Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Silara Varis

So whats your guy's status in the war. Let me back up.

Hi I just made this character in hopes of aiding you guys. Now when I come over here and read through the forums It seems the jedi have dried up and the rest of the Republic is uber slow or just demotivated.

You guys have a dev thread with one of your people going solo all the way. Meantime there is like on mission I see active and another one which is a Naval mission.

This is all my perception from trolling the boards with this char and others.

I really want to help you guys get back to powerhouse status but if everyone’s all split up we cant do it?

Do you guys still have ship building capabilities?
How many jedi? I mean active jedi.
How many no shit active army and navy?

Lets get a skirmish thread going! Or get a massive dev thread going or a Dominion, lets do something!

The more we get the open rp filled up with quality threads the more attractive we become as a faction and can push back against the OS.

I mean if you want I'll just start super spamming random missions!

Maximus Stanforth

[member="Silara Varis"]

The short version is we have recently changed faction leaders, had a vote on the direction of the faction, and are working mostly behind the scenes of an IC restructure of the Republic to better combat the threat from the One Sith. Any of the threads in the active threads list can be posted in.

We have;

1. A social RP thread in a ball type of fashion.

2. A weapons training thread run by yours truly.

3. A War game thread run by Gir Quee that is Navy based.

4. A gang war on Nar Shadaa between to gangs we were just invited to that is basically a skirmish.

I know there is a rush feeling in wanting to jump in and conquer the One Sith tomorrow.

Active Army is 5 counting me with another 3 getting into the groove now. Active Navy I am not sure. Jedi side is I want to say 6. Ship building capabilities are mostly based on KDY but can be used at any time.

Silara Varis

[member="Maximus Stanforth"]

Alrighty then I'll head over to the forums and try to round up some pilots.

You guys have enough to make things happen your way at least.

Want to start a joint exercise with Army and Naval starfighter support?

Maximus Stanforth

[member="Silara Varis"]

Wraith Squadron spearheaded by Camellia Swift is joint services. Kiyron and Kyber Salurra both are Army and part of Wraith Squadron.

The NFU section including both Army and Navy is being structured into a Battle group format that would make almost all future military threads joint service. We are currently waiting on [member="Caid Centurion"] to release said Battle Group structure to begin running the joint service threads. I am confident this will be done within the week.

is technically Joint Service as bot Gir Quee and I are in that scene.

Silara Varis

[member="Maximus Stanforth"]


Trying to stay low pro and lead a squad of four fighters for now.
Great enthusiasm guys and thanks [member="Maximus Stanforth"] for filling her in! I'm a bit useless when it comes to the military side - not my forte, so I'm happy that we have people here who are capable of taking the reins, Caid included.

Speaking of Caid, he should have that new arrangement posted in the next few days. He was shooting for Sunday (this past) but some things came up.

[member="Silara Varis"] welcome to TGR!

Maximus Stanforth

[member="Avalore Eden"] [member="Silara Varis"]

Seen and replied Silara

No worries Avalore. ;)

Maximus Stanforth

Silara Varis said:
[member="Maximus Stanforth"]

How many posts does the dev need?
Very good question. [member="Memorial"] is running it and would need to chime in on that one as I am not 100% sure what the end result is.
[member="Silara Varis"] [member="Maximus Stanforth"]

I am and will not determine a post limit. I HATE when people look at Devv threads as a chore, this is for fun and to create good story. Sorry if that is odd but that is the facts.
Silara Varis said:
You guys have a dev thread with one of your people going solo all the way.
What can I say, I'm just awesome like that. :p

But seriously, it's something I wanted to do by myself to flesh out my own company too; not for lack of volunteers on the Republic's side.
[member="Silara Varis"]

Well me and others are trying to develop a warship to match the One Sith's Darkblade class. Go search for it if you haven't seen that monster around. . . . they're terrible to fight during skirmishes and invasions.

As for shipyards. Rendili Stardrive, KDY, Eshan Drives, Tenloss, and I think one more(?) round out the Republic's yards, unless Tenloss and Eshan have pulled out. I know Eshan has dropped in activity and worked more for the SJ lately. And Idk who runs KDY.

As for threads I tried starting 2 but because Wraith Squadron isn't very stable both have died.

I'm thinking to restart the squadron, and if you check ooc I did make such a post. I'd be open to ideas for how it'd be run, I'm mostly trying to just get it going rather than control it myself.

Silara Varis

[member="Camellia Swift"]

I got the bloodhawks! Silara is a hardcore pilot girl and not every good on the ground. However with some dedicated pilots fleet warfare will super charged as it's hard to keep track of a squadron and multiple fleets when they're railing your ships!

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