Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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ok tell me how bad i am

Tip number one: use a spellchecker if you suck at spelling. I do it all the time, and while I am not dyslexic or anything, I'm a none native speaker and have to use English outside of the Internet like once every month.

Tip two. Write longer posts, add detail so people actually get any idea of what your char is doing. Detail and quality> speed and quantity

[member="Kami Meran"]
[member="Kami Meran"] | [member="Darth Abyss"]

I've been MIA for quite a while, so haven't come across any of your threads yet, but wanted to toss in my unbiased two cents worth.

Building upon what Abyss said....

Your words are your paints. We are all artists here, and words are what we use to paint pictures. The more you use, the move vivid the scene becomes. Take your time, paint your masterpiece, and make it something you'd like to come back and read in the future.

As it turns out, I found an old thread of mine recently, reread it, and actually make myself tear up because of how graphic I got with my characters anguish. I felt his pain, and it quite literally took my breath away reading it.... and I was the one who wrote it!

So take your time, paint that picture, and make it stand on it's own. You needn't fire off a bazillion posts a day to be a good RPer.

[member="Kami Meran"]

Since the two before me have covered the actual writing, grammar and somewhat basic elements, I'll go for plot and story writing. I'd recommend trying to write a little less, um, progressive.

Try having a little more conflict, and/or trouble in your posts. For instance in the convoy thread, your character went in and murdered all in sight with ease while getting away scot free, try running into roadblock of some sort, even with NPCs, or environment. It makes the roleplay experience much more enjoyable. Otherwise, you are a fine writer.


Disney's Princess
[member="Kami Meran"]

IMO. You lack self-confidence and try to make up for it with a deviant style of self-deprecating humor. Which, I perceive as a waste of your talent. And your time.

If I could give you advice? Mm. I would say, push yourself. Because right now your humor is your crutch. And I can see you leaning on it.

Party hard and enjoy the game Kami. :D :p


Well-Known Member
[member="Kami Meran"]

I got love for you. You're my Clans mechanic and a friendly person.

But, as I have said a few times, just go more into detail, and if you don't have a spell check ask someone do it with you. (As we did on that sub)
[member="Kami Meran"]
We all have different levels of ability here and there's no reason to put yourself down because you don't match the best yet. I'm dyslexic as well, pretty badly in fact. I know roughly what words look like but all the letters that make it up jumble together in an order I can't make sense of especially vowels plus there's certain letters I get mixed up. But I have a spell check built into Google Chrome to go over everything I do and trust me, it has improved my writing massively. Huge, huge difference. Other than when I correct to the wrong word and I'm not able to tell, I'm very happy that most people can't tell I'm dyslexic online anymore :D

On paper is a different story though... You don't ever want me to write stuff down for you...
[member="Kami Meran"]

You're the worst! Oh, no wait that's me...

Anyway, as said by William up there, you should give a little conflict to your chars, make em maybe take a shot or two. Other than that, you're great.
[member="Kami Meran"]

I've had little interaction with you outside of the factory, but you seem to always been a genuinely nice person, and that is honestly more important than most other things. My advice would just be to try and increase the details of your posts and try and give them a bit more life. Try and set the background and environment you see not only your characters in, but your submissions in both the factory and codex as well.

You don't need to write epics like The Odyssey, but a few more sentences detailing your thoughts would definitely go a long way.
Always write within your comfort zone. If you're not feeling up to writing a 600 word post that details your character's actions and feelings, that's totally cool- but you should always try to infuse them with some degree of depth. As it stands, a few lines of dialogue is great for entry level writing, but you're almost to ten thousand posts.

Step up, bur'cya! Show us some style!

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