The Apex, an Imperial Phantom ship, sat in orbit around one of the large moons of Yaga Minor. A little ways outside of Imperial territory but enough that they would not seem a threat to anyone but passing Mandolore ships. But even then their cloaking tech was operational in case of an event. The ship itself was awaiting a private shuttle from the heart of the Imperial Remnant territories itself. An important guest was to meet with the ship's captian and Admiral of the Imperial forces. The entire crew awaited the shuttles' arrival, everyone in line and standing at attention while the chiss leader, Admiral Eobarda Tarkin, stood at the very end. Behind her stood her second-in-command, Commander Posku, trying to look as impressive as she did as his superior had a very commanding and enduring tone and air about her.
Whe the shuttle arrived every officer, with the exepction of the two, saluted as [member="Alva Calvarona"] had exited. She was here on the Apex as a councilor on matters of the Imperial forces with the Admiral herself. As she apporoched both she and Posku had saluted as the others. The admiral mainted silence while awaiting Alva's response, showing how asstute and proper and formal she truly was.