Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Ohma KARUUK


Floran (5e Race) - D&D Wiki


FACTION: None for now

RANK: Apprentice makutai (cf : biographie)


AGE: 30 years

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: variable but generally fix to 2 m 20 cm

WEIGHT: variable but generally fix to 300 kg

EYES: grey

HAIR: green and leaf like

SKIN: green


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Strengths :

-immense strength
-long live (thousand of years)
-slowy increasing force connection , for now (regular matukai meditation) : high average

Weaknesses :
-Slow (even with the force)
-Compulsive learner : Will be attract by knowledge even when it's dangerous ( dark side for example)
-wanderer : is drive for knowledge and freedom will force Ohma to wanderer around the galaxy , any faction or personage trying to stop these activity will be negatively view by the character.
-Fanatical follower of the will of the force : despite is inexperience Ohma want to follow the will of the force, a hard thing to do . he will notably try to reason with every people he will be in conflict with, even when the situation is not appropriate ( in front of a sith for example) , try to help the innocent , he will have difficulty with politician because he think nothing must against the will of the force, and so on
-weak to fire

-Makutai meditation : adept
-Force imbument : novice
-Force strength : adept
-Force purge: novice
-Battle precognition : adept


-makutai martial art : adept
-wan-shen combat : novice

My character pretty much look like my avatar except the eye are grey and not black and he have a brow robe in bad state.

Is seed was plant on Zonama sekot . he was born thirty years ago on this planet and was raise among the ferroans . As a living plant the ferroans grow to accept him and he was even given a Sekotan Personal Starship. But the assault of the planet by dark-sider force him to leave it in is ship with practically nothing on is back. He drive aimlessly in the south mid-rim of the galaxy , a region destroyed by war and without any clear faction controlling the region. A old makutai master find him and take him as is apprentice. learning how to access the force , how to meditate by the makutai tradition and how to fight with a whan-shen and with is hand. In Vaklin they find the ruin of the temple of imperfect repose. They find a secrect chamber who have survive the flow of time and containing a holocron. Unfortunately it was damage and the only thing accessible was a lecture on following the will of the force by a unknown jedi master. Ohma, taking this lesson to hearth, vow to follow this teaching to it's best. One years ago ohma master died and he inherited is whan-shen. wandering the galaxy. One month earlier , Ohma fought against a raider party who were attacking a warehouse , in the battle he kill one of the raider . trouble by the turn of event he decide to create is own wan-shen : a bladeless one.

Sekotan Personal Starship : 10 meter long , 15 meter wide . Class 0.4 hyperdrive . Very agile but very fragile. He have bioweapon : 2 bio-laser cannon at the front and 1 bio -ion cannon below the ship. if he was damage but not destroy he can regenerate.



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