Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Oka Osaa

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member

Full name: Oka Mel Osaa
Preferred Name: Oka Osaa
Alias: None
Titles: Rogue, Silver Solstice
Species: Human
Race: Human
Homeworld: Baro
Faction(s): Order Of The Silver Jedi(Current), Republic(Former), Order Of The Grey(Current)
Rank(s): Knight
Class: Knight, Shadow(Not Publicly Known)
Master(s): [member="Xander Carrick"](Part-time)
Padawan(s): [member="Nomad Crimson"] [member="Eenes Kokad"]
Force Sensitive: Yes
(Force) Alignment: Light side
Gender: Male
Age: 25 Galactic Standard Years
Height: 5,11 feet
Weight: 190 Pounds
Complexion: ​Tan
Eye Color: Glowing Light Green
Hair Color: Brown
Distinguishing Marks: No Visible Scars
Appearance description:
Oka has green glowing eyes usually. Most of the time, he wears black cloaks with black robes with a belt. His light sabers are usually attached to that belt with a pistol sometimes. When Oka guards, he wears white robes with a white cloak. He appears dark but he isn't inside. Very rarely does he wear brown robes and cloaks.
|| Orientations ||
Marital Status: Single
Sexual Conduct: Heterosexual
Languages: Galactic Standard
Occupation: Protecting
Residence: A hangar built inside of a canyon on Baro.

Combat - Oka has no real training to hand to hand combat but he can put up a fight

Deep Mediation - Born with this, Oka can go into deep meditation, but not as close to death

The Force - Oka was born with the force and trained almost all of his life. He is strong in it and progresses faster than most FU's

Stealth - Oka can be stealthy almost anytime he wants

Dual Wielder - With two light sabers, he is powerful in light saber combat, although he uses one most of the time

​|| Attributes ||


​|| Weaknesses ||

Weak When Drunk - When Oka is drunk, its hard to handle so he throws people and things around and gets angry

Women - If very attractive women are around, Oka won't hurt them unless there's an absolute need to


Oka Osaa was born on Baro, a dry planet with barely any life. When Oka was 10, he was taught by his father about the Jedi and what they did. His father gave him books that talked about Jedi. When he turned 12, he stumbled upon a ship and went into it to check it out. Not knowing what buttons did, he pressed some and it took off and soon landed on Sharlon, another planet. When he got there, he saw much life but was scared. He had some force in him and he used it for protection.

Oka trained on the planet for two years and when he was 14, he found a crystal. He read about cutting them to a certain length to make it fit into a light saber hilt. He also read about how to make the components or parts that make up the light saber. Day by day, he focus and tried to build a light saber. On the 127th day, he finally make a complete light saber. So he continued his training.

Oka trained until he was 23, that's when his father found him. He was happy his son made a light saber but had bad news. Shortly after he left Baro, his mother was killed by a sith lord. Ever since he found out, he swore he would find the sith lord and bring him to justice. Turning 24, Oka joined the Republic and the wraith squadron. When he was 25, he left the squadron and join the Silver Jedi. Oka became a knight at 25 as well.

Oka wanted new lightsabers to limit the use of his. With that, he traveled to Hoth and gathered two permafrost crystals. He met an unknown friend, received lightsaber components from him and crafted his lightsabers on Hoth. He tossed his old sabers into lava on Mustafar. Oka found out he had some of the dark side in him.

|| Force Skills: ||

|| Lightsaber Skills: ||
Offensive Forms;
  • Niman - Proficient
  • Djem So(Variation 2) - Adept
Defensive Forms;
  • Soresu - Proficient
  • Shien(Variation 1) - Adept
|| Force powers: ||
Sense Force;
  • Force Sense - Initiate
  • Force Vision/Precognition - Initiate
  • Telepathy - Adept
  • Art of The Small - Initiate
  • Shatterpoint - Initiate
  • Force Cloak - Novice
  • Force Stealth - Adept
  • Force Illusion - Novice
  • Force Burst/Blast - Adept
  • Force Throw - Adept
  • Force Jump - Proficient
  • Telekinesis - Proficient
  • Force Push/Pull - Master
  • Force Shield - Proficient
  • Force Barrier - Proficient
  • Force Impulse - Adept
Other Force Powers;
  • Tutaminis - Initiate
  • Electric Judgement - Novice
Initiate - Beginning
Novice - Inexperienced
Adept - Skilled
Proficient - Very Skilled
Master - Mastered

|| Skills: ||
Ranged Weapons
  • Blaster - Adept
  • Rifle - Adept
  • Slugthrower - Novice
Melee Weapons
  • Staff - Proficient
  • Sword - Adept
|| ​Notable Possessions ||
  • Thorn Of Ryloth
  • Two Lightsabers With Permafrost Crystals
  • Com link
|| Ships/Speeders: ||
|| Robes: ||
|| Armor: ||
|| Ranged Weapons: ||
|| Melee Weapons: ||
|| Misc Gear: ||
|| Companions: ||

- Losses -

- Wins -
|| Kills/Bounties ||

|| Obtained Items: ||

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member

No one knows who they are, no one asks. One foolish enough to ask will find an unpleasant answer. If you see the edge of my blade, you are no more. We are silent and not found. The day you find me is the day the war is over and peace is restored.
NAME: Aklo Plou
FACTION: Silver Jedi
RANK: Jedi Knight, Shadow Sword
AGE: 25
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5,11
EYES: Glowing Green - Only Few Get To See His Eyes
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Tan - Few See His Skin


(+)Stealth - Aklo Plou is very stealthy through training

(+)Leaves No Existence - Aklo leaves no traces of him behind, if you do find a trace of him, that's the last time

(+)Shadow - No one knows who he really is and no ones will never know, he's a shadow

(-)Dangerous - Shadow's gotta do what a Shadow's gotta do

(-)Not Known - Some work goes unnoticed

As seen in the picture. Nothing special, a shadow.

This is the silent but deadly side to Oka. No ones knows this identity of him. And no one will. If they find out... I wouldn't ask where they went. This Shadow has nothing special about him, no biography, no friends. Only affiliates which are not known either.

This is the Shadow identity of Oka. No one knows this, not family, friends, or most of his faction. This will not be known ICly, just OOCly. Don't ask, and you won't get hurt. A Shadow, no one.

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
My father knows. She was force choked. My father couldn't stop the sith lord so she died. Truly a shame. She was a diplomat though. We could make a thread where you track me down and get more info about it :p

[member="Darth Sinna"]

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