Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Oh How Times Have Changed. .. (P.M to join)

Lyon Hara

"Times have shall die, but your legacy will live on...I will not forget what you have taught me, your body must part with this world and go on to the next my friend." Lyon stated before he pulled his blaster from his holster that was on his chest and fired at the old man's head. The body slid off the blade.

Lyon jumped onto a crate then pushed off to grab onto a windowsill then swung off the windowsill to get to the roof.

"This is my city!" Lyon proclaimed while yelling.

He looked over to the many buildings of Coruscant...the sith controled it...but they didn't tell him what to do.

He looked around then looked at his watch.

"Time to get that bank." He said.

He turned around and noticed a shadow.


[member="Sherruk Fett"]

Sherruk Fett

[member="Lyon Hara"]

It seemed, today the black armored mandalorian would be working with a recently new mercenary to rob a galactic credit reserve. It was a rather awkward moment, moments ago, what seemed to be the mercenary's mentor, lay there dead. For moments the massive brute stood there staring, ​" I heard that a demolition expert was needed to help rob the galactic reserve a district away, this was suppose to be the meeting point." . There was no point in socializing, so Sherruck would cut right to the point, and keep his eye out for anything fishy, this mercenary was obviously dangerous , but so was the zabrak , demolition expert. Before this possible partner could speak the mandalorian interrupted" Now, are you Lyon Hara, and are you seriously willing to split the profits?" . The bulky, muscular, massive, and dark figure stood their, with his T-visor looking straight at the other equally armored mercenary, waiting for an answer, if so he would be able to blow something up. Hopefully this was the case, otherwise this armored figure would be a possible foe.

Lyon Hara

Thud.........thud.......thud.....thud! The sound came from the side of the building, it was Dane he was running along the rooftops, he reached them and kneeled down looking over the edge.

He was about to answer the man's question when he was interpreted by another.

"You heard correctly, I do need a demolitions expert for the job." He paused to look at the man.

"I am more then willing to split the profits, the galactic reserve should have hundreds of thousands of credits. And yes I am Lyon Hara and this is my companion Dane, he will scouted the area and the reserve for hours." Lyon said.

Dane stood up.

"The reserve is closed for the night...there is still security so we have to do this quietly..." Dane trailed off.

"What is so special about you?" Lyon said to the man.

[member="Sherruk Fett"]

Sherruk Fett

[member="Lyon Hara"]

The question was not something the brute had heard before, and in some ways it felt insulting " I am a mandalorian, I have no reason to fear anyone, because If I die in battle; I will join my brothers in the manda. Can you say the same thing about yourself?Are you willing to die?Now, were is our transportation? " . The zabrak was much larger, and muscular compared to his counterpart, with brute strength on the warrior's side, and hand-to-hand combat training in all regards. Sherruck's body was a deadly weapon alone, one that would definitely give any being a challenge, the brute had been training his body since age eight, very few had done this, and very few would be able to beat him up close because of this deadly combo. Even with the heavy, black, beskar armor, the large muscular physical stature, could be seen. Along with the extensive , demolition training, and experience, if Lyon wanted to test how special, the brute was. A rude awaking would occur for the armored mercenary, but for now, the two were allies it would be stupid to teach Lyon some respect now.

Lyon Hara

"Fear...Mando...Can I say the same thing? Am I willing to die...the answer is yes...especially if it's in the process of beating a Mando to death...we can save out hatred for after the job is done..." his voice trailed off. In the process of the talking Dane had pulled a speeder up to the side of the rooftop.

"Come on we don't have all day, th shifte are going to change soon." Dane said, he had his blaster rifle by his side and he was ready.

Lyon jumped in one of the two back seats and waved for the Mando to follow.

He was lucky they had to do the job.

[member="Sherruk Fett"]

Sherruk Fett

The mandalorian followed for now, but after this job, Lyon would be in pain. Just to make sure the karking idiot knew who was boss, the more massive, and muscular warrior walked slowly, toward a seat next to Lyon. The brute stared into the eyes of the counterpart next to him, "Once we are done karking robing this mine, your going to be eating those words, when I throw a detonator up your but.". Sherruck was angry, and when he was angry, this was a dangerous combo for his opposition, because now all his talents that made him a deadly weapon. Were now not just focused on multiple people, but one person, Lyon knew not what he was getting into. But for now, blowing up the reserves vault, and other inaccessible doors would be his job. The speeder made it's way toward the reserve, the three would be there soon, his wrist blaster was activated, while the mandalorian was only a decent shot. He still could be a threat up close, his wrist blaster would just be there to suppress enemies, so he could be close enough to stab any of his foes,or choke them to death.

