Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Director of SHADES, Torture and Interrogation Officer
Objective: Meet with the Grand Vizier
Location: Grand Vizier's office, Carlac
Equipment: Black ISB Uniform || Empyrean gland || OPBC-01m
Tag: Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf
"Galactic Common" | <"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


Official business, and from the highest circles. I adjusted my uniform; I felt ready for this meeting. I didn't know what the Grand Vizier wanted from me, but the message was that he wanted to see me in his office, and I had been given an appointment. That's why I was travelling back from Core Worlds to the capital of the Empire. For once, I came not on my own ship, but on a diplomatic one, using my family's influence and wealth. When the ship docked at the building where the Grand Vizier's office was located, I adjusted my uniform and hair one last time before stepping off the ship. I had to look perfect, because I was a professional, and I had to project that now. Or rather, that there was a reason why I was given the position of director.

When we landed, I got off the shuttle and there were two soldiers waiting in the hangar, who immediately came up to me to follow them. I just nodded and followed them. They led me out of the hangar and into the building. There we proceeded along further corridors towards our destination. I would have liked to say that with each step I was more scared or more worried about what the reason for the meeting might be, but strangely I was not nervous and I felt no fear. Of course, I wasn't completely calm either, maybe I felt a little anxiety, but that was all. These things were beyond my control, I mean, what the Grand Vizier decides and things like that. I had no choice but to accept them.

Eventually we arrived at a door, where two soldiers stood on either side of the door and one of them motioned me to enter the room. I did as I was told. I ended up in a waiting room inside, not the office. I had no idea that the woman's office would be so exposed right next to the corridor. Here another guard approached me and checked with a scanner to see if I was armed. I didn't have one; I didn't bring one in a place like this. When the man was convinced, I was allowed to go inside, where an assistant was waiting. He even announced to the Grand Vizier that I had arrived. As usual, I arrived a few minutes early.

This time, however, I had to wait a while until the appointment arrived, and then I could enter her office. I didn't look around for the moment, I just approached the desk and saluted her respectfully.

"Grand Vizier, ma'am! How can I be of service to you?" I asked the woman with respect in my voice.


Ellayina L'lerim Ellayina L'lerim

Shannic sat, engrossed in various reports that sat across her desk. Her office was by no means a permanent one; she was hoping to relocate to somewhere less frozen and a little more natural, to enjoy the wilds of nature, far away from the stress of her office. She raised her head and smiled at the curt salute the new Director gave her.

"Greetings, Director! I am glad you could come so urgently. You must have a lot of pressing matters to attend to."

She stood, brushing the back of her long dress. She gestured towards a set of chairs and a table, inviting her to sit. The new Director was going to be a vital asset within the OIT. Somebody that would ensure the very best results, for the security of the Empire, of course. She inwardly chided herself.

Who was she performing to?

"Will you take refreshment?"

Director of SHADES, Torture and Interrogation Officer
Objective: Meet with the Grand Vizier
Location: Grand Vizier's office, Carlac
Equipment: Black ISB Uniform || Empyrean gland || OPBC-01m
Tag: Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf
"Galactic Common" | <"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


"Nothing that can't be postponed for a few days, ma'am!" I said to her.

Such an invitation does not come often in a lifetime, and if there was any task that could not be postponed, the invitation of the Grand Vizier, which I took as an order, overrode all tasks anyway. After all, probably not many people can say that they have been summoned by a person of such high rank. When the salute was over, I had my hands clasped behind my back, standing in a small military spread, my back still stiff. Soldierly; as was expected of my bloodline. Even if I hadn't received military training at home in Aaven from the Shadow and Frost Company, I think it was still in my blood. It was always closer to me and not the knightly pattern.

When she offered me a seat, I nodded gratefully and sat down in one of the chairs opposite her desk. When the Grand Vizier offered me refreshments, I almost instinctively said no, out of paranoia, that I didn't want anything. Fortunately, however, I realised this in time and didn't even notice the urge on my face or in my body language. After all, the Grand Vizier probably wasn't here to poison me. An execution order might have looked different. Maybe it was a confidence game? To see if I trusted her enough to accept this from her.

"Thank you ma'am, a glass of water would be nice." I finally said, giving the woman the confidence that I trusted her, although for me it was quite difficult.

It seemed to be a waiting and patience game as to why the Grand Vizier had called me here and what she wanted to talk about. Luckily, I was patient and was able to wait for the main topic to come up without any impatience. Waiting; I was taught as a child how to do that, after all, I was brought up to inherit my father's throne, I was brought up to rule. But that didn't happen because I left home. Do I regret it? No, this job is much better than what was waiting for me at home. But I have not regretted my education, which has allowed me to mingle in any stratum of the Galaxy, even in the highest circles.

