Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Official Declaration of a Leave of Absence

Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
Hello my fellow writers of star wars fan-fiction!​
I'm presently about to embark on a new chapter in my life.​
I'm a United States Navy Reservist who is presently mobilizing Out of the Continental United States,​
I fly out in a few hours off to my ultimate duty station.​
I will have access to interwebs and such but because I'll be getting to boots on ground hard and heavy for at least the next few weeks I'll be unable to do much roleplaying.​
As present Faction Leader of the Imperial Remnant,​
TO ALL FACTIONS: We will be unable to participate in Invasions; New skirmishes than the ones we are presently in; Along with any new diplomatic deals to be struck for the forseeable future.​
These terms as stated above may be redacted if a new Faction Leader is elected in my absence.​
To all those who I'm presently roleplaying with, my sincerest apologies I've tried to tie up or keep the momentum going, I look forward to picking up the pen and tapping away on this keyboard in the near future!​
May everyone's muse never tire and may you all have fun and enjoy life!​


Well-Known Member
[member="Caius Flavian"]
Would of been nice if you did not lock the faction. I create a pretty new character for you and I can't even join. *Pouts* [member="Caius Flavian"]

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