They both were people who knew what battle was like. People Shamira eventually desired to be.
Waiting until the transaction was done was slightly straining on the padawan, who wanted little more than to talk to the warrior standing beside her. Never before had she had the opportunity to meet and Echani and this man was constantly keeping the Togruta from talking to her. Quite annoyingly in fact.
Finally, the transaction finished to the woman’s content, enough for her to turn back to the little one beside her, who was still staring at her with her piercing silver blue eyes. Shamira couldn’t help but shake her head, crossing her arms over her chest while smirking widely. “ That’s not why. People can carry weapons, wear armor, kriff, even look like a warrior.”
Her arms unfolded, clasping behind her back. Her eyes darted to the side in a slight moment of nervousness before turning back to the Echani. “You have all of that, of course. But the way you carry yourself, speak, walk, and hold yourself screams that you know what you’re doing as a warrior.” That sly smirk crossed Shamira’s face once more as she finished. “And you’re and Echani.”

​|[member="Yusana Fenni"]|
"And the way you talk Togruta, likewise, tells me you've seen some things."

The Echani almost smirked at what sounded like patronage, for such sweet words were the soft spot of her people - patronage that fed their hubris further. Yusana shrugged and with a sigh, hung her head in resignation to calm herself before she made a fool of herself and her people. A quick glance from the youth's feet to her head suggested a myriad things about this one. She was young, slender, fit, but also conditioned, sharp, and of keen senses. Her tongue was certainly sharp, and if it was glib, it certainly did a good job of feigning sincerity.

Yusana approached the Togruta slowly, although now not in as hostile or standoff-ish a fashion. "Echani don't often make it far beyond the Inner Rim and the Core worlds. Even out here you recognize me? I'm impressed", she stoically said as she now stood a mere arm's length in front of Shamira. "Tell me, what are you doing here on this station?" She then raised one of her gloved hands from her side and rested it on her waist. "You're young, and your homeworld of Shili's some distance from here." And with a quick squint of the eyes, the Echani made out the shape of a lightsaber hilt beneath the youth's fabrics.


"You carry a lightsaber", she continued, this time finally smirking and biting her tongue. "You know how to fight, surely. You're not a.. youngling anymore. Is that what they call the children?"

Yusana quickly looked around; just to make sure no one was listening in. "My name is Yusana Fenni. Of the Echani homeworld of Eshan."

[member="Shamira Karuto"]

Shamira Karuto

Burn the past - Heal the future
The Eldorai’s response couldn’t help but make the little Togrtua smile brightly in her own response as she allowed the woman to continue to talk. She could practically feel the woman’s gaze run over her. As if she was studying the alien, like she was some kind of science experiment. Or if she was sizing her up in the event she would have to take the little thing. That gaze couldn’t help but unnerve Shamira a bit from its implications.
Shamira couldn’t help the little shrug that came after the first question. “I read a lot. Plus I saw a few of your people on my planet before I left for the Jedi Order.” The second question was much harder to answer, and resulted in having the little togruta rock on her feet lightly while she thought of a appropriate answer. “I…left the order a year ago. I found the Order of Fire, here, after wondering around the galaxy for a bit. They have trained me, taken me in, given me a new purpose.” A wide smile crossed the grey skinned togruta’s face as the woman walked up to her.
Shaking her head in response, and pulling her cloak a bit tighter to herself to conceal the weapon. “I am a padawan. Mistress Tempest’s. Her personal learner I suppose.” Her smile grew wider when the Echani responded with her name, prompting her to put out a hand in a handshake motion. “Shamira Kaurto. Of the Togruta world of Shili. Formally of the Jedi Order, now a padawan of the Order of Fire.”