"Congratulations on your appointment, ma'am!" I finally said to the woman.


Shannic poured the water, offering the ornate glass towards the guest. The new Director was almost charming, she thought, rarely engaging with military or intelligence service personnel. That would all change now, of course. Now they answered to her.

"It is the pleasure of a lifetime to be called to serve the Emperor, Director L'lerim. I do hope I am pronouncing that correctly."

Shannic poured her own tea and began to stir gently, talking quietly.

"There aren't many of us, you know, who are so closely called to the Emperor's service whilst also being a woman. Are you a mother? Are you married?"

The questions hung in the air, delicate and probing. Shannic was interested in all things and keen to engage the Director on a personal level. She was aware how unsettling this might be; she did not mind. To unsettle even an ally has merit, on occasion.

Shannic leaned back slightly, a subtle gesture that would seek to draw the Director into a more intimate conversational space. "It's a rare dedication," she observed, her tone neutral but edged with a faint admiration. "Many would find it difficult to balance such responsibilities."

Shannic continued to speak, her voice filled with a quiet confidence.

"I have learned to weave personal and professional threads into a single, unbreakable tapestry."

The room's atmosphere grew slightly warmer, the stoic light from the walls casting intricate shadows on the floor. Did the Director seem to relax, just a fraction?

She set her teacup down gently, the porcelain making a soft clink against the saucer. "It begins with understanding one's priorities and knowing when to act decisively. Flexibility is key, as is the ability to read people and situations. Tell me."

She paused.

"Tell me how you read people."

Ellayina L'lerim Ellayina L'lerim

Director of SHADES, Torture and Interrogation Officer
Objective: Meet with the Grand Vizier
Location: Grand Vizier's office, Carlac
Equipment: Black ISB Uniform || Empyrean gland || OPBC-01m
Tag: Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf
"Galactic Common" | <"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


"Thank you, ma'am!" I said to the woman as I took the glass from her.

I then listened to her words, nodding that yes, she had pronounced the surname correctly. As an agent it did not matter to me whether I was a man or a woman, I had to play the male role to get information. But a soldier or a bureaucrat thinks very differently from an agent or a spy. But that was all right. After the next question, I couldn't decide if she was being polite or not reading my file. I tried to guess from her movements, body language, facial expressions. Just the way it was taught everywhere. If I had stayed at home I might have been engaged for diplomatic reasons, but I wasn't.

"No ma'am; I have no children, no husband, and no lover at the moment." I answered the woman honestly. "As you probably know, not many people in my profession have that kind of attachment. For an agent, these are vulnerabilities that the enemy can exploit at any time. I, as a part of my bloodline, am a perfectionist and a maximalist. A child and a love marriage are not part of my ambitions, nor of my job. A diplomatic marriage is another matter... there is no attachment there."

Again, my answer was surprisingly honest, but I don't think anyone would have dared to lie to such a person. Nor would I, because if I did and she found out, all my ambitions would be shattered. Otherwise, most agents would probably have said the same thing. It would have taken too much energy to hide a family. After that, I kept listening and listening; I could hear the confidence in her voice that she really believed what she was saying about this. Although the really good question is whether she would sacrifice her family at the Emperor's command, or for the advancement of the Empire...

Words are just words; I learned a long time ago that words are very good at manipulating and persuading others. But words are worth nothing unless they are matched by action. I respected the woman for daring to do so openly, not many would have done so, but I had my doubts if she would have done so even if they had a gun to her head. If the Grand Vizier is lucky, this will never come to light. I answered her question almost immediately, just put the glass of water on the table, of which I had already taken a few small sips.

"As most agents are trained to do, ma'am. From body language, facial expressions, changes in tone of voice, small movements that the other person may not even notice. In interrogations I use my telepathic and empathic skills to do this, but not in the Empire. As I'm sure you're aware, I can't use the Force on Empire residents, soldiers, or anyone belonging to the Empire*, so I can only use the skills on most individuals that most agents use." I told her.

Why was this question asked? Maybe she wanted me to do something, to observe someone, or to get information about someone?

*for the sake of a more interesting narrative, I decided that there is this restriction of her division, that it is forbidden.
Shannic observed the agent's response, noting the honesty and precision in her answers. It was a trait she had come to expect and respect in those who served the Empire in such sensitive capacities. As the new Director spoke, Shannic's eyes remained attentive, absorbing every nuance and subtle shift.

