Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Oh Right You Were Coming Over


Paint could be a messy thing to use, if people weren't careful. Or, they just wanted to have fun and deal with the mess later. Iris let out a sigh as she settled into the warmth of a bath. Usually she didn't care one way or another if she was covered in the various shades, but, well. Maybe she should now. As fun as painting was, a dirty robe just made for an unimpressive Jedi. Especially if they were just as covered. She frowned at the thought as she lounged, dipping some under the water.

"Hey, Lossa? You ever thought what'd it'd be like when you become a Knight?"

She glanced to her friend. Their reunion had been colorful as ever, full of bright colors and invisible inks on whatever surface they could find. Of course, that was all cleaned up too. Iris didn't dare leave a mess behind any more. Not if Valery could find out. Shortly after cleaning, they'd retreated here. Her apartment. Hers and Briana's now, actually. Now that Briana was back. It was good to have Briana back. The small apartment always felt empty without her.

Wasn't in a bad part of town, at least. Close to the temple. Close to a park. Close to an art supply shop where she'd made friends with the mute old owner. It was as close to home as Iris could know on a world like this. "I got asked that a little while ago. .. I guess some people think I'm gonna be a knight soon, or something."

Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest

Location: Briana Iris apartment, Coruscant
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Heartbeat Heels, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Weighted Training Robes, Concealed Sling Bag
Ship: Serendipity, with V-2 Minimech 'Skid' Aboard
Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest

Paint was always a messy ordeal.

But that's what made it half the fun. The Robes were set aside for stain washing as the two sat in the tub to clean off the remaining paint. Surprisingly little getting in their hair, though a suspicious amount ending up on their faces. The question however brought her out of the slight stupor of admiration.

She blinked, having never pondered the possibility in truth.

"I think it'd be pretty boring personally. Or exciting. Dangerous for sure but I think that depends on the person." She offered, lightly scratching at a spot on Iris's shoulder where she thought a paint fleck was. Pausing once again as Iris spoke with a congratulatory pat.

"You've earned it from what I hear. Been busy and all doing this and that all over the place. Does it make you like, nervous? Or something?" She leaned around, hoping to see the answer before hearing it.



Iris just had the most conflicted looking expression. She stared off, deep in thought. Did it make her nervous? Was she afraid? She reached up, touching her more scarred hand to her shoulder. The burn scars were still there. Faded, healed, but they'd always mark her. "I'm worried. I've seen padawans fall to the Dark. I've been cut up, burned, shot. Bitten by a zombie, even. I'm supposed to take a Padawan, right? .. What if they get hurt because of me, y'know? What if I can't protect them when they need me to? I know it's not something I can stop from happening some times, but if there are times I actually could, what if I'm too weak?"

Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest

Location: Briana Iris apartment, Coruscant
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Heartbeat Heels, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Weighted Training Robes, Concealed Sling Bag
Ship: Serendipity, with V-2 Minimech 'Skid' Aboard
Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest

Even with only slightly channeling her empathic nature, the skin to skin contact gave her the feelings before the words put context to Iris's worries. Lossa's mouth opened and then closed with a small sigh.

"I think those are good worries to have." She offered, wrapping her arms around her friend in a hug and letting her emotions slide over to soothing in an attempt to help ease the tension.

It was alarming to hear about Iris going through all of those things, but they could touch on that later she figured.

"You've been through those things and come out of them. And there will be things out of your control. But you have a goal if you get the rank and take a padawan." She sighed, frowning before pushing on.

"You also have to expect padawans to get into trouble that you can't stop. I mean...look at us." She teased, poking a small bright purple spot on her pink skin against Iris's hand.

"If nothing else, you can help them get through those things easier than others. Ya'know. Since you've been through those things I mean." She reminded her with a squeeze.



".. Huh." Iris blinked slowly as she watched the colors shift around them. Lossa was doing something. Soothing? .. Was that what it looked like when Iris did that to others? Regardless, she smiled and nodded. Yeah. It might be a bit before she actually got a Padawan anyway. She wasn't even a Knight yet. Future worries. She let out a loud sigh of air before turning her gaze back towards Lossa.

