Eternal Father
Echoy'laBeskar Refinery
A warship of titanic proportions loomed beyond the asteroid ring, its mighty hull partially obscured by the gently flowing stream of rocks and loose debris. A single vessel emerged from its ventral maw, red thrusters glowing bright as coals as exceptionally long wings allowed its raptorish silhouette to cut through the blackness of space like a blade. It weaved expertly around the asteroids that listed lazily in perpetual motion, nearing ever closer to a unique object nestled deep in the asteroid belt.
The base resembled half of a circular hoop, hangar bays and docking bays placed all along its interior curve. The shuttle righted itself as it neared one of the guarded entrances, landing gear descending from the craft's hull as it came to a complete halt on the durasteel deck.
One figure emerged as the boarding ramp descended to connect solidly with the hangar floor, his muscular body swathed in deep maroon robes emblazoned with gold Sith symbols and iconography. Two more would emerge behind him dressed in silver steel armor with vibro-bardiches clutched tightly in their hands, cloaks of black armorweave billowing behind them as they kept pace with the lead figure's long stride.
They neared a pair of overseers in gray-green boilersuits, both of whom saluted the Sith Emperor as he approached. "Has he arrived?" Without clarifying who 'he' was the second of the pair nodded in the affirmative, "Yes, your excellency. He's waiting in the boardroom for you."
Emperor Carnifex said nothing as he and his two Crownguard departed the Overseers for the boardroom where [member="Dorn Skirata"] awaited.