Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Oh where did Lor go

Serenna hadn't been able to spend much time outside of the jedi temple, with her family life mostly in.... tatters. Lor had disappeared with his mando wife and she was missing him. A big sister should take care of things, they had even managed to cancel her favorite show on the holotube as she was sitting there in the family home working with some of the ones from Sasori to well navigate. Some locals they had hired of the chiss and friends of the family were helping get some business for a chiss friendly company here and she knew she'd had to do a few things hoop wise with her father to get it approved.
That was the real trick after all impressing upon her father the importance of what they were trying to do helping the jedi and how it would better serve the family in the long run. Saotome was something that could benefit from Chiss engineers helping them in their efforts and expanding to cover the basis between ship and vehicle. It only made snese to get some of the best in the galaxy. She had a feeling the jawa's and some of the hutts that might be adding their stuff to it would be more then happy to take their place in the small company that was being made should they refuse.
Her attention was going to the nice things all around her while she was walking with a smile on her face. "Thank you for this daddy." She said it while walking with the man and her mother. Her brother would have been great but she had to let him go and all of the bigger things for them were coming as information from the Sasori and Saotome operators were setting up. Datapads of information about what they could do on Csilla with all of the things. "Well it is only because you are my daughter I would even consider selling property to outsiders. We don't want everything on this world."
SHe could understand that and well it made her a little sad to work with and try to use her families connections. Thankfully she didn't always look like a jedi so engineers setting up to sell parts. Have a private landing pad they could set up as a hanger. She was liking the idea while they went into the speeder to take them down to the site where it was being converted and built onto. She could see it down the hill and away where all of the construction was taking place with her attention falling to her large mane of hair keeping it in a ponytail.
The thick ribbon to keep it bound was at the bottom before they arrived and she checked on the rest of her things. She didn't carry a saber like most of the jedi she had been working with and a few she had been training who wanted to learn how to use some of the saber skills. She instead chose to focus on the mind tricks and influencing people. She was even getting pretty good at it while moving over some of the things with more attention as the streets had been changing. When she was little it was very different and very cool but now it was a lot bigger and more interesting.
"I like how much your company has been building up things around here." Al of the resident buildings had gone from slightly old and worn down to new high end buildings with elite people that could build or pay for it. Something she well knew wasn't the best or most enjoyable but she also knew that progress happened whether you liked it or not and her father at least had paid the relocation fee so they could move and find a new place in one of his buildings that was for cheaper tenants. It sounded like her father had been doing better as well buying some of the districts.
"Yes we have been trying to build up the neighborhood and the district. With the right people buying the places we can afford to get better things in place like the sewers and the police force. Far less crime and more security." He was happy with that while looking over some of the things and the housing they came to that was the Sasori building had been build from an old warehouse and building. Attached while the main store area was massive and getting racks built that they could interchange for all of the things. Windows and in the back for loading there was the factory parts.
On top of it she could see the private landing pad for at the largest the owners main ship, the botany bay that could fit on top of the place and be held up perfectly. Then hooked up to the offices and employee breakrooms area. Saotome had their offices to work out the back and all of the manufacturing supplies they could need from local deals with the other companies. All of the scrap and junk collected or used so they could make new parts and new construction materials at cheaper prices them the competitors. It all served a great business decisions that had been helped out.
Then they were arriving and Serenna could see the one ship there unloading the supplies and the main engineers teaching the chiss they had hired how to operate it. A chiss run business here on Csilla well was worth it before she heard her father speaking. "There are some complications however, I went through a lot to get this business for you but my investors have asked very plainly and without a second option. You will not be allowed to come back here, a jedi business using our engineers and resources means you must stay with the jedi."
She heard it but she could not believe the sound of it. She had chosen to come home many times and now they were not wanting to come back. With the work they had been doing she looked at things differently now seeing some of the security guards. They were looking at her and she turned back to look at her father. "I can't come home anymore?" He seemed sad but was keeping a face while turnign to her. "With your brother leaving us to be with that mandalorian girl and you choosing to bring the jedi here there is only one choice. Neither of you can be allowed back on Csilla."
Her heart sank at the words but she understood... at least she was hoping she did. She had brought some influence and given another group a foothold here over all of the things. She couldn't be allowed to benefit from such a step towards other parties having influence over the chiss. She needed to be made an example of but her father could protect what she had wanted to do. No doubt with some modifications that would be done but is Saotome and Sasori were here then things could be done as she was being escorted to the ship to be taken away from the planet. THe chiss stood with her head high while she was watching some of the things there now.

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