Zambrano the Starweird
The Black Prophet of Balagoth
A great big thank you and shout out to [member="Delekhan"], he has taken information that we've gathered with our roll call and other basic knowledge, and has devised a good little map for us.
Let me know what you guys think, and request changes below when appropriate
Let me know what you guys think, and request changes below when appropriate
Court of Balagoth sympathetic planets:
Old Guard sympathetic planets:
Separatist sympathetic planets:
Neutral planets:
- Chiloon Rift (unofficial capital)
- Korriban
- Dromund Kaas
- Ziost
- Wayland
- Anirc
Old Guard sympathetic planets:
- Bastion (traditional capital)
- Telos (unofficial capital)
- Echoy'la
- Muunilinst (?)
Separatist sympathetic planets:
- Belkadan
- Echoy'la
- Muunilinst (?)
Neutral planets:
- Dubrillion
- Dantooine (Razed by Z Hutt)
- Ord Janon
- Llord
- Mirial (The Site of Z Hutts Genocide)
- Rysl II
- Helska
- Irn
- Sernpidal