Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Oka Chronicles

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka Osaa starts his journey in order to find the sith lord who slaughtered his mother and who destroyed his village he lived in. On this journey, he bring his droid companion and meets new friends.

Sitting there in his fathers secret Hangar on Baro, he was meditating. He was starting to understand his force, why he couldn't control its power. It wasn't him though, his brother became a sith at 14. They were both born with uncontrollable force but Oka's was stronger as he was fighting peace. But his brother mastered his force. Oka is afraid one day, he might kill someone on accident, its only something the future can hold. But he's knows that when he finds the murderer, all of his force will invade his body giving pain as much as his mother felt.

Jacob Irving

Silent...silent was the outside...not a creature in sight. The outside what a nice place...the darkness...the darkness, the creeper...the creeper...waiting for the right moment. "I am fear...I am the the dark..." Red Lion whispered. He had tracked the Man to his home. How interesting was the man who had his own hangar to himself. Now all the Lion had to do was wait....wait for the Lamb to come. Darkness...Darkness...silence...silence...dead...alive.

[member="Oka Osaa"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka, felt a strange presence. It was hard to debate whether it was good or bad. The force is challenging Oka. No one would come all the way out to Baro, well unless they seek to hurt my father he thought.

[member="Red Lion"]

Jacob Irving

The Red Lion decided to 'prance' a bit closer.. he came out of the bushes.

"" he sang while skipping to the entrance of the hangar.

Now where was the poor boys father...his head shall be in my box! The red lin thought to himself.

[member="Oka Osaa"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka's eyes opened up and glowed. A disturbance in the area, he felt. He got up and walked up over to his dad. "Dad, take this republic blaster in case you walk into trouble." Oka explained to his dad. -No need, I may be a mechanic but I'm full of surprises.- he said looking serious more than ever. Then, Oka felt a distant presence. Oka turned around to see a figure skipping towards his hangar. "Negotiation is a key source to finding a solution. I'll be back father." Oka said.

[member="Red Lion"]

Jacob Irving

"Heeheehee." He snickered when he noticed a figure walk towards him. He noticed it was a boy.

"Boy where is your father...I want his head." He said in a voice full of laughter.

He walked closer to the boy.

"I am Creeper....but you can call me Red Lion." The creeper said his syringes on his hands clicking together.

[member="Oka Osaa"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
"Ohhhh, his head you say? Right this way." He said in trickery. Oka used the force and slammed Red Lion down facing up. Oka took a light saber and turned it on holding it at Red Lion's neck. "What do you want with his head?!" Oka asked in anger. Then his father shouted -let go of him son, this is my fight-. Oka attached the saber back to his belt and sat down.

[member="Red Lion"]

Jacob Irving

Creeper hit his back on the ground hard.

"Haha...your father is a noble one no? But will you be happy when his head in my box?" Lion asked with a smirk.

"His head you ask...I want it for my box..nothing else, to show as a prize." H said in a whisper then pulled out a box about the size of a head from his bag.

He opened the box and it was covered in leather.

"You boy will see your daddy suffering in front of your own eyes. Now if we fight and you lose...your son here cant kill me after." He said to oka's father after looking at Oka.

[member="Oka Osaa"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
-Seems fair but I can't promise anything, and you think you will win? I won't kill you, I'll merely beat you down.- Oka knew he should kill him right now and then for the threat and almost killing he almost did. But he held back and followed orders given.

[member="Red Lion"]

Jacob Irving

"It would be a mistake to leave me alive." He said while taking off his cloak so the brown straw bag showed...

"It will only hurt a lot." Bag face said before attempting to punch the father in the gut. (Note the hand he punched with was his hand without the needles.) If the punch connected it would make the dad gasp for air.

[member="Oka Osaa"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka's father didn't expect it coming so fast. He was hit, but he didn't stop. He's a tough man, could kill a Jedi if he was evil. But could he kill what ever the heck this was? It was his turn. He came running at the creature, slid under it and came up with his toe of his boots and hit the creature somewhere.

[member="Red Lion"]

Jacob Irving

Th boys father kicked him hard in the jewels Creeper fell to one knee.

"That was dirty and you know it!" Creeper said before staggering up and limping towards him. He then attempted to puncture the mans leg... the man with the bag over his head would smile at the thought of his head I a box.

[member="Oka Osaa"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka's father dodged but felt a stab in his boot. He didn't look back, he looked straight at Oka with a pitiful look. He didn't even fight back. What stabbed his boot?

[member="Red Lion"]

Jacob Irving

"You fought nobly and will die just the same." Creeper said.

He ripped his syringes out of the man's boot.

He looked at Oka then smiled.

"Be at peace...." he said before attempting to thrust the syringes into the fathers chest...if this worked he would bleed out, he would also say "any last words to your son?"

[member="Oka Osaa"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
-I still got one good foot you garment- Oka's father spun in place and kicked the creature in the face knocking its body back.- "Father I don't believe he's done, I'd get distance before attacking again." Oka said. -He stabbed a nerve, I can't move my leg. I'm gone.- The creature came conscious.

[member="Red Lion"]

Jacob Irving

When Lion came to he could only help but laugh.

"Hehehehe...." Lion Chuckled.

he knelt down beside the father of Oka.

"Don't you love your so enough to say goodbye?" The creeper said while dragging his needles across his neck softly.

"Your head will e mine." Lion whispered into Oka's father's ear.

[member="Oka Osaa"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka crunched up his knuckles debating what to do. His father smiled. He punched the creature as it came to stab his neck. He held his hand there so it would go through his hand until hecould turn it towards his eye. -You can have my head, but I'd suggest getting a new eye after I'm done

[member="Red Lion"]

Jacob Irving

"Wait...wait..wait. Please don't stab my eye." Lion pleaded

He instantly tried to rip his hand away from the man.

[member="Oka Osaa"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka's father standed up unsteadily with the needle held by the lion still through his hand. -I don't kill such creatures as you, your challenge was fun. Does this mean its over and I'll take the needle out.- Oka knew the creature was deceiving but would he play fair? Oka grabbed a saber just in case.

[member="Red Lion"]

Jacob Irving

Red lion ripped the needle out.

"You put up a fair fight, how do you expect me to have fun if I lose?" Red said with a laugh.

He looked at the mans leg.

"You should be ok with a bacta." He said before picking up his box.

He then sat next to Oka with a smile under his bag.

[member="Oka Osaa"]

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