Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Furred Fister, Brown Boxer
Good news and bad news.

Good news is that my mother's back in town

Bad news is that she's still gacked yo. She stole my computer and I'm in the process of trying to get it back rn. She's trying to get me to join the military and I'm just waiting for the salts to wear off. I was able to get to the public library to post this. It's okay this happens whenever she comes back home which is bi-yearly. So I'll probably maybe be gone for a bit.

So if I'm gone for a few days that's why.

I'll try to do a few quick replies while I'm still here but don't expect it. I APOLOGISE TO EVERYONE even you winter


Furred Fister, Brown Boxer
[member="Bryce Bantam"] Same! You just posted in Eirie Flight and Anton's business is finally up and then *BAM!* Here comes a wild woman diving through my window. Oh well I've got spare insulation and patience. You better not go off and get crazier while I'm gone this time bud. I'll find out, and probably cry... so yeah haha. Either way I'm not too worried but I understand that the situation sounds bad.

Worst case scenario is that she burns the laptop, then I just gotta head to Colorado for a bit and do some maintenence work and I'll be back. A week tops mates.

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