Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Oil and Water with Vigorous Stirring



These are the stories--

Please, stop.

--of the starship--


--Gambit. Our mission... to make tons of creds!

Which is never going to happen if you stand here narrating our arrival. At least have them start unloading the cargo.

The lavender and ivory haired young woman blinked and swung about to stare at her ship. No one ever died from a good introduction, Gam!

No one ever made money pretending that was a good--

One of Alora's hands slid over the top of a disruptor holstered at her side.

--bad introduction.

A soft snort followed before Alora swung about to wave down some people to begin hauling the smuggled goods to their proper destination. Naturally, she had to pay the workers for their trouble. With a 'tip' so the cargo didn't 'accidentally' get lost in transit. Cost of doing business. There were reasons her fees were so high. Well, largely it was because Gambit's passive stealth system that made them practically undetectable. Some places were "impossible" to get into or out of in one piece if someone even thought you were nearby.

Hands on her hips, Alora watched them for a moment before she turned her head aside to find another smuggler nearby at work. He looked like a big lad. Probably all kinds of trouble. Thing was, Alora liked trouble. She liked getting in it. She liked getting out of it. She liked getting people mixed up in it. Life was more fun that way. So, naturally...

"Heya!" Alora lifted a hand to give a hearty over-head wave to her fellow smuggler. "Catch anything good? New in town?"

Joran Del-Finn Joran Del-Finn

Joran Del-Finn

Smuggler by day. Snuggler by night.
"So go fetch the repulsor lift." Joran bit out frustratedly at Clang… no… this one was Bang. He really should paint a stripe on one of them. Some days he really thought these pit droids weren't worth the credits he'd make to scrap them but as a smuggler in his fifties Joran found himself relying more in the droids than ever, like today when they unloaded the ship and he sat back and watched.

"Heya!" A voice called from nearby. Joran turned to find a fine young woman with purple hair, hand in the air waving a greeting toward him. Joran immediately began searching his memory to see if her face rang any bells, it wouldn't be the first time he had approached a nice young lady only to find out they had in fact…uhm…met before. It didn't take him more than a second to give up on that idea. Of all the things Joran Del-Finn remembered, the names and faces of those brief encounters did not rank among them.

"Catch anything good? New in town?"

Joran left the shadow of his own ship to make his way over to the stranger, confident the two droids could handle the unload.

"I am new in town, thank The Force, could you imagine waking up everyday in a place like this?" He tutted his tongue "dreadful, just dreadful. As far as catching anything good, that I think would depend on one's definition of the word. This endeavor should make me more credits than it costs me so in the end it turns out to be not so bad but that's a far cry from good wouldn't you say?"

Alora Vizsla Alora Vizsla

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