[member="Lyon Hara"]

Lyon Hara

"You are a noting but a fool if you try to do that, you think you are the best...when you are not." Lyon said to the Fett.

"Coming up on the reserve in 3...2...1" Dane said to the both of them.

They stopped on a building across the reserve.

"Ok, lets go in from their roof." Lyon said to them.

Dane fired his cable across to the lower building that was the reserve.

Dand zip lined across to the reserve.

"WWell, let's go!" Lyon said to the Fett.

[member="Sherruk Fett"]

Sherruk Fett

The mandalorian ignored the buffoon, shoving the idiot to the end of the cockpit before zip lining away. Sherruck's extreme heavy gear made the ability to zip line quicker downward, this was shown as he increased in speed. Speeders and other being's in traffic , the velocity was increasing at an rapid rate. Hopefully the armor would do it's job, and protect the brute from such a fast zip line down to the roof, a loud impact followed, making a loud bam! For a few seconds the zabrak was motionless, then the strong athlete would stand straight up , there was no doubt, Sherruck was a strong, massive athlete. While the armor, did help protect the athlete, most would still suffer some kind of injury such as a concussion. Yet, the brute was strong enough to act as if nothing had happened from the large impact to the roof, Lyon would be able to finally tell why the brute would be such a threat. He was tough, explosive, and a mean athlete that had trained his body, for most of his life, with a deep breath the mandalorian asked " Alright, ill set the charges for the roof, just shut up, or i may accidentally blow all of us up." . The explosive's genius went to work and whispered to himself "Now, its time to see a beautiful explosion." .

Underneath the T-Visor, was a smile, that no one could see, but if anyone knew him well, he would be. A thermal bomb was placed, on the roof, the two could see the mercenary was resetting the bomb with his trench knife, by working it's inside's. The brute was making the charge twice as dangerous, by rerouting the electricity's intensity, this would make the bomb, blow up more quickly, and effectively. After a few minutes, the bombs were set "Stand on an edge and look away, unless you want debris to hit your face." . He waited for everyone to get into a safe position, they had to get to their objective first, together, before he could take them out.

[member="Lyon Hara"]

Lyon Hara

Lyon quickly zip lined across.

He hi the oher side and he boy was already at work with the explosives.

"I had been hit worse then shrapnel. " Lyon said.

He turned away anyway, he liked the Mando, but he needed to be taken down a peg.

Dane looked away and a explosion went off, it caused part of the roof to rupture and fall in.

" well kid, you wanna get the job done faster then lets go." Lyon said to the mando

He then jumped into the hole.

[member="Sherruk Fett"]

Sherruk Fett

[member="Lyon Hara"]

The mandalorian was not only a brute, but a resourceful one, the other two could tell he was experienced with the beskar knife, the warrior drew out. Immediately with extreme athletic speed , and power Sherruck jumped down, right in the middle of the bank, if he was to rob the area, i would be done making an entrance. The three had to get to the vault first, where another charge would need to be placed, the police where already on there way, along with imperial soldiers. The galactic reserve was a high security area, guarded by some of the best, immediately with the Zabrak's wrist blaster he already had to kill a riot trooper before getting close to him. The warrior then, with pure, brute strength stabbed another riot trooper straight through his armor to the other side, blood had spurted all around them. Very few beings could generate such force to be able to cut through such thick armor, this is what the black figure had trained for. Even now the other two could see how physically deadly someone could become after training since the age of eight, and this mandalorian was very young, he would only grow ten times stronger before passing his legacy on. Almost all of clan fett had this reputation, they were the toughest, and one of the roughest mercenary's around. " I need some cover to the blow that door open, give me some time !" , after pointing were he would be, he began placing another alpha plus charge, citizens screamed within the international bank as the blood stained warrior moved to the door, and blasters roared as it hit the beskar armor, with little to no effect. He was luckly they did not hit his neck joint, or back of the knees, as he would be in serious trouble then.

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