Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved NPC Okins Industries Security Guards

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  • Intent: Create standard security guards separate to Orkins Security Troopers
  • Image Credit: Image Credit
  • Role: Security
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Unit Name: Okins Industries Security Guards
  • Affiliation:
  • Classification: Security
  • Description: Unlike Okins Security troopers, security guards act as low level security guarding the more mundane assets of Okins Industries such as cargo transports and recruitment offices.
  • Unit Size: Medium
  • Unit Availability: Common
  • Unit Experience: Recruit
  • Equipment:
  • Combat Function: Security guards are security guards, plain and simple. They work best at guarding facilities, chasing off potential trespassers and defending said location. That's it nothing else. They usually work in teams depending on the size of the installation/ship and are led by an overseer, usually a senior guard.
  • Professional - While they are no soldiers they are professionals and take pride in their job. Most act with dignity and represent the company well
  • Low Lethality - Equipped with weapons of low lethality Security guards are able to effectively guard a location while also ensuring any would be trespassers are left alive so law enforcement may arrest them.
  • Not Soldiers - Make no mistake these men are not soldiers. These are security guards and if put in combat scenarios they don't excel, almost always requiring more support from more armed units.
  • Corruptible - These men and women are security guards and while most are professional there are a few bad apples. They are much easier to bribe then their more heavily armed counter parts.
While the security troopers act as the combat and elite security of Orkins Industries and the Orkins the security guards are low-lethality force tasked exclusively with guarding installations and ships of low importance, although they can be found at major industries such as the Vergesso. The branch has existed for a while with these individual having always acted as company security. Only recently the Orkins Security Troopers were founded, with the more loyal and veteran individuals being recruited causing a divide in their tasks seeing many guards relegated to less prestigious installations and ships.
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