"I appreciate your candor," Shannic said, her voice smooth and measured, carrying an undercurrent of genuine respect. "It is indeed a unique path we walk, one where personal attachments are often considered vulnerabilities rather than strengths. Your commitment to perfection and the pursuit of maximal goals is commendable, Director L'lerim."

Shannic sipped her tea, her gaze never leaving the Director's face. She knew the importance of direct eye contact in establishing trust and authority. "You see, I am fascinated by the interplay of personal and professional spheres, especially in positions of such immense responsibility. It is intriguing to understand how different individuals navigate this balance."

The mention of telepathic and empathic abilities piqued Shannic's interest further. She had always been intrigued by the unique talents that agents brought to their roles. "Your skills, especially those you possess as a Force-sensitive individual, are invaluable. The restrictions on their use within the Empire are, of course, necessary to maintain the delicate balance of power and trust. However, outside our borders, such abilities can indeed be formidable tools."

She leaned forward slightly, the motion drawing the Director into a more intimate conversational space. "The ability to read people, as you describe, is a gift and a weapon. Understanding one's adversary, or even an ally, can be the key to success in our endeavors. I trust you will wield this power judiciously, for the benefit of the Empire."

Setting her cup down gently, Shannic allowed a moment of silence to linger, the atmosphere in the room growing warmer, almost conspiratorial. "Tell me," she began again, her tone soft but commanding. "How do you balance the weight of such power with the necessity of restraint? In a world where the slightest misstep can have dire consequences, how do you ensure that your actions remain aligned with the greater good of the Empire?"

Her question was more than a simple inquiry; it was a probe into the very heart of the Director's philosophy and approach. Shannic knew that understanding this would be crucial in determining the trust and reliance she could place in her new ally.

Ellayina L'lerim Ellayina L'lerim

Director of SHADES, Torture and Interrogation Officer
Objective: Meet with the Grand Vizier
Location: Grand Vizier's office, Carlac
Equipment: Black ISB Uniform || Empyrean gland || OPBC-01m
Tag: Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf
"Galactic Common" | <"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


We continued to talk with the Grand Vizier, which meant that the conversation moved more and more in the direction I had expected from the first moment. It was like an interrogation. I knew that if I made the slightest mistake in this game, I could pay with my life. Or forever gamble away the possibility of ever moving up the ladder. But that has been the case in all political games, and fortunately I have been trained for political games. It is a completely different matter that, in theory, I should not have practised it in such a situation, but in a completely different one. But life is unpredictable.

"Thank you, ma'am!" I said again sincerely.

What I didn't add was that I learned about it from my aunt, who also kept her family life a secret and very little was known about the Eternal Empress' family life or her relatives. I wanted to achieve the level of knowledge and the level of discretion to play the game of the greats as she did and does. I don't know if I'll ever achieve that, but it was an excellent goal for the long term. All the while, like the Grand Vizier, I maintained eye contact, never losing it for a moment. Not only out of respect, but also so that she could see that I was not afraid; and that I was ready to play the game of the mighty if necessary.

"I think, ma'am, that pretty much everyone does the same in these positions, the nuances are different, but the starting point and the "core" is the same. You can learn a lot from your predecessors in this area too." I told her.

I nodded to the woman when she mentioned the importance of why my team could not use the Force within the Empire. We were too low on the "food chain" for that. I would have had the potential to be more than that, but the opportunity didn't appeal to me. At least it did for me; my ambitions pulled me in a different direction than being a Sith, Dark Side Force user or Dark Jedi.

"Of course I'm aware of that, ma'am. If I wanted more in this field, I probably would have joined the Dark Side Elite!" a faint smile appeared on my lips; I had heard of them and heard of their missions, but I didn't want to be a trained Force User, I was interested in something else.

When she leaned forward, I assumed a slightly more comfortable position, barely noticeable to others, though still in a rigid posture. I did not have the opportunity to respond immediately after her words, as she only allowed a very brief pause. For a moment I smiled again, not because of the commanding tone, but actually because she had answered her own question.

"Ma'am, you have answered the question. The Empire comes first, which is why I gave up the throne of my home planet and left that place to serve the Empire. We must never show weakness, nor what we are truly capable of. Because others will swoop down like vultures. It's better if they see less, restraint only. I had someone in my family to teach me that. One branch of my family is modest, Ashlan is a believer, the other and perhaps she was the best example for me... the Eternal Empress. I've basically been learning this since childhood so it's not a problem for me. As a spy, and as an agent even less so... since I need to be able to play whatever role the Empire requires me to play in its missions beyond its borders and within." I told her my answer, which was that I had lived and acted as she wished.


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