​|[member="Yusana Fenni"]|
"Of the Jedi Order I've heard, but this Order of Fire is a new name. They're on this station?", Yusana asked as she continued to interrogate her new acquaintance. "Well, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. Since the end of the civil war there have been all of these new organizations springing up. I suppose that's a good thing, right?" Behind them, a small platoon of pit droids began to pull the steelcloth canopy off and away from the Echani's freighter. Its outer plating told a story of its own - while generally shiny and well maintained, in other areas blast marks could be seen. It was a Dynamic-Class freighter. Yusana turned her head to look at the vessel, her body also turning halfway as she gave her ship an ocular. "Well at any rate", she then started again as she turned back to the Togruta, "I'm curious. Why would a padawan so young leave the Jedi Order? Defectors are usually a little more.. of advanced age."


The Echani then held out her opened palm in kind, first placing it into the Togruta's outstretched hand, before grasping it firmly and tilting it sideways into a proper handshake. "Shamira, that's a very nice name. I am an Echani Firedancer. Is your mistress around?"

[member="Shamira Karuto"]

Shamira Karuto

Burn the past - Heal the future
Shamira just shrugged in the direction of the woman, eyes glancing past her to watch a group of pit droid wobble off someplace, presumably to help unload cargo of some sort. “They are located here, yes. Most Eldorai are either here on Ashira’s light or down there on Tygaria.” The grey skinned togruta pointed downward for effect, showing that she meant the planet below was the aforementioned Tygaria.
A sound behind her grabbed both the woman’s attention as they turned and saw the pit droids uncover a beautfil looking freighter, marred with scars of battle and color worn by years of service. It was quite a site, and one that capitvated the initiate, until she was spoke too once more. That snapped her attention back to the white haired woman, with a full blush hinting at her cheeks because of the question. “Certain….events. Disagreements. Happened. I decided it better if I distanced myself from them…and the first order.”
Shamira’s handshake was firm as well, a large smile forming as the blush began to dissipate from her cheeks. “A firedancer?” The second part responded with a shake of her head, and a crossing of her arms in front of her, clasping her non-gloved hands. “No, she isn’t. We’re both taking a day of rest. After the time we had on Kashyyyk…we both need it.” Her smile turned into a sly smirk, as if she was sharing an inside joke no else knew.

​​|[member="Yusana Fenni"]|
"Is that so?"

A wider half smile began to form on Yusana's face. While she normally restricted herself to hunting and raiding along with other Echani, the idea of teaming up with a Togruta didn't seem half bad, now that she'd given it a bit of thought. Their headtails granted them a keen sense of their surroundings - no doubt, a valuable skill to have in more dangerous occupations. The Echani clicked her tongue once, pressing into her left cheek as she thought it all over. As she let go of Shamira's hand, she quickly looked down at the floor before turning back to size the young one up from foot to head and down again.

Her gaze stopped around Shamira's waist however, just where the silhouette of her lightsaber appeared through her own clothing. "How good are you?", she asked as she looked Shamira in the eye before pointing downward at it. "With that." She then gently held the rim of her cloak and pulled it aside to have a better look at the weapon. "A civilized weapon, for a more civilized time to be sure, but still, useful.. in the right hands that is", she continued to mumble. In her mind she was already calculating the likelihood of the young Togruta being killed while away on a raid. Plausible, but unlikely. Even at a Padawan-level of skill, light-saber wielders were worthy opponents; or at least most of the time.

"It just so happens, Shamira, Padawan of the Order of Fire, that I could use extra hands for this run. I can't guarantee a safe sojourn but there's money to be made on the way. There's also a little something at the end of the road you may like. If you have the stomach for it, of course."

With that, she winked and stuck her tongue out, but oddly kept that eerie stoicism that seemed to dominate most of her conduct.