"You really are a trouble maker you know. I stopped tagging cause I got a bounty for it. But you got me tagging all over again. At least we cleaned up."

Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest


All things considered, his life wasn't all that bad. He had his best friend again, and didn't feel so alone in the galaxy anymore. Of course, his thoughts would drift toward the rest of his family. Of his adoptive mother, Auntie Alora, of his oldest mentor and Briana's mother, Auntie Teyla. Family was something that meant a lot to him, to all of the Ee'everwests, really. It was a cornerstone of their very existence, he'd always thought. Didn't dissuade him, however, from pursuing his own interests, what he considered his calling in life. That was why he lived so simply these days, nothing like the way he used to as a child on Naboo.

Thankfully, he was happy that he wasn't going to be squatting at the Temple as he'd been planning. After all, he wasn't one to impose himself on others. Not since that business on Atrisia years ago with his brother Ardin, but that's neither here nor there at the moment. For now, he made his way into the building Briana had pointed out, not too far a walk from the Temple. Nice neighborhood, he had thought, and a few places he'd have to visit as well. Could have sworn he saw a ramen shop with an elderly atrisian man behind the counter. Made his stomach rumble a bit, but food could come later on.

Walking with rather light footfalls, a habit he could never quite throw off, he made his way down the hall, looking for the correct number. Stopping a moment, he glanced at the keycard Bri had given him, and then up again, finding the door in question. As he approached, the door reacted to the keycard, and slid open with a quick whoosh. Peering in, he didn't notice anyone right off the bat. Stepping in, the door closed quickly behind him, almost pinching his knapsack in the jamb. Looking back a moment, he just shook his head, and as he turned around, he could hear...voices? Definitely voices... and the sound of water.

Oh, fething hell. He didn't even want to think of what he might be walking into right now, and so he called out, just a little louder than he might have normally done. "Hello? Anyone home??" he said, his voice having a hint of an atrisian accent, and a bit of a deeper tone than one might expect from the look of him. Right now, he hoped he hadn't 'interrupted' anything of note, but when it came to Briana and those she associated with, well, you never really knew, did you?

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Location: Briana Iris apartment, Coruscant
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Heartbeat Heels, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Weighted Training Robes, Concealed Sling Bag
Ship: Serendipity, with V-2 Minimech 'Skid' Aboard
Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest

The small sound was the preamble to Iris relaxing. The soothing presence only enough to take the edge off before Iris explained why she'd stopped doing the painting. Well.


She couldn't help the grin she felt grow on her face.

"I've been called a bad influence before. But..." She sighed pondering how someone could figure a bounty would be the proper thing about someone painting over a surface.

Some people didn't appreciate art it seemed as a sound down the hallway caught her ear.

"Did you hear that!?" She whispered sharply to Iris, leaning in and hugging the other girl as though it might make the sound go away.

"That didn't sound like Bri." She offered quietly between them as she stared at the door before blinking.

"The door was locked...wasn't it?"



"I mean, the bounty says tagging but I've been kicking drug dealer asses for months on Denon. Surprised that's not what it's about. But I guess it's close enough?" She shrugged. Whatever the reason, it was fine. She was fine. No more tagging, at least where she could get in trouble for it anyway. And yet- Colors.

Someone new.

Her gaze narrowed as she glanced to the door. The voice. A stranger. Iris slowly wiggled out of Lossa's grip, even giving the girl a smile. "Stay here." The door was closed. Locked, even. The Padawan wrapped a towel around herself as she crouched. Her eyes narrowed. Her whole demeanor changed. Ironic she was just talking about a bounty. Had she actually been found?

She wasn't going to risk Lossa's safety if that was the case.

Then she was out. In a full sprint, letting the door to the bathroom snap open as she sent a flying kick right for the intruder with all the Force filled might she could muster. Which, given her training under Valery, was a surprising amount of strength for a woman her size.

Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest

He didn't hear any responses to his call, and as he set his knapsack down on a rather plush sofa, he reached out to the Force, asking it to guide him as he always did. The Force flowed through all things, and he would let it fill his senses, pushing them further than they could go on their own. Eyesight like the hawk that flew above the treetops, hearing like the wolf high upon the mountain. He didn't feel Bri's presence here, within this apartment.

Suddenly, his attention was grabbed rather quickly, his eyes darting toward a closed door not too far from him. He could feel apprehension, tension, determination, and just a touch of fear. Almost as quickly, this short-haired teenage girl comes flying out of that very doorway, feet first like a guided proton torpedo.

Directly. At. His Head.​

Always one to keep alert, he had to make the quick decision. Did he parry the blow, and return one in kind? No, that would be not only improper, but impolite. He was a stranger to whomever this girl was, and she was garbed in nothing but a towel. So, in that moment, just as her foot was about to make contact with his face, he simply pivoted at the hips. The resulting movement would find his upper body twisting sideways so that the rather small girl would miss him by mere centimeters, so close he could feel the wind generated by the movement on his cheek as she flew past him.

Hell of a way to say hello back, he mused to himself in the moment.

Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | Iris Arani Iris Arani



He moved.

Iris's brow knitted together as she sailed right by, but it didn't stop her. Rather, the missed kick slammed into the wall as she braced herself, and used it to leap off and back towards Luric. In a quick twist she sent her other leg out for another kick. Faster, if weaker. And blinked in surprise once she actually looked at him. Too late to just stop the kick she did what she could to pull back the damage.

"Oh shi- Sorry!"

Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest | Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Location: Briana Iris apartment, Coruscant
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Heartbeat Heels, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Weighted Training Robes, Concealed Sling Bag
Ship: Serendipity, with V-2 Minimech 'Skid' Aboard
Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest

The conversation ground to a halt as Iris moved to deal with whatever or whoever had come inside. A strange thing since she hadn't heard the front door be forced open. So someone sliced it maybe?

She couldn't tell as she hunkered down in the tub while Iris bolted through the door like a hound with a scent.

The small touch of the force keeping the door from completely shutting as Lossa kept low to the rim of the tub and watched from what she figured was safety for the moment as Iris leapt and nearly hit the intruder before the two seemed to twist about one another.

Then Iris...apologized?

"Kick his teeth in!" Lossa called from the bathroom, a pink arm extended up to cheer her on.


She was not even going to attempt to stop, was she? At least not in this moment, it seemed. Luric took a defensive posture, quickly bringing one hand up to shoulder level, the other arm outstretched, palm open. The small yet nimble young lady decided to continue her movement, using the wall as a springboard. Good, fluid motion, wasting no time. Perhaps he'd ask her to spar, if they got far enough along to talk in a more civilized manner. For the moment, he was entirely focused on the fact that she was spinning around and sending yet another kick toward him.

His head, as it were. Again. Why did women always seem to aim for his head? Did he truly just have a punchable-looking face? Aunty Alora always said he was a very handsome young man, but perhaps she was merely humoring him. He truly didn't know, as he really never took the time to try and find out. It seemed as Iris flew forward, she came to a realization of sorts, shouting a near-obscenity yet cutting herself off with a hasty apology. As a result, Luric's movement was a bit too fast, and Iris came barreling into him. They both seemingly slammed into the floor, somersaulting once, perhaps twice before they came to a halt, near that bathroom door.

Luric was on his back, looking up at Iris, whose face was only a scant few inches from his own. She was, for lack of a better term, on top of him. In only a towel, bathwater dripping down on his forehead from her hair. Whilst Luric was much more a serious type that his cousin, even he was not immune to a touch of humor when it was called for.

"You must be Iris. A pleasure, to be sure." he said, his voice the only thing that was apparently dry at the moment. And just as soon as he finished speaking, another voice came from the bathroom, calling out for Iris to perform a bit of spontaneous dental work. "I do hope you'll allow me to keep my teeth. I don't think my cousin would appreciate having to pay for impromptu dental work..." he said, this time with a bit more light-heartedness in his tone.



