Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Officer Dunst, APD

  • Name : Felix Dunst
  • Species : Human
  • Gender : Male
  • Age : 51
  • Homeworld : Antecedent
  • Occupation : Law Enforcement Officer
  • Rank : Lieutenant-Colonel
  • Languages : Basic
  • Force Sensitive : No

  • Height : 1.78 Meters
  • Weight : 80 Kilograms
  • Eye Color : Brown
  • Hair Color : Black

  • Strength [Physical Fitness] : Due to his line of work, Felix is in a remarkable physical condition when taking into account the excessive indulgence in his own personal vices. As to be expected however his lungs and liver are on the path of failure in a few years, the man finding it harder and harder to maintain his daily exercise routine. As such, his form is slowly but surely deteriorating with no real possible cure in sight due to his refusal to live a more healthy life.
  • Strength [Social Status / Authority] : Being an official representative and member of the Antecedent Law Enforcement Departments has its fair share of benefits. The more prominent ones being the innate respect one can expect from the civilian population, as well as the legal authority one can hold over them while being on the payroll of the Architect. Whether the respect is genuine or faked is a matter for another day.

  • Weakness [Social Status / Paranoia] : Being an official representative and member of the Antecedent Law Enforcement Department also comes with its fair share of disadvantages. The most prominent one being the fact that you are expected to put your life on the line for people you have never met in your life before, but are still expected to serve and protect at the cost of your own health. While some find this a noble endeavor worthy of personal sacrifice, it had personally driven Felix to become a highly paranoid and distrustful individual due to having a literal target painted onto his body for any random schmuck to take a potshot at.
  • Weakness [Idealist] : Like many of his colleagues, Felix enrolled into the force out of a sense of commitment and loyalty to both the Architect and the general populace of Antecedent. He wished nothing more than to bring peace and prosperity to both Central and Ground Zero and believed that joining the APD would be his best shot at making a change in the world. With the passage of time and the numerous tragedies he has experienced in his personal life, Felix now wakes up every morning and presents himself to duty in the slim hope that today will be the day he will turn his life around and undo all his mistakes of the past.
  • Weakness [Audacious / Martyr Complex] : No matter what it takes or what sacrifices he has to make, Felix will do everything in his power to see himself as the Hero in order to fulfill his fantasy of redemption.
  • Weakness [Addict] : A chain smoker by day, alcoholic by night. His constant abuse of substances are slowly chipping away at his health, while his passion for gambling and games of luck are leaving him in constant poverty.

  • Appearance : Felix is a relatively tall individual with a muscular / toned body frame from his years of service and regular exercise routine. His black hair is kept short and unkempt, a thin stubble covering the lower half of his face. Bags are constantly present under his eyelids, eyebrows narrow and stubby. His deep voice is accompanied by the smell of tobacco and alcohol lingering in his breath through the day. His day to day attire consists of a wrinkled white shirt with a loose tie, a pair of black trousers and simple shoes adorning his lower half. A shoulder strapped holster is covered by a thin brown jacket whenever he is out in public.

  • Biography : Felix was born on in Central on the planet Antecedent, the single son to a working class mother and father. Even as a child he had a certain fascination with government run agencies and public services, a passion fueled on by numerous novels regarding private investigators and police dramas or shows involving crime solving teenagers banding up together to save the day. Unlike other children such as him, he never truly grew out of his obsession with becoming the Hero in the eyes of the public and putting a stop to evil doers around the world. He was never the smartest apple in the basket or the strongest branch of the tree, but his unwavering determination and will power to see his dream become true guided him forward with the backing of his relatives and friends. He attended below average schools through most of his education, failing several times to enter the police academy before finally succeeding by just passing the goal line. Needless to say, the years spent in training and education at the Academy were some of the harshest ones during his early life. Despite this he continued to look hopeful to the future with a smile on his lips and passion burning within his soul. Whatever sacrifice it took to succeed, he willingly committed without a single regret or care in the world if it meant he would advance one step closer to his goal. He succeeded in passing on the first attempt and quickly found himself in his dream job, the gritty reality of his occupation leaving him unfazed no matter how many close encounters he barely survived through, or how many vile and repulsing faces of society he uncovered. During a period of fifteen years he had managed to find satisfaction both in his personal and public life, quickly advancing through the ranks in his department while managing to maintain a content family life with his wife and child, despite the toil it was taking on the man both physically and mentally.

  • And all it took to bring it all tumbling down was one single afternoon of misfortune after misfortune. A turf war between two local gangs on Ground Zero, both filled to the brim with either the lowlifes and dregs of society initiated an armed conflict against one another in a populated intersection during daytime. All available local law enforcement units were dispatched to the scene as fast as they became available, only serving to worsen the conflict as every side of the conflict quickly began fighting desperately to survive with not a single care in the world for the bystanders. Twenty eight confirmed civilians murdered, twelve officers confirmed killed in action, nine officers confirmed wounded in action, fifty five gang members confirmed killed, murdered, and arrested, eighteen civilians confirmed gravely wounded, and thirty five civilians confirmed lightly wounded. Those were the statistics of the aftermath, the same one that he and his family became apart of. His daughter was killed in the early portion of the gunfight, shortly after the first units arrived on scene in order to evacuate whatever civilians remained and put a stop to the violence. His wife had been gravely wounded desperately trying and failing to protect the child in the midst of the chaos, requiring the better part of a year of therapy and hospitalization for both physical and emotional trauma and scarring. Felix himself left the engagement with several bullet wounds in his legs and arms and numerous broken bones.

  • His marriage soon fell apart afterwards as his wife filled for a divorce, refusing to hear anything else but a yes on the matter. While she did not hold anything against the man himself for the loss of their child, Felix blamed himself day in and day out for this outcome. He believed with every fiber of his being that if he would of done his job better, that if he arrived sooner on the scene and took a more careful look around his surroundings, he could of saved the girl from being nothing more than a statistic in some long forgotten file in the archives. He received a paid leave from duty due to his personal investment in the situation, spending his days and nights drinking endlessly in order to forget, praying it was all a dream and that he would wake up soon enough. He attempted suicide several times, his attempts either resulting in failure due to his intoxicated state or a refusal to carry through with the act as he broke down and began sobbing his heart out, believing that he wasn't worthy of meeting his daughter in the afterlife. He returned to duty several months later, now assigned to a less involved role in the department as his supervisor feared he would do something rash and get himself killed. A correct presumption as he would find out shortly after, as he began desperately tracking down both parties involved in the shooting in an effort to see them before bars or in a shallow grave. It has been ten years and he has still failed to complete that ambition. In his mind, there is only one thing left to live for. The hope, the dream that he will manage to become the Hero of the day he so desperately wished to be when he was a child and that as a result, everything will magically fix itself one way or another. Failing that, to at least do enough good to offset the failure of a father and officer he has been, so he could finally die with a clean conscience and meet his daughter.

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