[member="Shamira Karuto"]

Shamira Karuto

Burn the past - Heal the future
The togruta nodded, smirk staying on her face as she stood relaxed in front of the taller warrior. She seemed to be sizing her up for something, which did make Shamira feel slightly uneasy. Something about having one of the most feared species in the universe, those revered for their killing ability size you up could just make you shiver in your boots. Though even as the woman looked her up and down, the lithe padawan was able to keep her composure, standing perfectly still.
That changed pretty quickly the instant Yusana’s hand touched her cloak and pulled it to the side to reveal her lightsaber. Her whole body seized up, and she was ready for the moment the white haired woman tried to take the weapon. Instead the woman asked her a question, much to her surprise at what she thought the Echani’s motives were. Leather boots did hit the ground as she took a few steps back, so that Yusana’s hand was pulled for her cloak. “I’m good enough with it. Experienced with more than a few forms.”
The question intrigued her. But she barely knew this woman. How did she know that the second she stepped on that freighter, she wouldn’t have a slave collar slapped on her neck and forced to live her life in submission? Well, not the fun kind of submission, of course. Her arms crossed over her chest, eyebrows raising. “Well..I’m intrigued. Extremely. But how do I know I can trust you to..not capture me? We only met.” Shamira had to stifle a giggle at the look Yusana made, trying to keep her mature, stoic look.

|[member="Yusana Fenni"]|
The Echani nodded in approval.

"There are quite a few forms, I'm told, yes", she said with a smile and a laugh as she shrugged with one foot forward. "Don't worry. I've no interest in the thing. In that.", Yusana continued with a small gesture of her finger again, pointing at the shrouded lightsaber. "We Echani fight best without the need for weapons. We. Are. Weapons."

"As I'm sure you will be one yourself. In Time. But I wonder for who?"

Yusana lightened up with a grin and gestured towards her ship behind her. "Capture you? Do I look like a slaver to you? That hunk of junk couldn't take off with a Gammorean on it." Yusana then shook her head and turned back to face Shamira. "Well, no matter. I can understand why you're not trusting me right away, and that's fine - an admirable trait. But I'm not one to take you for prisoner today, Shamira, don't you worry about that. Padawans don't fetch a high price among slavers, and slaves don't do as well a job as we Echani in maintaining ships."

The Echani's eyes then turned to the lightsaber, and with an eerie stillness continued to talk, although now she also seemed to address herself as she absent-mindedly mumbled. "And besides, where we're going, it is but fitting that a Force user be there.."

[member="Shamira Karuto"]

Shamira Karuto

Burn the past - Heal the future
The Echani’s reassurances did make Shamira feel slightly better, enough so that the Togruta stepped back forward to within reach of the white harried woman. If she was right about how frighteningly deadly this warrior was, she wouldn’t be talking to the padawan if she had wanted her lightsaber. No, Shamira would be dead, in a pool of blood before she knew what was happening if that was the case. Not the most happy thought, but reassuring none the less.
Shamira couldn’t help the blushing smile that crept onto to her face. No, the echani didn’t look like a slaver, but one could never be safe enough. “Jedi padawans might not,” Reaching up, she grasped her left lekku and raised a brow. “But we tend to, as far as I hear over the holoweb.” The little sly smirk returned as she let go of her lekku, standing relaxed once more.
“I want to come with you. I do. But..” She jerked a thumb towards the ship, raising a brow. “That thing doesn’t look safe. Plus it would be only us. And we just met.” Her booted right foot tapped for a moment, a look of thought crossing her face. “I have a counter offer. My ship. We go to your destination, and I bring you here. That way I have accountability. No one in their right mind would leave their ship, right?” In the back of her mind, Shamira really did hope that Yusana took the offer. The trip sounded exciting, but she couldn’t just be going off with strange warriors. That’s how people’s heads ended up on Hutt floors. "Do we have an accord?"

|[member="Yusana Fenni"]|
"You're not as naive as you appear, Togruta. Very well, then."

Yusana appeared to groan slightly as she tilted her head from left to right. A few, quick calculations ran through her mind as she tried to account for showing up in a different ship. From what she'd learn, even not honoring the most insignificant of fine print when one traded underground was damaging, reputation-wise. She'd have to turn it around and use it to her advantage. After all, staging false crises and feigning threats where there were actually none were standard Echani tactics. That much she'd learned from the harpies and banshees back on her homeworld, and something she hoped to become someday. This might as well be her debut into the game.

