The Reclaiming One
Conqueror of Worlds and Destroyer of Lesser Beings
This is my official announcement that the Infinite Empire is up and running! Do you love KOTR? Are you tired of using the same old species or backstories? Look no further than the Infinite Empire. We offer a lot in the way of great story telling and a unique experience you won't find anywhere else on the forums! Our history is long and rich and now you can help shape the future of the Rakata and the Infinite Empire! Rakata are a interesting race and they will offer the old and new members a great experience, we also offer avenues for people who don't want to be a Rakata but want to be apart of their history! Do you want to be a slave warrior, a deep cover agent or maybe a politician or assassin? All of these choices are free to those who wish to create non-Rakata characters. Star Maps, forges and galactic conquest with the dark side of the force! This can all be yours! Join today!