Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Adenn Gra'tua"] [member="Jacen Cavill"]

My reign of terror over the tech forum has begun. Bow to me, peons. Bow to me.

Things To Know:
  • We don't accept duraplast or mass-produced armorweave as being significantly lightsabre-resistant.
  • Due to current fads, get familiar with the differences between alchemical weapons and Force-imbued blades (alchemical weapons are heavier; they can deflect, not just block, blaster fire; they're always durable, whereas Force-imbued blades are only super-durable and super-sharp when they're surrounded by their little colored Force aura; alchemical blades, if made by a high-level alchemist with a lot of work put into it, can have other special abilities, but Force-imbued blades generally don't).
  • Anything that smells at all like a Sith amulet or artifact, leave that to me.
  • Average weight for a sword is around 2kg. A very big sword would be around 4kg. If they're a very big alien, augmented human, or Master-level Forcer with a lot of skill in physical enhancement or telekinesis, you have tons (heh) of leeway.
  • The starship forum's 'composite beams are worth two laser cannons' generally doesn't apply to us. A LAAT's wingtip guns aren't twice as powerful as an AT-AT's main guns.
  • Unless it's made from an appropriate restricted material, light armor maxes out at class 4, medium maxes out at class 6.
  • Don't approve things that benefit you or your companies. If you're a faction owner/mod/admin/IC leader, don't approve things meant for your faction.
  • More submissions violate these and these and this than you'd think. 'But this lump of neuranium can move around inside my bullet and bend my bullet's trajectory!' 'But railguns don't have recoil!' 'But space doesn't make my ship cold!' 'But my energy shield bugs can reproduce millions in minutes by eating the ship's hull! Over and over again!' Don't let people break my physics.
  • If it's something that will affect the starship forum, like a new kind of gun, talk to a starship judge. I recommend Popo, as he is fat and, thus, jolly.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Jacen Cavill"] [member="Adenn Gra'tua"]

Couple other things come to mind:

Read every dev thread. If it's crap, deny the sub or require a new dev thread. 'Crushing defeats' that aren't remotely crushing are a common trick. Letter of the law is that dev threads have to be 10+ posts, two or more writers, and completed, but you've got some leeway here. Say someone submits their special amulet with two dev threads. First one got to seven posts and tanked when their RP partner bailed, but the second one checks out. My advice would be to accept the second and take the first one into consideration, since another full dev thread was done (in other words, personally, I'm fine with 'supplemental' or 'secondary' dev threads being held to a lower standard). Another case comes to mind - dev threads that died off but fit other requirements (length, content, substance, etc.). I'd strongly suggest accepting most of these, as the thread is, in every sense but that of plot, completed. We're here for them, and if they've put in the work in good faith, I'd recommend being broad-minded.

Lightsabres can block bullets.

Get to know the restricted substances list and this unofficial supplementary list.

Known people who've put some work into learning alchemy, off the top of my head:
Valik, Disciple, Rave Merrill, Ashe the Reaper/Saera Aynayanana Savan, Soliael Devin Talith, Darth Metus/Isley Verd, Kara Vi'Dreya/Darth Kyros, Kaine/Darth Vornskr, Anaudius

Anyone submits something alchemical and isn't on that list, either I forgot'em or they may be trying to pull a fast one, so run it past me if necessary. Also, Transfer Masters may have some alchemical skillz none of us know about. I just don't want someone going 'ooh, I got Knight, I will go make a sword of annihilation!' (Frankly, I don't want ANYone making a sword of annihilation. At least not without a dev thread of serious girth. Master or not.)


I'm Sexy and I Know It
Rasho the Hutt said:
[member="Jacen Cavill"] [member="Adenn Gra'tua"]

Lightsabres can block bullets.
If you have questions on bullets and how they work at all normally or against lightsabers, gimme a shout if you want. I'm zeh bullet guy lol
Popo said:
If you have questions on bullets and how they work at all normally or against lightsabers, gimme a shout if you want. I'm zeh bullet guy lol
Hi, yes. I'd like to submit a pure beskar bullet sheathed in cortosis so when a jedi blocks it their lightsaber fails. Also it should be mass produced so I can issue it to all my npc troops. How do?


I'm Sexy and I Know It
Well, first you can't have two lightsaber resistant materials. If you wanna hurt FUs, then drop the beskar and make a hollowpoint with...

Oh, you were joking :p

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