"If you've been following me all this time, you would have noticed I have some cargo to deliver. I was planning to make two stops on Ryloth and Taris to drop them off. If we're taking your ship, we'll have to drop these off along the way to our final destination."

Blades don't carve by themselves, but by the hands that wield them.

Yusana continued on, "Instead of trying to make safeguards to keep me from selling you to a Hutt or a Mandalorian, I suggest you mentally prepare yourself if you really intend to do this with me. It's no light task we face, and no petty trinket or fancy bauble we chase. You'll understand when we get there. Fail to heed my warning, and you'll wish you were sold to slavers rather than find yourself where you would." The Echani's cryptic manner of speaking may have been typical of her sing-song people, but it tended to carry darker messages and undertones under the linguistic juggling. And yet glib as it may have sounded, Yusana meant every bit of it.

[member="Shamira Karuto"]

Shamira Karuto

Burn the past - Heal the future
“Not all of us are worthless sex slaves. Some are a just a bit..smarter than that.” Shamira smirked lightly at this statement, putting a hand on her hip and jutting it out to the side.
Bobbing her head in understanding, the Togruta turned to the large crates of cargo, thinking to herself about how to get all of the cargo on her ship. “Well my ship, The Vindicta, has plenty of cargo room. And it’s unmarked. It’s not like we’re showing up in a Republic or First Order capital cruiser. That wouldn’t be good for business I assume.” A light giggle came from the Togruta as she attempted to stifle her laughter at the thought of showing up at an underworld business meeting dressed to the nines in Republic gears and insignias.
It was the warning that shut the lithe Togruta up quickly, her smile falling slightly. She certainly didn’t want Yusana to think she wasn’t taking this whole thing seriously. “If it is supposed to be that way, I’ll make sure to take some time and meditate on our trip. In between taking my crew to the cantina in sabacc. They’re not the best players.”

|[member="Yusana Fenni"]|​
"No, I suppose it wouldn't be", the Echani agreed with a small chuckle herself

Yusana then sighed and let out a small smile. "Very well then", she softly said with some resignation but also relief. "I'll have the pit droids transfer the cargo to your ship." She turned back to her own freighter for a moment, contemplating: Perhaps I should get it restored by someone more.. professional. Somewhere inside, the Echani genuinely worried for the future. the Iridonian weapons caches would sell a small fortune - maybe she'd give the Togruta a small share as a participation fee in delivering them, but that didn't really take the unease away. I hope you know what you're doing, Yusana.

Turning back, the Echani nodded to her new companion and took a small step to the side and patted Shamira on the shoulder as she walked past and behind her. "I'm getting another round at the diner", she said as she nodded to the young Togruta before disappearing behind her.

"We leave right after that."

I hope the Order of Fire has trained you well enough for what's to come, young one. The last time I went down there, it was with a Mandalorian - the toughest of the tough. And only I came out, barely.

[member="Shamira Karuto"]

Shamira Karuto

Burn the past - Heal the future
“Tell them to take the cargo to hanger 14, Firemane personal hanger, under the authority of commander Kaurto. They’ll let it through. Once it’s up there at the hanger, I’ll oversee it loaded onto the Vindicta.” Smiling widely, the feeling of acting like an actual business woman making her feel quite proud. She let the woman walk past her and out of the hanger, nodding in response to her statement.
The togruta followed shortly after the woman left the hanger, heading straight for one of the staff elevators. Making a mental note to tell security to allow an echani proceed directly, no roaming around, to hanger 14. Weaving her way through the crowd, the small Togruta made her way to the staff elevator and into it, the doors sliding behind her.
Punching the appropriate floor, she sent a quick message to her mistress that she was headed to shili for a few days to visit family. The response, saying nothing more than it was alright, was instant. Her other contact was to Captian Porter, her personal ship captain, to assemble the crew for a project. She finished the message soon after the elevator opened, and she strode out, ready to begin her new adventure with quite the interesting ally.
​|[member="Yusana Fenni"]|

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