Iris groaned a little once they finally did come to a stop. She rubbed at her shoulder for a moment, glancing to it with the faintest frown. Probably would bruise, at some point. She could heal that, tho- Oh right. The Padawan blinked as she glanced down to Luric. He said her name. Right. Riiight. Briana's friend! No, wait. Cousin? .. Ahh Briana had a big family it was hard to keep it all straight.

"No, no. I won't take out your teeth or anything. Lossa! This is Luric! Uh. Briana's cousin!"

Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest | Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Location: Briana Iris apartment, Coruscant
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Heartbeat Heels, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Weighted Training Robes, Concealed Sling Bag
Ship: Serendipity, with V-2 Minimech 'Skid' Aboard
Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest

The pink girl stared at the newcomer as Iris explained the relation to Briana.

"Her...cousin?" Lossa frowned, leaning against the tub and staring at Luric.

"He can wait in the living room then." She explained, waving to Iris. "Get off him and let's get dressed."

She waited for Iris to come into the bathroom as she made the watching you gesture to Luric before slamming the door with the force behind Iris.

Deeming a pair of shorts and a tank top as sufficient, she left the bathroom with a towel around her hair before heading to the living room to speak with Luric.

"You always sneak through a girls house instead of announcing yourself?" She scolded him, taking a seat across from him.


Luric grunted a bit as Iris made her way back to her feet, nearly crushing his 'area' with her knee as she did. Thankfully, he would not be singing soprano for the rest of the day, it seemed. Getting up himself, he straightened out his robes, and checked his left hip. His lightsaber was still firmly attached, and he nodded slightly to himself, pleased. Looking up absentmindedly, it took him a moment to realize he was looking into the bathroom, a rather pink skined young lady still in the tub as Iris passed him. Regardless of the door slamming shut, he still averted his gaze with a quick hand up to the side of his head.

He sat down on the couch, and sighed lightly, shaking his head. It seemed whether he was back home on the Estate, out on Arakania visiting his brother and biological 'mother', or even here on Coruscant but a stone's throw from the Temple, one thing was always true. It was a sea of estrogen, and he was but a lonely island of a man floating in it's seemingly endless horizons. As he reached down for his knapsack, the one Iris called Lossa sat down across from him, her hair wrapped up in a towel, and upon her face a look of disdain and annoyance. He raised an eyebrow at her question, and responded in kind.

"No, I do not. I did, in fact, announce myself before I ever stepped a foot inside. Perhaps if, instead of having a small, sentient missle explode out of the bathroom at me, someone would have maybe said 'Hello', this might have been avoided. Although, if you are Briana's friends...well, that explains much, honestly." he added with a bit of a playful laugh, smiling warmly. He always found that his cousin kept in good company, and if they were her friends, then he counted them among his own as well. "Lossa, was it? Luric Ee'everwest, nice to make your acquaintance. Briana's mother Teyla is my aunt & adoptive mother along with our Aunt Alora. It can be a be a bit confusing, our family. Quite large. I believe Aunt Alora once said that 'No matter where you end up in the galaxy, you are bound to run into at least one family member, whether you like it or not'."



Get dressed?

Oh, right. That was important. Iris just cleared her throat before she practically disappeared into the bathroom to get dressed. In her usual relax wear, at that. Literally the same thing Lossa was wearing, though. Twinsies! But also not because hers was, as ever, stained by a couple random colors she'd been painting earlier. Without a word she snuck into the kitchen, more eager to just let Luric and Lossa talk rather than interject herself.

It was, after all, her own fault.

"Sooo uh.. Anyone thirsty?"

Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest | Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Location: Briana-Iris apartment, Coruscant
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Heartbeat Heels, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Weighted Training Robes, Concealed Sling Bag
Ship: Serendipity, with V-2 Minimech 'Skid' Aboard
Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest

The less then impressed frown held a hint of disbelief to it as Luric explained that he had in fact announced himself.

"Mm. Announced stepped inside." The Zeltron sighed, not wanting to paint the ambient mood with irritation as she rung the feeling from herself.

"Anyhow. Nice to properly meet you instead of egging Iris on to take your teeth out." She had a split second to decide on whether or not to use her full name, side eyeing Iris as she gave the tiniest of shrugs at explaining.

"Lossa Darcuhl Aureus. Just go with Darcuhl though please. I prefer my mother's maiden name over my grandmother's. I don't know why she didn't take grandpa's name of Thiled but I guess to each their own." She explained casually. Family was always a strange thing to deal with and names chief among them.

Many an argument had been made about her use of Darcuhl instead of Aureus by her own parents, none of which made sense to her but with how much of a perceived flourish Luric had made of his name she felt the need to do much the same.

She leaned back, and didn't even think about her request for a beverage.

"Water please."

She turned her attention back to their guest.

"So why does us being Briana's friends make sense with that show of violence?" A brow rose curiously at the allusion he might have made about Briana's personality. The smile she gave was a disarming one, and her empathic ability was washed of irritation still.


"Just some hot water, if it's not too much trouble." came his reply when asked if anyone was thirsty.

He noted that Iris seemed to switch gears rather quickly, almost as if she were absent-minded. Yet, he could sense within her rapidly changing feelings, as if her mind were in some sort of permanent state of flux. That generally only happened when something weighed heavy upon one's heart, he had found. Still, he didn't know her well enough yet, but the Force was rarely one to lead him astray. Putting that out of mind for the time being, he turned his attention back to Lossa, taking note of the irritation in her voice.

"Truth, whether a person accepts it or not, is still truth." he added before she continued. He was indeed grateful for the fact that Iris had not, in fact, taken her earlier suggestion, and smiled a bit, nodding as she said so. It was only when she introduced herself properly that Luric's expression changed, from one of warmth and welcoming to that of curiosity, and a tinge of disbelief. He would address the quip about the show of violence for but a moment, seemingly more focused on the name she gave him.

"Quick to act, slow to consider. Briana always was headstrong in our younger years." he said, before leaning backward into the couch a bit. He rested his elbows at his sides, fingers interlacing with his index fingers the exception. Those would meet at the tips, and touch his lips thoughtfully, before he spoke once more. "What I find curious is that your grandmother shares a surname with both my grandmother, Sarnae Aureus-Ee'everwest, and Briana's grandmother Sanna, respectively. I wonder if Aunt Alora is right yet again. She always tends to be..."

Either way, he wondered if Iris would be long. He had his herbal blend of tea leaves with him, and right now could most certainly do with a nice strong cup of it regardless.

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Oh there was something happening here. Iris blinked, glancing over to the two at what seemed to be a revelation of family. Wait, how many people was Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren actually related to? She bit back the laugh threatening to escape as she instead focused on getting the drinks out for the two. Water and.. Hot water. Iris squinted for a moment as she poured a glass of hot water.

Who drank just hot water?

Eh, whatever. Glasses set out on the table she sat down and just looked between the two, more intrigued on what Lossa was going to make of the fact she was probably related to the Sal-Sorens.

Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest

Location: Briana-Iris apartment, Coruscant
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Heartbeat Heels, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Weighted Training Robes, Concealed Sling Bag
Ship: Serendipity, with V-2 Minimech 'Skid' Aboard
Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest

The amused smirk that appeared on her face was followed with a small guffaw.

"I doubt I am related to her, or you for that matter. It's a big galaxy and names are here and there. Everyone is bound to meet someone with a similar name at some point." She was deep into the denial stage of acceptance.

Especially with the revelation of the name Sanna.

"Sanna and Aureus have to be common names around the corridor, right? There is no way in the force I am a relative of you all. Briana and I-" She nearly put her own foot in her mouth with comparing their features, remembering a number of times people had compared the two's appearance at a glance.

"Are completely different people. I mean come on, I'm a Zeltron. She's...from Naboo which means you probably are too. That is worlds away. How would we even be related?" Backpedaling and regret were driving her to dig the hole at her feet deeper as she looked to Iris for her drink.

Only to realize she'd been so focused on the topic she hadn't seen them be brought to the table. Swiping the bag from between her feet, she opened a prescription bottle and had a small gathering of pills in her hand before taking a drink.


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